Heidegger Reexamined Vol 3

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Contents of the Collection Volume 1 Dasein, Authenticity, and Death Volume 2 ‘Truth, Realism, and the History of Being Volume 3 Ant, Poetry, and Technology Volume 4 Language and the Critique of Subjectivity Heidegger Reexamined Volume 3 Art, Poetry, and Technology Edited with ineroductons by Hubert Dreyfus University of California, Berkeley ‘Mark Wrathall Brigham Young University toute, sd in 202 by 23 Wet See New Yok RY 1001 Swenratilgenysom Publi Great Bran by London ECAP AEE veered oes init of he Tayler & Fans Go {Copy © 202 y Thr Hac hak ried inthe United Sats of Amaia on cre pape, AIL ths eserved, No. pct of this gok maybe repvined or reproduc or uz in any form or by any seeone, mbna es mans now known or hea invented, ning Resco aad soln, ‘09 information strge ot sal em, aon Pe Tom he ube Sa aaa Libary of Congress Catling ablation Dat esas ed wt nro by Hake Drea, Mack ISBN 0415940419 ak paper ABN ar per IBN 0-15-9402. (tah open BBN 0-15-9400 (02 as pape NBN Oot 340463 el Fer IsHN O15 940481 fg a eet 1 Hert Mann 1831971 Dr MeL Wil, Mak A (83279.H49 1135228 2002 “ ae Contents sii SeriosInroduction xi Volume Introduction 1 Aesthetics andthe End of Epistemology Gini Vato 9 Kunst und Technik Friedrich Wilhelm vox Herrman 47° Truth as Disclosute: Ar Language, History Charles Guignon (63. On the Way to a Phenomenology of World Klowe Held 79. Poets and Rivers: Heidegger on Holden's ‘Der Ise Julio Young 105 Poetic Dwelling on the Earth as Mortal James C- Edwards 149 Attunement and Thinking Michel Haar 163 Heidegger on Gaining a Free Relation 0 Technology Hubert L. Dreyfus 175 Highway Bridges and Feasts: Heidegger and Borgmann on How to Alm Technology Hubert L. Dreyfus and Charles Spinosa 194 Focal Things and Practices Albert Borgmann 209 Metaphysical Liberalism in Heideasers Betaese Richard Pot 235 The Moment of Truth: Augenblick and Erignsin Heidegger Mans Rui 249 Heidegers God Laurence Paul Hemming 295 Heidegger and Meister Eckhart on Relessement Reiner Schuman “ Contents 320 On Movement and the Destrtion of Ontology ‘Thomas Shechan 329 The Crisis of Reason Joseph Pell 355 Acknowledgments Series Introduction Martin Heidegger i undeniably one ofthe most influensialphilso- pers ofthe tweneth century His work has bee appropriated by scholars In fields as divere a5 philosophy, class, psychology iteratare history sei ‘logy, entvopology, politcal selene, region studies, and cultural sai. Th this fourvolame series, we've collected a set of artes that we believe epresent some ofthe Best research on the most interesting and dit ficult ieses in comtemporary Heidegger scholarship. In puting together this collection, we ave quite deliberately tied to identify the papers that engage critically with Heidegger's thought. Thi i not just Because we ‘wanted to focus on “ive” sues in Heidegger scholarship. eis aso because ‘ical engagement with the text in our opinion, the est way C0 BFasp Heidegger thought. Heidegger is notoriously difclt readin part, because hei deliberately tying to bresk with the philosophical adition, impart, Because his way of breaking with the tradition was often to coin netlogisns a les sympathetc reader might dismis it as obfuscatory jat- {on), and in pare, because Heidegger believed his task was to provoke his readers thoughtfulness rather than provi them witha facile answer ‘twelldefined problem, Because of the dilfcultis in reading Heidegger, however, we believe that tis incumbent upon the commentator to keep the matter for thought inthe forsiront—the ise that Heidegger i tying ‘hed light on. Without sch an engagement in the mater for thought, [Heidegger scholarship ll to0 often devolves ino empty word pla. ‘Soy the fist and most important enterion we've used in selecting Papers that they engage with imporcant issues in Heidegger's chowsht, tnd do so in a les, non-obuscatory fashion. Next, we have by and large ‘oid republishing stiles that ar already available im other collections ‘Of exsays om Heidegger We have made exceptions, however, particularly ‘when the esta i lacated in volume that would easily be overlooked by Heidegger scholars Finally, a oar primary intent wa to collect and make readily avaiable work on current Hues and problems arising. out of Heidegger though ve have dw let rent rather tha ated at “in selecting themes fo cach volume, we have in general, been guided by the order which Heidegger, over the course of his earee, devoted ‘extended attention tothe problems involved. Thay the fist volume con

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