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BrassTacks Policy Paper

Kashmir, Amranath shrine and Dogra


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Date: September 27, 2008

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Kashmir, Amranath shrine and Dogra conspiracy

Historical perspective of 110-years-old Dogra "conspiracy to lean Kashmir towards

Hindu land instead of Muslim Punjab" finally it ends in a mess.

By Farzana Shah

On September 9 after taking the oath as the 12th President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali
Zardari opined at a joint press conference with the Afghan President Hamid Karzai
that there could be a forward movement on resolving the Kashmir issue soon. He
said, “Insha Allah, we will have some good news on Kashmir before the general
elections in India slated for next year”. He further said that the work done through the
back-channel diplomacy will also be part of the drive to solve the Kashmir issue
within a year. He did not elaborate upon the Back- Channel diplomacy but the ever
vigilant Sheikh Rashid, a former member of the PML-Q and who has now formed his
own faction the Awami Muslim League, while addressing a public meeting on
September 11 had something startling to reveal that the secret talks were underway in
London for the ‘under the table’ deal over Kashmir.

In the recent past some statements of Mr. Zardari that “we should not be held hostage
to the Kashmir issue and instead should move on”, had drawn flaks from different
quarters in Pakistan and IHK. At the same time the recent moves of the Indian
government for the transfer of some adjacent land to the Amarnaath shrine has added
yet another dimension to the Kashmir problem. It seems a stage is gradually being set
for both sides for some give and take on the Kashmir issue. However, it remains to be
seen whether such a give and take will be in favour of Pakistan and Kashmiris or it
would be tantamount to giving India the cake and letting her to eat it too.

The transfer of Kashmiri land to Amarnath Shrine board by India last month has
injected a new spirit in the Kashmiris struggle for self-determination. The sea of
Kashmiri people thronging to the roads, participating in large agitational rallies
raising pro-independence, pro-Pakistan slogans and carrying green Pakistani flags,
has sent shivers down the Indian spine.

The land transfer decision followed by the BJP attempt to give it a religious colour
worsened the situation further forcing Indian government to resort to use of force.
The Indian government atrocity coupled with the BJP’s non-secular tactics helped all
the Kashmiri political parties to join hands for freedom.

Never had the valley after 1989 seen such a massive protest and determination by the
common Kashmiris which has not only taken the Indian government by surprise but
also won the recognition of the well known Indian writers and intellectuals who are
now openly asking the Indian government to respect the right of self determination of
the Kashmiris.

On the other hand for the first time a communal divide is seen in the in the Indian
held Kashmir between the Kashmiri Muslims and Hindus in the Jammu region.

Amarnath “Land-for-pilgrims” plan - a plot to create "Israel-type settlements.

Politics of Amarnath Yatra, transfer of land:

It is important to examine the issue in its historical perspective to comprehend the

politics of the shrine leading to the division of Kashmir on the religious/ communal


The origin of Amarnath Yatra dates back to the year 1850 A.D, when a Muslim
shepherd from Batakot, named Butta Malik first discovered the gigantic cave in
which naturally formed ice column is considered Shiv ling, and Hindus walk long
way to visit it. In fact Hindus are stunned by the sheer size of this cave, and to add to
its magic, dripping and freezing ice did the rest of the work. The cave is huge.

The Amarnath Cave shrine is noted for the formation of the natural ice Linga –
formed by the droppings of ice lets from the rooftop of the vast cave.

Fake Shive Lingam

In the recent years the so-called shiv linga doesn't build naturally, and they "engineer"
it to keep the show running.

The resulting shape becomes clumsy and looks fake. In 2006 and 2007 it had melt
away even before the commencement of the Yatra. In September 2006 Mahant
Deependra Giri, custodian of Chhari Mubarak of Lord Shiva, has cited “the raising of
artificial Shivalingam as reason, among others, for dissociating himself from Shri
Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB).

In the next few years the Linga may stop freezing at all. Humidity and heat from too
many visitors also causes some melting. It happened in 2007, and could accelerate in
coming years.

Ice structure during snowfall season

It melted in 2006 even before the Yatra starts

Shrine board probably wants permanent presence in area in order to install a stealth
refrigeration cycle that manages a graceful size for this "impotent god".
In 2007 when the Linga melted away once again, the Shrine board had come up with
a new idea of air conditioning at the Amarnath cave to prevent the ice lingam from

The air conditioners will be on electricity and the electricity needed to operate the
cooling panels will be generated from micro-hydro electric plant along the Amravati
River, which flows close to the cave.

It means on the one hand the board will have a pre-eminent presence in the area while
on other hand it is going to occupy the water resources of Kashmiris on the pretext of
generating electricity for the shrine.

