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Vc/ S4, Aprt/ 2003 1/

Climatic Responsive Energy Ellicient Passive JecLniques in Buildings

Dr Anupama SLarma, Asscctatc /cmbcr
K K DLote, Ncn-mcmbcr
R Jiwari, Ncn-mcmbcr
Tbc cncrgy ccnsctcus tradtttcna/ Indtan uay c/ /t/c and arcbttccturc cvc/vcd cut c/ tbc grcat ttmc/css vcdtc pbt/cscpbtcs,
and bcncc, tt uas tmmutab/y apprcprtatc tc tbc vcry csscncc c/ /t/c bascd cn buman kncu/cdgc, utsdcm and vtstcn c/
naturc-man tntcracttcn. Tbus, arcbttccturc tn tts naturc bascd mant/cstattcns, and apprcprtatcncss, tntcgratcd tc tbc
/t/c, bas bccn mcst asstducus/y cu/ttvatcd tn Indta tbrcugb agcs. Tbc cncrgy ccnsctcus arcbttcctura/ bcrttagc, tbus,
rcacbcd tts ptnnac/c c/ pcr/ccttcn duc tc tbc scund prtnctp/cs cmbcddcd tn man-naturc sptrttua/ and mcra/ Indtan
va/ucs and bcncst dcdtcattcn tc tbc spattc-tcmpcra/ crcattcns. Tbc cvcr a/armtng ccst c/ cncrgy tn but/dtngs cn/crccs a
statuary dcmand c/ cncrgy ccnscrvattcn passtvc dcstgn tccbntqucs tn but/dtngs. /cdcrn but/dtngs rcvca/ tnadcquatc
tbcrma/ pcr/crmancc and rcqutrc mccbantca/ dcvtccs tc brtng tbcrma/ ccm/crt.
KeyuorJs: Energy conservation measures, Passive tecLniques, Evaporative cooling
JLe idea ol using solar energy to Leat and cool our buildings is
not new. Ior centuries man Las made use ol sun`s energy. In
early days sun was used to temper tLe indoor climates. JLe
eartL`s climate is dependent on solar energy. Earlier, man was
aware ol tLe advantages ol linding a cave or placing wall
openings in tLe direction ol tLe sun`s patL to capture its
warmtL during winter days and tLe unique ability ol certain
materials to retain sun`s warmtL and release it later alter tLe
sun Lad set. JLerelore, tLe designs, materials and orientation
tLat exploited tLe natural energy llows around tLe inLabitants
were cLosen. Basic lorm and material were carelully relined to
introduce solar Leat or to keep out tLe sun as per requirement.
Man continually explored new avenues ol Larnessing solar
energy lor tLe service ol mankind. It is only during tLe recent
times tLat tLese essential principles ol design set lortL in tLe
ricL Leritage ol ancient arcLitecture Lave been neglected.
Despite tLe increased sopListication and reliability ol solar
powered devices, none ol tLe early applications ol solar
energy survived competition witL tLe emerging use ol cLeaper
lossil luels. AltLougL solar energy was lree and readily
available, tLe capital investment was very LigL.
In recent years, interest in making use ol energy lrom tLe sun
Las accelerated enormously. JLis problem is: Low to convert
tLe energy at reasonable cost into a reliable usable lorm lor
Leating and cooling ol buildings.
India Las dillerent climatic conditions ranging lrom extremely
Lot conditions to severely cold conditions. Energy
Dr Anupama Sharma and Shri K K Dhote are with the Department
of Architecture and Planning, Maulana Azad ational Institute of
Technology, Bhopal and Shri B Tiwari is a practising Architect at jaipur.
JLis paper was presented and discussed at tLe EigLteentL ational Convention
ol ArcLitectural Engineers Leld at ]aipur during Cctober 1/-18, 2002.
availability is scarce and people Lave to protect tLemselves
lrom tLese extremities ol tLe climate in a natural way.
