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Imaging Technology Photoshop Tool Basics GAGE

1. Move Tool (V) Use this tool to move things. Usually you use it to move a Layer around after it has been placed. Hold the [Shift] key to limit the movements to vertical/hori ontal. !. Hand Tool (T) "t#s for moving your entire image $ithin a $indo$. So if you#re oomed in and your image area is larger than the $indo$% you can use the Hand &ool to navigate around your image. 'ust click and drag. (ou can get to this tool at any time $hen using any other tool by pressing and holding the [Spacebar]. 3. Ma !"ee #election Tool (M) Use this tool to make selections on your image% in a rectangular shape. &his changes the area of your image that is affected by other tools or actions to be $ithin the defined shape. Holding the [Shift] key $hile dragging your selection% restricts the shape to a perfect s)uare. Holding the [*lt] key $hile dragging sets the center of the rectangle to $here your cursor started. +. Magic $and Tool ($) Use this to select a color range. "t $ill select the block of color% or transparency% based on $herever you click. "n the ,ptions -ar at the top% you can change the &olerance to make your selections more/less precise.

%. Type Tool (T) "t makes type or te.t. (ou can click a single point% and start typing right a$ay. ,r you can click and drag to make a bounding bo. of $here your te.t/type goes. &. 'oo(ie '"tte Tool) &he cookie cutter tool allo$s you to pick a shape /such as a heart% star% or arro$0 and place it on the photograph. ,nce you#ve okayed the image% the rest of the photo $ill automatically delete% leaving you $ith only that shape. 1. Healing B "sh Tool (*) (ou can use this tool to repair scratches and specs on images. "t $orks like the -rush tool /see belo$0. (ou choose your cursor si e% then holding the [*lt] key% you select a nice/clean area of your image. Let go of the [*lt] key and paint over the bad area. "t basically copies the info from the first area to the second% in the form of the -rush tool. ,nly% at the end% it averages the information% so it blends. +. Pencil) "t allo$s you to make a thinner line in any color you choose. 2. B "sh Tool (B) "t paints on your image% in $hatever color you have selected% and $hatever si e you have selected.

13. G adient Tool (G) (ou can use this to make a gradation of colors. "t creates a blending of your foreground color and background color $hen you click and drag it. ,,. Bl" Tool (-) "t makes things blurry. 4lick and drag to make things blurry. &he more you click and drag% the ha ier images appear. 15. .oom Tool (.) "t allo$s you to oom into your image. Hold the [*lt] key to oom out. Holding the [Shift] key $ill oom all of the $indo$s you have open at the same time. 6ouble7click on the 8oom &ool in the palette to go back to 1339 vie$.

,+. -ed Eye -emove B &his tool is used $ith photos of people. * flash can cause the red eye effect. &his tool helps to correct that.

12. 'lone #tamp Tool (#) &his is very similar to the Healing -rush &ool. (ou use it the e.act same $ay% e.cept this tool doesn#t blend at the end. "t#s a direct copy of the information from the first selected area to the second. !3. E ase Tool (E) &his is the anti7-rush tool. &he eraser tool is pretty self7e.planatory. "t $ill erase $hatever you $ant from the photo leaving the background color "f you#re on a Layer% it $ill erase the information transparent. "f you are on the background layer% it erases $ith $hatever secondary color you have selected. 0,. Pain B"c(et) &he paint bucket tool is used $hen you $ant to make the entire background the same color $ithout coloring it individually. 'ust choose a color and click and the background $ill change to $hatever color you#ve chosen. 00. #hape1>ectangle &ool /U0 -y default it dra$s a Shape Layer in the form of a rectangle. "t fills the rectangle $ith $hatever foreground color you have selected. 03. 2odge Tool (3) "t#s actually used to lighten $hatever area you use it on% as long as it is not absolute black. *bsolute black $on#t lighten. ,0.104. &hese are your color foreground /in the front0 and background /in the back0. 4lick on either one to bring up the color select dialog bo..

1+. Eyed oppe Tool (I) &his tool $orks by changing your foreground color to $hatever color you click on. Holding the [*lt] key $ill change your background color.

,%. /asso #election Tool (/) Use this to dra$ selections in $hatever shape you $ould like. &o close the selection% either click on the beginning point /you#ll see the cursor change $hen you#re on it0% or :ust double7click. ;hen holding the [4trl] key% you#ll see the cursor change% and the ne.t time you click% it $ill close your selection. ,&. #election B "sh) &he selection brush allo$s you to <paint= the pi.els that you $ish to select. 11. ' op Tool (') &he 4rop &ool $orks similarly to the >ectangular ?ar)uee tool. &he difference is $hen you press the [@nter/>eturn] key% it crops your image to the si e of the bo.. *ny information that $as on the outside of the bo. is no$ gone. Aot permanently% you can still undo.

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