Hindus as usual, believe in building mountain of lies to redefine the history. On

internet they have pulled it back to thousands of years, what was never known before

They hope to use it as a king-pin for Hindu claim on Kashmir, if possible.
Interestingly during 150 years history of the cave, the Yarta was extended thrice. Last
time it was extended from four weeks to eights weeks by the Indian government, in a
bid to draw more Hindus to the site.

BJP calls for Israel-Style settlements in Kashmir

The fears of the Kashmiris regarding changing the demography of Kashmir by

settling non-Kashmiris and transfer of land seems becoming true with the statement
of BJP leader for Israel-style settlement of Hindus in Kashmir valley.

BJP president Rajnath Singh on Friday (September 13th, 2008) unveiled a deep
saffron agenda — that the "road leading to the Amarnath shrine be nationalized", and
another controversial suggestion that displaced Kashmiri Pandits be "rehabilitated in
special enclaves in the Valley".

While addressing the BJP national executive, he proposed to set up Hindu pockets in
the Valley, which clearly exposes that the Amarnath land-for-pilgrims plan is actually
a plot to create "Israel-type settlements. The BJP calls Hindus from Jammu as
Nationalists while Muslims in Kashmir Valley as non-Nationalists. Thus by
nationalizing the road leading to the Amarnath shrine he means to include it in
Jammu clearly changing the demography of Muslim Kashmir.

On the same day September 13th, 2008, Hindu fundamentalist organization the
Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (RSS) called for the division of Jammu and
Kashmir in three parts. The RSS in a memorandum which a delegation of senior RSS
leaders presented to N.N. Vohra - Centre’s interlocutor - reiterated its demand for the
statehood for the Jammu region and the Union Territory status for Ladakh by de-
linking these regions from the Kashmir valley.

Similarly the Shiv Sena fundamentalists have called for an all out war with Pakistan
and forcibly converting Kashmir into Indian Union by doing away with the special
status of Held Kashmir.

Kashmir Background:

Kashmir has always been a natural part of today's Pakistan and not that of India. The
sooner Delhi accepts it, (and they know it) the better it would be for the entire region
and the world.
Its people, culture, language, rivers, trade, routes all fit naturally with Pakistan and
not India.

During the First Anglo-Sikh war of 1845, Gulab Singh remained neutral and later by
the Treaty of Amritsar March 16, 1846, British sold Kashmir (areas eastward of the
river Indus and westward of the river Ravi) to the Maharaja Gulab Singh for around
Rs7.5 million.

The state had an area of 84,471 square miles and Gulab Singh bought it at the rate of
Rs155 per square mile or he paid seven and half rupees for every inhabitant of the

Importance of Rail link - Kashmir Railway:

The Kashmir Railway is being built in India to connect the state of Jammu and
Kashmir with the rest of the country. The Project officially coded USBRL
(Udhampur Srinagar Baramulla Railway Link) starts from the city of Udhampur, 55
km (34 mi) north of Jammu, and travels for 290 km (181 mi) to the city of Baramulla
on the northwestern edge of the Kashmir valley. The route crosses major earthquake

zones, and is subjected to extreme temperatures of cold and heat, as well as
inhospitable terrain, making it an extremely challenging engineering project.

The Kashmir Railway has been under construction since 1994 by various railway
companies in India. When completed this railroad will link the city of Jammu in
Northern plains of India with the city of Srinagar in the Himalayan valleys and

In 1898 Maharaja Pratap Singh first explored the possibility of a railway line
connecting Jammu with Srinagar. For various reasons including complications with
the British government and political frictions this was put on hold.

In 1902: Britain proposed a rail link following the Jhelum River connecting Srinagar
to Rawalpindi. This was "not popular" as the residents of the state lived mostly in
Jammu and Srinagar and interacted via the more southerly Moghul road. Politics did
not favour this proposal.

In 1905: Britain again proposed a link between Rawalpindi and Srinagar. Maharaja
Pratap Singh approved the rail line between Jammu and Srinagar via Reasi through
Moghul road. This audacious line was to have involved a 2'-0" (610 mm) or 2'-6"
(763 mm) gauge railway climbing all the way to the Moghul road pass at 11,000+
feet (3355 m) over the Pir Panjal Range. This can be compared to the present day
Banihal Tunnel at approximately 7,000 ft (2135 m). As planned it would have been
electric-powered and would have used the mountain streams as a source of hydro-
electric power.

In retrospect it was perhaps just as well that it was not built. Though it would have
been spectacular, the low gauge and elevated pass would have meant it to be a not all
weather rail and been constrained to low speed and capacity similar to the impractical

Himalayan Railway.