Jraditional arcLitecture exLibits variety ol building design
suited to tLe respective climatic conditions. JLe montL wise
climatic data available lor 233 stations spread over tLe wLole
country Las been analysed by tLe CBRI, Roorkee. JLe
various climatic zones tLus determined Lave been delineated
on tLe map ol tLe country. JLe various stations Lave been
categorised under one or tLe otLer climatic zone il tLeir
climate conlormed lor six or more montLs, otLerwise it is
placed under tLe 'composite` zone.
JLe lirst step to acLieve passive cooling in a building is to
reduce unnecessary tLermal loads tLat migLt enter it. Lsually,
tLere are two types ol tLermal loads
(1) Exterior loads due to tLe climate.
Table 1 Basic cooling strategies
Minimize Minimize Bemoval Provision of
External Internal Heat of Heat Additional
Load Due Load Cooling
to Climate
Reduction ol Reduction ol casual Ventilation EartL contact
penetration ol gains buildings
direct sun
Reduction ol Evaporative
conduction ol cooling
Leat tLrougL
Reduction ol Radiative
inliltration ol cooling
outside Lot air
18 IE (I; }curna/-AR
Depending on tLe weatLer, tLe tLermal load enters into a
building in tLree major ways:
(1) Penetration ol direct beam sunligLt.
(2) Conduction ol Leat tLrougL walls, rools etc.
(3) Inliltration ol outside air.
Iigure 1 Passive techniques in practice
(2) Internal loads due to people, appliances, cooking,
batLing, ligLts etc.
Proper zoning ol dillerent components and local ventilation
ol major Leat sources can reduce tLe overall impact ol
internally generated Leat loads. Jable 1, summarises tLe basic
cooling strategies tLat can be considered in a building design.
Vc/ S4, Aprt/ 2003 19
Iigure 2 Heat gain prevention technique through commonly used passive shading device features such as : pro|ections, balconies, buffer spaces etc
Any building design lor warm climatic conditions would
attempt to exclude any ol tLe above major Leat loads arising
due to tLe prevailing ambient temperature and tLe intensity ol
solar radiation. Iigure 1 sLows tLe passive tecLniques in
Beduction of Solar and Convective Heat Import
JLe interaction ol solar radiation by tLe building is tLe source
ol maximum Leat gain inside tLe building space. JLe natural
20 IE (I; }curna/-AR
way to cool a building, tLerelore, is to minimise tLe incident
solar radiation, proper orientation ol tLe building, adequate
layout witL respect to tLe neigLbouring buildings and by
using proper sLading devices to Lelp control tLe incident solar
radiation on a building ellectively. Cood sLading strategies
Lelp to save 10%-20% ol energy lor cooling. Properly designed
rool overLangs can provide adequate sun protection,
especially lor soutL lacing surlaces. Vertical sLading devices
sucL as trees, trellises, trellised vines, sLutters, sLading screens
awnings and exterior roll blinds are also ellective. JLese
options are recommended lor east-lacing and west-lacing
windows and walls.
Il ambient temperatures are LigLer tLan tLe room
temperature, Leat enters into tLe building by convection due
to undesirable ventilation, wLicL needs to be reduced to tLe
minimum possible level. Adequate wind sLelter and sealing ol
windows reduces tLe air inliltration and tLis requires proper
planning and landscaping. Iigure 2 sLows some ol tLe Leat
gain prevention tecLniques.
Crientation of Building
Maximum solar radiation is interrupted by tLe rool
(Lorizontal surlace) lollowed by tLe east and west walls and
tLen tLe nortL wall during tLe summer period, wLen tLe
soutL oriented wall receives minimum radiation. It is
tLerelore desirable tLat tLe building is oriented witL tLe
longest walls lacing nortL and soutL, so tLat only sLort walls
lace east and west. JLus only tLe smallest wall areas are
exposed to intense morning and evening sun.
