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Heidegger Reexamined Contents of the Collection Volume 4 Language and the Dascin, Aut, and Death Critique of Subjectivity “Truth, Realism, an he History of Being ded with noducions by Volume 3 ‘Hubert Dreyfus ‘Art, Poetry, and Technology University of California, Berkeley Mark Wrathall Language and the Critique of Subjectivity Brighayn Young University R foutecae ub 2002 by Rowledge Bs Se hd in Geet nin by Role Lona Ha ATE sree Rowe an pio the Tal & Frcs Grp. {pyri © 2002 by Tale 8 rans Books ne Pein the Une tts of Amer 0 ce page AIL sighs reseed, No_ pet of this book may be sepined oe {proce ot uae in sy or oe by any Gest, chan her ‘Sine en vt a tg ig a {rom he atisee Liter of Congres Cataloging in Picton Dats slp examin ei wth odin by Huber Dros, Mark ena ISBN D'S 940419 tal pape) ISHN 0415-94027 ah ager) ISBN 041594045 5 fe ale pape) IBN OS 94048 5 6 Sah ape ISUN O18 940451: ah paper Tieden Mari 99°19%, Br Hutt Waal Mack A Contents iSeries Introduction Xi Volume Introduction 1 The Ego and Dasein Jean-Luc Marion 383. Can There bean Epistemogy of Moods? Stephen Mulhall 53 Die Rolle der Sprache in ‘Sen und Zeit? Grstina Lafont 72 Destruktion and Deconstruction Hans-Georg Gadamer 5 Derrdian Dispersion and Heideggerian Articulation: General “Tendencies in the Practices that Govern Intlligiility Charles Sposa 99 Heidegger on Loic JN. Mohanty 128 The Conditions of Trath in Heidegger and Davidson Mark A. Wrathal 149 Heidegger andthe Intntonality of Language Roderick M, Sewurt 187 Overcoming Metaphysics: Camap and Heeger Michael Friedman 193 Logic and the Inexpressible in Frege and Heidegger Edward Witherspoon 219 The Other Minds Problem in Ealy Heidegger Harrison Hall 227 Philosophy after Wittgenstein Charles Grignon 251 Meaning Constitution and Josifcaion of ality: Has Heeger (Overcome Transcendental Philosophy by Hisory of Being Kart Otte Apel ul Midesser aj Contents 271 The Question ofthe Sabet: Heep and he Tansee ‘radivion David Carr 2287 Heideggerean Postmodernism and Metaphysical Politics Robert Pippin 309 Acknowledgments Series Introduction Martin Heidegger i undeniably one of the mos influential philoso piers ofthe 20° century. His work has been appropriated by scholars in Feld as diverse as philosophy, casi, psychology, lterature history, sc ‘logy, anthropology polities science, eligi sts, and caleaal studies. In this foursolume series, we've collected set of articles that we beieveeepeesent sme ofthe Best research on the most interesting and di ful ess in contemporary Heidegger Scholarship. In puting together this collection, we have quite deliberately tied to identify the papers tha engage crtialy with Heidegger thought. This is no just Beene we ‘wanted t focus om “ive” shes in Hesdegger scholarship. es also because tial engagement with the texts sm our opinion, the best way 10 grasp Heidegger’ thought, Heidegger ie'9 notoriously dificult readin pat, because he is deliberately trying to break with the philosophical wadition, in part, because his way of breaking wth the tradition was often to coi neologisms (2 es sympathetic veader mighe dismiss i a5 obfuscatory ja {on adn part, Because Heidegger belived his task was to provoke his readers to thoughifulnes rather than provide them with a facile answer to 2 well-defined problem. Because ofthe difclies in reading Hesdesger, however, we live that ie ncumbent upon the commentator to Keep the mater for thought inthe foretront~the tue that Heidegger tying £0 ‘hed light on. Without sich an engagement in the matter for thought, Heeger scholacship all oo often devolves ito empty wordplay ‘Sythe fist and most important criterion we've sed tn selecting papers i that they ennane sith important isues i Heidegger's hough And do so ina elear nomobfuscatory fashion, Next, we have by and large voided republishing articles that are alveay available in oter collections fof essays on Heidegger We have made exceptions, however, particule ‘when the esayis ested ina volume tat woull easily be overlooked by Heidegger scholars. Finally, a ou primary intent was to collect and make eadily avilable work on corrent issue and problems arsing out of Hera tho we have ied wo set een arta ded a In selecting themes for each volume, we have in general, Been guided by the order in which Heideggen over the course of his career, devoted extended attention tothe problems volved. Thos, the fist volume on

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