In 1947: With partition, Jammu was disconnected from the united India Rail grid and
a new line from Pathankot to Jammu had to be laid. It was proposed that this be
extended to Srinagar but the preliminary survey of the Pir Panjal quickly squashed
the thought, especially for a poor country with higher priorities. In 1983: Indian
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi kicked off the line from Jammu to Udhampur. An
optimistic schedule of five years and a budget of 50 Crores was set. As detailed
below what happened to this line amply illustrates the wisdom of the earlier planners
who had abandoned their plans when faced with reality.

In July 2002: The Vajpayee Government declared the line a National Project. This
meant it to be constructed and completed irrespective of the cost. The central
government had to fund the entire project. This is important as the Railways have
now an estimated cost of 6,000 Crores for the entire project. By the Railways'

allocation it would have taken 60 years to complete the project. A challenging
deadline of August 15, 2007, Independence Day, was also set.

August 7, 2008 – The Indian Ministry of Railways asked the Konkan Railways
Corporation Ltd (KRCL) — the agency executing works on almost half of the Katra-
Qazigund section — not to commence any new work on the 70-odd-km mountainous
stretch entrusted to it. It is considering major changes in the alignment. This could
push the project deadline to 2025 and lead to severe cost escalations and the
abandonment of works already executed. Works worth Rs750 crore have already
been executed and Rs1,000 crore worth of contracts were already awarded on the
Katra-Qazigund section, whose completion will finally allow a direct train to the

Pir Panjal is behaving as Sidd e Sakandari for us and Kashmir... a huge and kind

Post 9/11:

If analyzed India's bid for permanent seat in SC is blocked by Kashmir problem. "Not
necessarily but West uses this argument sometimes to twist his arm" regional peace is
harmed by Kashmir problem. In past West wanted to prolong it to exploit the friction
now they want it be "solved" to get their targets.

US's plans to disarm Nuclear Pakistan are blocked by Kashmir issue. Pakistan uses
Kashmir issue to justify its nuclear program partially.

US/Israel have not been able to live in Afghanistan peacefully. Kashmir is a better
potential alternate. US would love to keep Kashmir as a hub in region as well as
forward base against Tibet border of China, while being a flipping out resort for their
tired troops fighting in Eurasia and Middle East.

akistan's historical stance on Kashmir was shaken by Musharaf, by proposing

multiple new solutions for Kashmir. US bought it (probably invented it) for its own
two strategic interests in the region.

US might have worked with India to fall back to Chenab formula, thus trying to keep
control on Chenab water, and Jammu, while committing "cooperation" against China
and trade and energy corridor to central Asia through Pakistan.

US-India Nuclear deal is also a factor of this "long term strategic partnership",
against China and Muslim heartland of south and Central Asia.

What is good for Pakistan and Kashmiris ?

We need to have a policy as there is no official policy right now. We need to avoid a
rush to a quicker solution or partition that allows USA and Israel to penetrate the

The political leadership, foreign office and the Army need to have one vision strongly
backed by the nation over Kashmir. We need to keep USA out of region, or it may
become far bigger a mistake, that may result into another 100 years of virtual
colonization of entire Pakistan, and eventually India too. Imagine US corporations
managing our rivers and tagging and polluting every single drop of God gifted water.
We shouldn't be tired of Kashmiris’ demand and we need to let Kashmiris know that
we care for them.

People of Pakistan and divided Kashmiri families need to rally together. We need to
make sure, that the day we ask Kashmiris, they would stand hard on their
commitment towards Pakistan.

Pakistan should run Kashmiri TV channels from Muzaffarabad, and FM radios (avoid
Indian style bullshit on that media, and let them feel their Muslim and Pakistani
We need to prioritize normalization with Kashmiris instead of East Punjab or Delhi
visits. Kashmiris need to visit their relatives in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Trade with Kashmiris

During the land transfer row the economic blockade of Kashmir valley by BJP has
pushed Srinagar closer to Mirpur as the blockade on the Jammu-Srinagar road
incarcerates the Kashmiris, eventually seeking access to Pakistani and Chinese

markets. The people, traders and economists of Held Kashmir are demanding
restoration of alternative road links with Azad Kashmir.

Pakistan needs to initiate the trade across LoC with Kashmiris instead of Delhi. It will
not only strengthen the Kashmir economy but also make Kashmiris lean towards

Bus and Truck service is good initiative. Remember Kashmiri slogan of "Hamari
Mandi Rawalpindi". Only 2 hours by train/bus to Rawalpindi vs 12+ hours from
Indian road journey through Banihaal pass.

If we don't want to alienate Jammu Hindu and Muslim population, we can use left
and right bank of Chenab to develop trade and people links with Sialkot and Gujrat.

