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Contents.......................................................................................................................................... 1 Release Notes: Important Issues in Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pac 1.......................2 Cop!ri"ht in#ormation................................................................................................................... 2

Release Notes: Important Issues in Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
$hese release notes address the most critical issues and in#ormation a%out the Windows Server& 2008 R2 operatin" s!stem with Service Pac 1 'SP1(. Currentl!) no critical issues that re*uire !ou to ta e corrective action either %e#ore or immediatel! a#ter installation have %een reported or discovered in testin". $his document is continuousl! updated) so i# an! such issues are discovered or reported) the! will %e availa%le here. +or additional in#ormation a%out other aspects o# the release) see the #ollowin" documents: Installin" this Release o# Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pac 1 ,ot#i-es and Securit! .pdates included in Windows / and Windows 2008 R2 Service Pac 1 'http:00"o.microso#t.com0#wlin 012in Id3145/26( Nota%le Chan"es in Service Pac 1 #or Windows / and Windows Server 2008 R2 'http:00"o.microso#t.com0#wlin 012in Id3145/27( 8eplo!ment 9uide #or Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1 and Windows with SP1 Windows / and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 :eta $est +ocus 9uide 'http:00"o.microso#t.com0#wlin 012in Id3145/2/(

Cop!ri"ht in#ormation
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