Derek Gutierrez Resume January 2014

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S12 E Foothill Blvu, ulenuoia, CA 91741 (92S) S21-6812


345("#5 67 89)":9" ): -6;;"<" -6':5";):< 4:= 8('=":( !">";6?@":( Expecteu uiauuation, Nay 2u14
Azusa Pacific 0niveisity, Azusa CA

A49B";6# 67 89)":9" ): A)69B"@)5(#C Nay 2u12
Biola 0niveisity, La Niiaua, CA


.55)5(4:( !)#"9(6# 67 8('=":( E#6<#4@@):< August 2u1S-Piesent
Biola 0niveisity, La Niiaua, CA
Supeivising the Events anu Piogiamming bianch of the Associateu Stuuent (AS) goveinment incluuing
stuuent clubs, intiamuials, events, anu Naiketing anu Communication.
Auvising the stuuent senate composeu of 1S senatois anu one Senioi vice Piesiuent.
Paiticipating in committees anu task foices both within Stuuent Bevelopment anu the univeisity as a
whole incluuing the Awaieness Week Committee, the Inteinal Communications Council, anu the
Leaueiship Ceitificate Piogiam team.

.-,G1H0 0:("#: Nay 2u1S-}uly 2u1S
Nontana State 0niveisity Billings, Billings, NT
Assisteu the uepaitment of Bousing anu Resiuence Life in the cieation, maintenance, anu implementation
of summei confeiencing, summei oiientation, anu RA tiaining.
Collaboiateu with the Stuuent Wellness Cooiuinatoi to cieate a sexual violence pievention manual.
Nonitoieu the on-call phone in case of emeigencies.

&#4='4(" .55)5(4:( (6 (B" -4@?'5 E45(6#I5 177)9" Augutst 2u12-Piesent
Azusa Pacific 0niveisity, Azusa, CA
Facilitateu the weekly execution of "Kaleo" chapels alongsiue the Campus Pastoi, Assiociate Campus
Pastoi, anu the Seivice anu Leaueiship Team consisting of 1S unueigiauuate stuuent leaueis.
Evaluateu anu impioveu on the existing system foi ieceiving anu appioving chapel announcement
iequests fiom uiffeient clubs anu oiganizations aiounu campus.
Paiticipateu as a leauei in the 0niveisity's "spiiitual mentoiing" anu "uiscipleship gioup" piogiams.

.94="@)9 .=>)56# Nay 2u12-August 2u12
Biola 0niveisity, La Niiaua, CA
Coiiesponueu with Aumissions, 0iientation, Financial Aiu, anu uiffeient Acauemic Bepaitments to
facilitate the eniollment of new stuuents into the 0niveisity.
Registeieu 12uu incoming fieshmen foi theii majoi specific classes anu biblical stuuies classes.
Auviseu stuuents ovei the phone anu in peison with the selection of theii elective anu uE couises.
Aiueu in the execution of Tiansfei Stuuent Auvising Bay anu Science anu Bealth Stuuent Auvising Bay.
Assisteu in the cieation anu execution of a tiaining piogiam foi the office's incoming stuuent leaueis.

1#)":(4()6: 8('=":( !)#"9(6# Naich 2uu9-August 2u11
Stuuent 0iientation Seivices (S0S), Biola 0niveisity, La Niiaua, CA
Planneu anu executeu both a spiing oiientation anu a fall oiientation. Incluueu buugeting, cateiing oiueis,
cooiuinating bank faiis anu speaking to the incoming stuuents anu theii families.
Biieu anu tiaineu a staff of 68 leaueis anu piepaieu them foi all that was necessaiy to welcome new
stuuents into the institution thiough tiaining sessions, ietieats anu iole play scenaiios.
Cooiuinateu with othei factions of the 0niveisity to make suie we weie in conjunction with theii plans.

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