Auxiliary Power Consumption in Thermal Power Plant

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Auxiliary power consumption in thermal power plant Auxiliary energy consumption: quantum of energy consumed by auxiliary equipment of the

generating station and transformer losses within the generating station.

Auxiliary power consumption in a thermal power plant is a major source of energy consumption. Power plant produces electrical energy and also consumes a substantial amount of energy in the form of auxiliary consumption required for various plant equipments and services. 12 Auxiliaries may consume upto of total generation in thermal power plant.

!eduction of even ".# $ 1." can result in huge savings and additional output of a few %egawatts

AP& in thermal power stations

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(rombay +tation of (ata Power &o. .td achieved lowest auxiliary power consumption ,/.0" - in the country. Among &entral +ector +tations1 (alcher +(P+ of 2(P& achieved the lowest auxiliary power consumption ,#.0/ -. Among +tate +ector +tations1 &handrapur +(P+ of %A3A452&6 achieved the lowest auxiliary power consumption ,7./" -. Among different capacity groups1 the lowest auxiliary power consumption was 8.10 in #""%9 group

:actors Affecting Auxiliary Power &onsumption $ ;nit 4eneration and load Pattern $ 6peration of Plant Auxiliaries$ $+ervice auxiliary such as )llumination 1 air conditioning$ $;nit +tartup < shutdown

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