Shading by eighbouring Buildings
JLe buildings in a cluster can be spaced sucL tLat tLey sLade
eacL otLer mutually. JLe amount and ellectiveness ol tLe
sLading, Lowever, depends on tLe type ol building clusters.
Martin and MarcL (19/2) Lave classilied building clusters into
tLree basic types, tc, pavilions, streets and courts. Pavilions are
isolated buildings, single or in clusters, surrounded by large
open spaces. Street, long building blocks arranged in parallel
rows, separated by actual streets in open spaces and courts are
delined as open spaces surrounded by buildings on all sides.
Shading by Vegetation
SLading by trees and vegetation is a very ellective metLod ol
cooling tLe ambient Lot air and protecting tLe building lrom
solar radiation. JLe solar radiation absorbed by tLe leaves is
mainly utilized lor pLotosyntLesis and evaporative Leat
losses. A part ol tLe solar radiation is stored as Leat by tLe
lluids in tLe plants or trees.
JLe best place to plant sLady trees is to be decided by
observing wLicL windows admit tLe most sunsLine during
peak Lours in a single day in tLe Lottest montLs. Lsually east
and west oriented windows and walls receive about 50% more
sunsLine tLan tLe nortL and soutL oriented windows/walls.
Jrees sLould be planted at positions determined by lines lrom
tLe centres ol tLe windows on tLe west or east walls toward
tLe position ol tLe sun at tLe designated Lour and date. Cn tLe
soutL side only deciduous trees sLould be planted.
Shading by Cverhangs, Louvers and Textured Iacade
JLe devices wLicL provide sLading to an opening can be
classilied into tLree types:
(i) movable opaque, cg, roller blind, curtain etc can be
LigLly ellective in reducing solar gains but eliminates
view and impedes air movement,
(ii) louvers wLicL may be adjustable or lixed allect view
and air movement to some degree and provide
security, and
(iii) lixed overLangs: easy to attain on single storey
buildings witL overLanging rool. Also gives rain
protection to walls and openings and Las little or no
ellect on view and air movement.
Maximum solar radiation in summer is incident on tLe rool. It
is, tLerelore, advisable to protect tLe rool lrom tLe sun as lar
as possible.
Shelter Against Hot Winds
Hot winds during summer in Lot and dry climatic conditions
are a source ol large convective Leat gain and a source ol
extreme tLermal discomlort.
Wind sLelter lor a building can be provided by taking tLe
advantage ol tLe existing topograpLy, sucL as an elevated
landmass or by creating wind barriers in tLe lorm ol trees,
sLrubs, lences or walls. Lsually, an opaque barrier creates a
turbulent llow ol wind and one Las to avoid tLe accumulation
ol Leat lrom tLe sun-irradiated surlaces between tLe barrier
and tLe surlace.
A building can cope up witL seasonal weatLer cLanges by
tuning itsell to tLe Leat sources or Leat sinks witL wLicL it is
coupled. JLe Leat sources sLould be at temperatures LigLer
tLan tLe temperatures inside tLe building, wLereas tLe Leat
sink must be at a lower temperature. Lsual Leat sources are
sun or tLe eartL, wLile tLe Leat sinks are tLe ambient air,
radiant sky and tLe eartL. Iigure 3 sLows tLe traditional and
modern rooling tecLniques.
Shading of Boof and Walls
Surlace sLading can be provided as an integral part ol tLe
building element or by tLe use ol a separate cover. HigLly
textured walls Lave portions ol tLeir surlaces in tLe sLade. JLe
radiation absorbing area ol sucL a textured surlace is less tLan
its radiation emitting area and tLerelore it will be cooler tLan
a llat surlace. JLe increased surlace area will also result in an
increased coellicient ol convective Leat transler, wLicL will
permit tLe building to cool down laster at nigLt wLen tLe
ambient temperature is lower tLan tLe building temperature.
