Kaisers Game The

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The Kaisers Game. The city plays the Kaisers game In brick-built narrow ways.

The people crowded, dull and tame, Through joyless nights and days Murmur of freedom as they go !et in the close-pent place "er wide, sweet smile they ne#er know $or look upon her face. %nd to their lords it still seems good To s&uee'e them for the price of food. (od made free lands for all free men %nd taught "is woods to laugh )ith blowing blossom, twittering wren %nd draughts of joy to &uaff. "e taught his rolling seas to shout In sport that none could tame, %nd set the lure of *arther +ut To draw mens hearts from shame. ,ut to the Kaiser and his friends ,ricks and more bricks are lifes chief ends. -et us get down to plain tin-tacks, %nd see with open eyes. The smile they smile behind our backs Is sleek and still and wise. %far a mighty war is fought. Its thunderous surge of death In the black wind of horror caught .weeps on with fiery breath. )e fight for freedom. -et us know )ho stands as friend and who as foe. )hoe#er cramps the childrens play +r stints the peoples food, )hoe#er takes our rights away %nd tells us it is good, )hoe#er for his pri#ate gain /0ploits a mothers tear, +r from a weight of public pain 1an make a profit clear, )hate#er cloak may hide his shame, "e plays at home the Kaisers game.

)atch, large e0ploiters of this land3 The (erman turns in flight ,ut Truth, that fills the high command, "as many foes to fight. ,leatings of 4empire5 will not stay "is #aster enterprise )hen freedom smiles to hail The 6ay %nd Kaiserism dies )ith you his loud and steady friends )ho cramp the land to ser#e your ends.
Mary Mc1ommonwealth. 7seudonym of 6a#id McKee )right. $...). The Bulletin, 28 %ugust 292:.

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