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1. Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns: 1. Peter and Paul ( ) study French and German. 2.

he cat () is in the !arden. ". #o $andy and you () li%e !ol&' (. #oes your sister () sin! well' ). #r Swam () *isits his patients in the mornin!. +. #o the students () do the homewor%' ,. -ou and . () li*e in Spain. /. #o Sam and Paula () meet a&ter school' 0. $y mum () coo%s really well. 11. he supermar%et () closes at midday. 11. he boo%s () are on the table. 12. 2hen do you and Sally () play chess this wee%'

". 3hoose the suitable word to &ill in the blan%s: 1. is in class with 4er5 us She5we She5us 2. #oes use a laptop at home' 4e it him ". hese are my mum6s &riends. usually !oes out with . She5 they 4er5them She5them (. #o eat pasta' 7o8 . don6t li%e we5it you5it you5her ). 2e don6t tal% to Sam. 2e6re an!ry with he him his +. 3an you pass the su!ar8 erry' you . me ,. 92hen do you do homewor%': 9. do a&ter school.: them it he /. Gi*e ....... to 8 please. .5it it5. it5me

2. Substitute the underlined words with object pronouns: 1. om comes to the cinema with Paul and . (). 2. #o you play with your children () a&ter dinner' ". Pam ta%es her do! () &or wal%s in the mornin!. (. #oes Sue study with her brother ()' ). $r Postman deli*ers our letters (). +. . usually meet Pam () on Friday a&ternoon. ,. om !oes to school with his &riends (). /. #oes mum &eed the baby ()' 0. 3an you pass the newspapers () to . ()8 please' 11. #o you eat apples ()8 om'

(. 3orrect the sentences i& they6re wron!: 1. $y &riend Sue is &antastic. . lo*e she. 2. #o you play tennis with they' ". $y brother hates hambur!ers. She ne*er eats it. (. #o you come with Sue and .' ). he boys don6t play with her because her is *ery un&riendly. +. #oes him li%e coo%in!' -es8 he does.

;<1. 1. Peter and Paul ( 4<-) study French and German. 2. he cat (. ) is in the !arden. ". #o $andy and you (-=>) li%e !ol&' (. #oes your sister (S4<) sin! well' ). #r Swam (4<) *isits his patients in the mornin!. +. #o the students ( 4<-) do the homewor%' ,. -ou and . (2<) li*e in Spain. /. #o Sam and Paula ( 4<-) meet a&ter school' 0. $y mum (S4<) coo%s really well. 11. he supermar%et (. ) closes at midday. 11. he boo%s ( 4<-) are on the table. 12. 2hen do you and Sally (-=>) play chess this wee%' 1. is in class with 4er5 us She5we She5us 2. #oes use a laptop at home' 4e it him ". hese are my mum6s &riends. usually !oes out with . She5 they 4er5them She5them (. #o eat pasta' 7o8 . don6t li%e we5it you5it you5her ). 2e don6t tal% to Sam. 2e6re an!ry with he him his +. 3an you pass the su!ar8 erry' you . me ,. 92hen do you do homewor%': 9. do a&ter school.: them it he /. Gi*e ....... to 8 please. .5it it5. it5me

1. om comes to the cinema with Paul and . (>S). 2. #o you play with your children ( 4<$) a&ter dinner' ". Pam ta%es her do! (. ) &or wal%s in the mornin!. (. #oes Sue study with her brother (4.$)' ). $r Postman deli*ers our letters ( 4<$). +. . usually meet Pam (4<?) on Friday a&ternoon. ,. om !oes to school with his &riends ( 4<$). /. #oes mum &eed the baby (. )' 0. 3an you pass the newspapers ( 4<$) to . ($<)8 please' 11. #o you eat apples ( 4<$)8 om' 11. $ary send e@mails ( 4<$) to her boy&riend (4.$). 12. Aames is with his !randmother (4<?).

1. $y &riend Sue is &antastic. . lo*e 4<?. 2. #o you play tennis with 4<$' ". $y brother hates hambur!ers. She ne*er eats 4<$. (. #o you come with Sue and $<' ). he boys don6t play with her because S4< is *ery un&riendly. +. #oes 4< li%e coo%in!' -es8 he does. ,. Sarah ne*er listens to 4<? sister. /. Paul and $ary don6t in*ite >S to parties.

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