Iigure 3 Boof techniques (a) traditional (b) modern
Vc/ S4, Aprt/ 2003 21
An alternative metLod is to provide a cover ol deciduous
plants or creepers. Because ol tLe evaporation lrom tLe leal
surlaces, tLe temperature ol sucL a cover will be lower tLan
tLe daytime air temperature and at nigLt it may even be lower
tLan tLe sky temperature as in Iigure 3.
In addition to sLading, tLis arrangement provides an increased
surlace area lor radiative emission, and an insulting cover ol
still air over tLe rool wLicL impedes Leat llow into tLe building,
wLile still permitting upward Leat llow at nigLt. AltLougL,
tLe system ol eartLen pots is tLermally ellicient, tLe metLod
sullers lrom practical dilliculties because tLe rool is rendered
unusable and its maintenance is dillicult.
An ellective rool-sLading device is a removable canvas cover.
JLis can be mounted close to tLe rool in tLe daytime and at
nigLt it can be rolled up to permit radiative cooling. JLe
upper surlace ol tLe canvas sLould be painted wLite to
minimize tLe amount ol absorbed radiation by tLe canvas and
tLe consequent conductive Leat gain tLrougL it.
Beflecting Surfaces
Il tLe external surlaces ol tLe building are painted witL sucL
colours tLat rellect solar radiation (in order to Lave minimum
absorption), but tLe emission in tLe long wave region is LigL,
tLen tLe Leat llux transmitted into tLe building is reduced
Building Surface Cooling
Cooling ol building surlaces by evaporation ol water provides
Leat sink lor tLe room air lor dissipation ol Leat. Maintenance
ol water lilm over tLe surlace ol building element especially
tLe rool brings down its temperature below tLe wet-bulb
temperature ol tLe ambient air even in tLe presence ol solar
radiation tLus making tLe rool surlace to act as a means ol Leat
transmission lrom inside tLe building to tLe ambient air
witLout increasing tLe Lumidity ol tLe room air.
Rool surlace evaporative cooling consists ol maintaining a
unilorm tLin lilm ol water on tLe rool terraces ol buildings.
JLis causes tLe rool temperature to acLieve a mucL lower
value tLan tLe otLer elements. JLe rool evaporation process
can be very ellective in Lot and dry and also in warm and
Lumid climate zones because ol tLe incident solar radiation.
JLe ellect ol rool surlace cooling depends on tLe type ol
Boof Ponds
Water stored on tLe rool acts as a Leat source and Leat sink
botL during winter and summer climatic conditions. JLe
tLermal resistance ol tLe rool in tLis system is kept very small.
In summer during tLe day, tLe rellecting insulation keeps tLe
solar Leat away lrom water, wLicL keeps receiving Leat
tLrougL tLe rool lrom tLe space below it tLereby cooling it. In
tLe nigLt, tLe insulation is removed and water, despite cooling
tLe living space below, gets cooler on account ol Leat losses by
evaporation, convection and radiation. JLus, tLe water
regains its capacity to cool tLe living space. In winter, tLe
insulation is removed during tLe day. Water and black surlace
ol tLe rool absorb solar radiation, tLe living space continues
to receive Leat tLrougL tLe rool. During nigLt water is
covered witL insulation to reduce Leat losses.
Windows play a dominant role in inducing indoor ventilation
due to wind lorces. Various parameters tLat allect ventilation
wind direction,
area ol lenestration/location,
size ol inlet and outlet openings,
volume ol tLe room,
sLading devices,
wire mesLes/screens, and
internal partitions
As in wind, two lorces govern ventilation inside tLe building:
(i) Air moves lrom LigL-pressure zone to a low-pressure
zone il openings are made on tLe walls ol tLe
respective zones in a building.
(ii) Il tLe inlet and outlet are placed at dillerent LeigLts,
air llows lrom tLe inlet to tLe outlet due to tLe
density dillerence created by tLe upward movement
ol warm air.
Iigure + sLows dillerent tecLniques lor ellective ventilation.
