Lesson Plan2014

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Name Qualls



Date 4/7-11/14
00.91@.).,.1 00.91@.).7.5 00.91@.).7.,

1. Early Demands !r E"#al$%y &. T'e M!(emen% Ga$ns Gr!#nd ). Ne* S#++esses and C'allen,es
Se+%$!n O-.e+%$(es

Describe efforts to end segregation in the 1940s and 1950s. !"lain the im"ortance of Brown #. Board of Education. Describe the contro#ers$ o#er school desegregation in %ittle &oc'( )r'ansas. Describe the *ontgomer$ bus bo$cott and its im"act. Describe the sit-ins( freedom rides( and the actions of +ames *eredith in the earl$ 19,0s. !"lain ho- the "rotests at .irmingham and the *arch on /ashington -ere lin'ed to the Ci#il &ights )ct of 19,4. 0ummari1e the "ro#isions of the Ci#il &ights )ct of 19,4. !"lain the significance of 2reedom 0ummer( the march on 0elma and -h$ #iolence eru"ted in some )merican cities in the 19,0s. Com"are and contrast the goals and methods of )frican )merican leaders. Describe the social and economic situation of )frican )mericans b$ 1975. /!+#s 0#es%$!n1 3o- did )frican )mericans challenge segregation after /orld /ar 445 3o- did the ci#il rights mo#ement gain ground in the 19,0s5 /hat successes and challenges faced the ci#il rights mo#ement after 19,45

2#$ld 2a+3,r!#nd 4n!*led,e 6re#ie- the section and remind students that segregation and discrimination -ere a -a$ of life in the countr$ in the earl$ t-entieth centur$. Se% a 5#r6!se 3a#e students discuss the /itness 3istor$ 0election. 6oint out the 0ection 2ocus Question( and ha#e students fill in the Note 7a'ing gra"hic organi1er. 5re($e* 4ey Terms 6re#ie- the section8s 9e$ 7erms. S%#den% 7+%$($s%s Ma3e a D$ eren+e !"lain ho- 0NCC "rotested "eacefull$. R$d$n, !r /reed!m Describe the 19,1 :freedom ride.; 5r!%es%s and C!n r!n%a%$!ns In%ens$ y 0ummari1e in -hat -a$s ci#il rights demonstrators -ere met -ith hostilit$. T'e M!(emen% Mar+'es !n 8as'$n,%!n !"lain the *arch on /ashington. C!n,ress 5asses %'e C$($l R$,'%s 7+% ! 1994 0ummari1e the 19,4 Ci#il &ights )ct.

Ins%r#+%$!nal Res!#r+es 8ITNESS HISTOR: Audio CD Tea+'$n, Res!#r+es <ocabular$ .uilder( ". 10 &eading 0trateg$( ". 11 Read$n, and N!%e Ta3$n, S%#dy G#$de =>n-%e#el( )da"ted( and 0"anish? 0ection 1

Se,re,a%$!n D$($des 7mer$+a Discuss ho- )frican )mericans -ho fought in //44 hel"ed "ush for ci#il rights after the -ar.

Brown (. Board of Education !"lain the im"act of this ruling.

/ederal and S%a%e G!(ernmen%s Clas' !"lain ho- man$ states did not -ant federal interference -ith local la-s. T'e M!n%,!mery 2#s 2!y+!%% Describe the *ontgomer$ bus bo$cott. T'e 5#s' !r V!%$n, R$,'%s 0ummari1e the <oting &ights )ct. /r#s%ra%$!n E;6l!des In%! V$!len+e !"lain -h$ riots eru"ted in 19,7. Ne* V!$+es !r 7 r$+an 7mer$+ans Discuss the term :blac' "o-er.; Mar%$n L#%'er 4$n,<s /$nal Days Describe 9ing8s :6oor 6eo"le8s Cam"aign.; S$,n$ $+an% Ga$ns and C!n%r!(ers$al Iss#es Discuss affirmati#e action.

Ins%r#+%$!nal Res!#r+es Tea+'$n, Res!#r+es .iogra"h$A +ac'ie &obinson( ". 1B %andmar' Decisions of the 0u"reme CourtA 3o- Does 0egregation )ffect ducation5( ". 19 C!l!r Trans6aren+$es /or'ing 7o-ard Cual &ights N!%e Ta3$n, Trans6aren+$es= .-1@7

7ssess 5r!,ress #aluate student com"rehension -ith the Cha"ter )ssessments. E;%end 3a#e students research other maDor figures of the ci#il rights mo#ement.

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