Most Important:

"Pakistan needs to announce Havelian- Muzaffarabad, and Rawalpindi-Chakothi

Railway lines plans as by doing so from the 1902 British Plan it will be only 20+
miles from Baramula to connect the entire Valley. China has been cooperating about
rebuilding earthquake affected areas. Make sure we use the same gauge specifications
as of Indian occupied Kashmir to take the rail link across when needed. Building is
one thing, but announcing it hardly needs any money. Who can deny its big
psychological effect that it would have? Also, it is only a100 miles stretch, plus 30
miles if we want to connect Havelian to it.

Build the historical connecting highway at motorway standard. It is worth every

rupee spending on it.

Kashmir road map with links to Pakistan and Azad Kashmir

India's issues:

Congress led government had created the mess first by land transfer and latter by
succumbing once again to BJP demands. Now they need a face saving solution like
Chenab formula to clean it up.

They may use the tale of "gandhi giri" of Kashmiris or something similar, but we
shouldn't compromise on our interests and play our cards wisely.

India is confused and wants it to be bundled with nuclear deal, security council, and
dozen of other things. There is still a lot of bluffing going on.

BJP wants to induce this delivery prematurely, during Congress rule time, and
politicize it to win next election mobilizing nationalistic and Hindu voter.

International media and players:

The international players and media are working gradually. EU publishes reports and
then refines them. This media discovers mass graves of innocent Kashmiris killed by
Indian army over the last decade.

But we need to remember that the agenda of this international media is different from
our as they while reporting on Kashmir regularly, "suggests" Kashmiris what to do
next, on almost daily basis inducing their own agenda.

IHK Kashmiri rulers:

The ruling elite of Indian Held Kashmir have been the biggest cause of Kashmiris’
miseries.Sheikh Abdullah (1905-1982) was a talented angry young man,
unfortunately, (Conspiracy theory) he married Akbar Jehan daughter of Michael
Harry Nedou.

The writer Tariq Ali claims that Akbar Jehan was previously married in 1928 to an
Arab Karam Shah who disappeared after a Calcutta newspaper Liberty reported that
he was actually Col T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) a British Intelligence

He claims that Akbar Jehan was divorced by her first husband in 1929.

Farooq Abdullah is his son, with British Christian wife, Mollie Abdullah.

Omer Farooq Abdullah's wife is Payal Abdullah, a Sikh lady.

His sister is married to Rajesh pilot's son, a Hindu.

Isn’t "a truly secular family" so what do we expect out of them? Exactly what has
been happening for decades, and when Omer visited Pakistan a while ago, we should
have been more worried than any hopeful.

Chenab Formula:

In the emerging scenario where President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari is boasting
over some backdoor diplomacy for the early solution, Pakistan needs to advocate and
stress on Chenab Formula.

This plan, first suggested in the 1960s, would see Kashmir divided along the line of
the River Chenab. This would give the vast majority of land to Pakistan and, as such,
a clear victory in its longstanding dispute with India. The entire valley with its
Muslim majority population would be brought within Pakistan's borders, as well as
the majority Muslim areas of Jammu.

With the inclusion of Ladakh, which also lies north of the river Chenab, India would
be left with approximately 3,000 square miles of territory out of 84,000 square miles.

Chenab Formula

Religious groups: Indian-administered Kashmir

REGION Buddhist Hindu Muslim Other

Kashmir Valley - 4% 95% -
Jammu - 66% 30% 4%
Ladakh 50% - 46% 3%

Religious groups: Pakistani-administered Kashmir

REGION Buddhist Hindu Muslim Other

Northern Areas - - 99% -
Azad Jammu and - - 99% -

Source: Indian/Pakistani Government Censuses

Don’t give Hindus a free hand like 1947.

Human impact:

Chenab formula needs a swift securing of route from Chamb/Jorian border to Jammu-
Srinagar Highway (just 15 miles of road, in order to avoid any disruption of supplies
to wadi. As well as providing security to people. Muzaffarabad alternative is there
during summer, but without security option. Chenab bridges may be redundant or

There is another horrifying scenario which seems emerging from the statements of
Hindu fundamentalist organizations like RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena is the division of Held
Kashmir on the basis of communal lines.

The recent land row and now on September 13th the demand by BJP to create
separate colonies of Pundits in Valley and RSS demand for dividing Kashmir into
three regions clearly points towards changing demography of Muslim Kashmir.

In this case India is going to find areas having the most Hindus and partitioned those
off and also take some empty land around those areas to give their military an easy
area to defend and then kick many Muslims out from that area and sign a treaty with
Pakistan for new national borders and finish the Kashmir issue forever.

Many more thousands of Kashmiris will be killed when they move from their houses
to Pakistan; it will be like a mini-1947.



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