In order to attain sensible air movement, it is essential to
provide cross-ventilation. Single sided ventilation allows air
movement to a very sLallow deptL ol tLe building. An
alternative is to provide an exLaust lor tLe air via a ridge
terminal or cLimney or an under lloor supply ol air to rooms
on tLe leeward side ol tLe building.
It may not always be possible to locate tLe openings in tLe
windward direction due to reasons like site restriction, solar
radiation, privacy etc. Jo some extent tLe limitations can be
overcome by designing suitable wind dellectors.
Wind Tower
JLe Lot ambient air enters tLe tower tLrougL tLe openings in
tLe tower and is cooled wLen it comes in contact witL tLe cool
tower and tLus becomes Leavier and sinks down. WLen an
inlet is provided to tLe rooms witL an outlet on tLe otLer side
tLere is a dralt ol cool air. Alter a wLole day ol Leat excLange,
tLe wind tower becomes warm in tLe evening.
22 IE (I; }curna/-AR
Vc/ S4, Aprt/ 2003 23
Iigure 4 Ventilation techniques
2+ IE (I; }curna/-AR
During nigLt tLe reverse Lappens, tc, tLe cooler ambient air
comes in contact witL tLe bottom ol tLe tower tLrougL tLe
rooms, it gets Leated up by tLe warm surlace ol wind tower
and begins to rise due to buoyancy, and tLus an air llow is
maintained in tLe reverse direction.
JLis system can work very ellectively in Lot and dry types ol
climate, wLere daily variations in temperatures are LigL witL
LigL temperature during day time and low temperature
during nigLt time. As a result ol clear sky conditions during
tLe nigLt, radiative losses are LigL. JLe openings ol tLe wind
tower are provided in tLe direction ol tLe wind, and outlets on
tLe leeward side take advantage ol tLe pressure dillerence
created by wind speed and direction. ormally, tLe outlets
Lave tLrice tLe area ol tLe inlet lor better elliciency. JLe inlet
sLould be properly designed lor unilorm distribution.
Solar Chimney
A solar cLimney utilizes tLe stack ellect, as already described,
but Lere tLe air is deliberately Leated by solar radiation in
order to create an exLaust ellect. Cne sLould distinguisL
between tLe stack ellect ventilation due to tLe building itsell,
and tLat due to a solar cLimney. In tLe lormer case, one tries
to keep tLe increment in tLe building temperature as small as
possible (ventilation is being used lor cooling) and Lence tLe
stack ellect is weak. In tLe case ol a solar cLimney, tLere is no
limit to tLe temperature increment witLin tLe cLimney, since
it is isolated lrom tLe used spaces. JLe cLimney can tLerelore
be designed to maximize solar gains and tLe ventilation
ellects. JLe parameters ellecting tLe ventilation rates are
LeigLt between inlet and outlet,
cross-sectional area ol tLe inlet and tLe outlet,
geometrical construction ol tLe solar absorbing plate,
inclination angle.
JLe use ol solar cLimneys is advisable lor regions wLere very
low wind speeds exist.
Courtyard Effect
Due to tLe incident solar radiation in tLe courtyard, tLe air in
tLe courtyard becomes warmer and rises up. Jo replace it,
cool air lrom tLe ground level llows tLrougL tLe louvered
openings ol tLe room, tLus producing tLe air llow. During tLe
nigLt tLe process is reversed. As tLe warm rool surlace gets
cooled by convection and radiation, a stage is reacLed wLen its
surlace temperature equals tLe dry bulb temperature ol tLe
ambient air. Il tLe rool surlaces are sloped towards an internal
courtyard, tLe cooled air sinks into tLe court and enters tLe
living space tLrougL tLe low level openings and leaves
tLrougL LigLer level openings.
JLis concept can very well be applied in a warm and Lumid
climate. It is nescessary to ensure tLat tLe courtyard gets
adequate radiation to produce a dralt tLrougL tLe interior. An
airllow inside tLe room can be maintained by a dual courtyard
concept, wLere one courtyard is kept cool by sLady trees/
vegetation and anotLer courtyard to sun.
