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Written by Alexia Tamer December,2013 3rd grade

Amelia Earhart

Date of birth:1897

Date of disappearance:1937

She liked to play with her sister Muriel outside of their house

In 1931 she married George Putman. He was Amelias photographer.

She explored her limits by NOT being satisfied every time she did an epic journey.

Also piloting and exploring the sky.

She tried to make woman explore more because at that time woman were expected to be house cleaners.

As I said, Amelia wanted woman to NOT ONLY be house cleaners or holders.

Also so people become risk takers, believers, never give up and follow your dreams.

Amelia needed a plane to do her trips.

Amelia needed a navigator so the navigator could help her travel in the right direction.

And she needed fuel because before she disappeared she said in the transporting radio she was running out of fuel.

Yes, unfortunately Amelia disappears on top or in the Pacific ocean.

MANY,MANY people were sad and in shock of that tragic news. ESPECIALY Amelias family. The navy went looking for her. As you see, the picture on the right is a navy boat.

Now girls and woman are doing amazing stuff like Marie curie and Amelia Earhart.

And NOW shes FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!

Also now almost everybody has courage! They even made a parade for her.

An airplane pilot is called aviator.

When Amelia was small she always did adventures.

She wanted to land on a island that was only 1 mile long.

Im wondering if Amelia actually died.

Also if she every landed on the island she wanted to get to.

And if anybody will every be so amazing like Amelia Earhart TO ME.

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