Air Vent
A typical vent is a Lole cut in tLe apex ol a domed or cylindrical
rool. Cpenings in tLe protective cap over tLe vent direct wind
across it. WLen air llows over a curved surlace, its velocity
increases resulting in lowering ol tLe pressure at tLe apex ol
tLe curved rool, tLereby, inducing tLe Lot air under tLe rool
to llow out tLrougL tLe vent. In tLis way, air is kept
circulating tLrougL tLe room under tLe rool. Air vents are
usually placed over living rooms, olten witL a pool ol water
directly under tLe vent to cool tLe air, wLicL is moving up to
tLe vent, by evaporation.
Air vents are employed in areas wLere dusty winds make
wind towers impractical. It works well botL in Lot and dry
zones and warm and Lumid zones unlike a wind tower wLicL
works only in Lot and dry zones. It is most suited lor single
units wLicL are just above lrequently used liveable space.
Sensible and Evaporative Cooling
JLe Leat loss lrom air (on account ol sensible cooling) results
in a decreased air temperature, but no cLange in tLe water-
vapour content ol tLe air. Air in tLe upper part ol a wind
tower is sensibly cooled. WLen water is introduced into a
system, evaporative cooling occurs. SucL cooling involves a
cLange in botL tLe water-vapour content and tLe temperature
ol tLe air. WLen unsaturated air comes in contact witL water,
some water is evaporated, tLus lowering tLe temperature ol
tLe air and increasing its water-vapour content. A wind-tower
system tLat cools air evaporatively as well as sensibly is
particularly ellective. Iigure 5 sLows lew ol tLe commonly
adopted cooling tecLniques.
Air Cooling by Tunnels
Jemperature deep inside tLe eartL remains nearly constant.
Daily temperature variations Lardly allect tLe eartL`s
temperature at a deptL ol more tLan one meter, wLile tLe
seasonal variations ol tLe ambient temperature are strongly
dampened by tLe eartL. JLe eartL`s temperature upto a deptL
ol 6 m to 8 m is inlluenced by tLe annual ambient temperature
variations witL a time delay ol several montLs. It is seen tLat
in DelLi tLe eartL`s temperature at a deptL ol about + m is
nearly constant at a level ol about 23C tLrougLout tLe year.
A tunnel in tLe lorm ol pipes or otLerwise will acquire tLe
same temperature at its surlace causing tLe ambient air
ventilated tLrougL tLis tunnel to get cooled.
Earth Cooling
Because ol tLe tLermal storage capacity ol eartL, tLe daily and
even tLe annual temperature lluctuation keeps on decreasing
witL increasing deptL below tLe ground surlace. At a deptL ol
15 m, tLe eartL Las a constant temperature ol 10C. JLe level
ol water table plays an important role Lere. In summer and
particularly during tLe day, tLe ground temperature is mucL
Vc/ S4, Aprt/ 2003 25
lower tLan tLe ambient air temperature. Il a part ol tLe
building is eartL bermed, tLe building loses Leat to tLe eartL
particularly, il tLe insulation levels are low. JLe most ancient
dwellings were olten dug into tLe ground or covered witL
eartL. Pit Louses ol ortL American Indians, Eskimo Louses
witL sturdy timber rools lor supporting eartL and a deep
covering ol snow in winter, and tLe early Scandinavian larms
are lew examples ol tLis principle.
Earth Tunnel Cooling
Benelits ol ground temperature stabilisation lor Labitable
rooms, lood and wine stores Lave been known since
Iigure 5 Cooling techniques (evaporative technique)
26 IE (I; }curna/-AR
preListoric times. JLere are many examples ol underground
vernacular buildings. JLe building may be coupled witL tLe
eartL eitLer by conduction, tc, wLere tLe building envelope is
in contact witL tLe deep eartL by burying or berming. A tLird
medium by wLicL tLe eartL could be coupled witL tLe
building is tLe eartL air tunnel, wLere ventilation supply air is
drawn into tLe building via insulated ducts buried deep into
tLe eartL.
Cooling and Heating Techniques using Thermal Mass
Tbcrma/ Stcragc
JLermal capacity ellects in tLe materials result in time delay
as well as damping ol tLe parameters in tLe environment. As a
result temperature dillerences exist between tLe materials and
tLe environment around tLem and tLis ellect can be utilized
lor space cooling.
But/dtng E/cmcnts
All building elements sucL as walls, rool and lloor can be used
lor tLermal storage. Creating a llow ol lluid tLrougL tLe
storage media can increase tLe elliciency ol tLermal storage.
Additional tLermal storage can be created by construction ol
rock bed storage.
Ccnvcnttcna/ Wa//s and Cct/tngs
JLermal storage elliciency ol a building element depends on
tLe Leat storage capacity ol various material layers ol tLe
building element, tLe order in wLicL tLese layers are arranged
and also on tLe lact wLetLer tLe material is in tLe steady state
or in tLe transient state. Ior example, a Langing acoustic
ceiling ol mineral wool below tLe rool acts as a ligLtweigLt
building element lor tLe tLermal steady state conditions.
During tLe transient state, Lowever, tLe concrete room acts as
a tLermal storage system witL appreciable time delay. A larger
tLermal storage capacity in any case leads to smootLening ol
tLe room temperature lluctuation and delays room
temperature cLanges. JLe tLermal perlormance ol a building
during tLe summer time is positively inlluenced by external as
well as internal building elements.
But/dtng E/cmcnts uttb Atr I/cu
JLe Leat storage capacity ol building elements can be
increased by Laving some tubes in tLe massive ceiling and
cooling it during tLe nigLt by lorcing air llow.
Tbc Vary Tbcrm Wa//
Controlling tLe air movement in magnitude and direction
gives rise to wall components witL varying tLermal resistance.
SucL a system can be used lor mild winter Leating and
summer cooling lor mixed climate as in DelLi. JLe external
wall components are made ol ligLt material like aluminium or
wood, wLile tLe internal component is made ol brick (or
concrete) wall. JLe llow ol air is controlled into tLe room or
to tLe ambient by providing proper vents in tLe interior wall.
During tLe summer daytime, tLe wall provides ellective air
insulation and during tLe nigLt tLe cool ambient air comes in
contact witL tLe warm brick wall and gets Leated establisLing
a natural llow ol air. JLis air movement Lelps in quick
removal ol tLe Leat llux. During winter, tLe vents are opened
during tLe day into tLe room lor supplying warm air and all
vents are kept closed during tLe nigLt time, tLus providing an
air insulation wLicL minimizes Leat losses to tLe ambient.
Vary tLerm wall deriving its name lrom tLe variable resistance
can be operated in tLree modes:
(i) o llow ol air in tLe gap tLus ellectively reducing tLe
system to an air gap witLin tLe wall,
(ii) Continuous llow ol air into tLe room or to tLe
atmospLere maintained by natural or lorced
convection, and
(iii) o air llow during tLe day or nigLt and creating an
airllow by opening tLe vents during nigLt or day time
depending on tLe weatLer conditions.
JLe concept ol 'JLermal mass` in buildings was used by
ancestors. Joday it is tLougLt ol as a means ol conserving
energy. JLe loregoing description ol vernacular arcLitecture
il examined lor recurrent lorms, materials or lile patterns may
lead to newer ideas.
1. ] E Aronium. 'Climate and ArcLitecture.` Rctnbc/d Pub/tsbtng Ccrpcrattcn,
ew York.
2. B M Civoni. 'Climate and ArcLitecture.` App/tcd Sctcncc Pub/tsbcrs, London,
LK, 19/6.
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