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BJHS Walk-Through 2013-2014 Purpose: To assess our mission and goals through rie! snapshots o!

tea"hing# To in"rease the $isi ilit% o! the leadership team in "lassrooms# To pro$ide regular and timel% !eed a"k to sta!! mem ers#
Tea"her: Sue &amdin'(aren Pa)uin *student tea"her+ , ser$er: /ate: 4'0'14 1um er o! Students: 12 Su 3e"t'Period: 4th period 0th 5rade S"ien"e Time 6n: 12:07 Time ,ut: Su-i .ing

S"hool 5oal: Pre'/uring'Post Strategies !or .eading 6n!ormational Te8t Strateg% , ser$ed 1ot , ser$ed 9omments : 1ote the strateg% that ;as o ser$ed Pre- *.ead <round the ? Te8t= (6>= et"#+ /uring : *T;o 9olumn ? Students ;ere !ollo;ing a @model and e8plainA 1otes= 5uide-,-.ama= sheet that outlined the e8pe"tations= dire"tions and et"#+ presentation Post-*B8it Slip= ? Summar% Crames= et"#+

S"hool >ission: 9lassroom is ph%si"all% sa!e# 9lassroom is emotionall% sa!e# Students ;ere a"ti$el% engaged in the lesson# There ;as e$iden"e o! $oi"e and "hoi"e# The task ;as at the appropriate instru"tional le$els# .eal ;orld "onne"tions ;ere made# >odeling and s"a!!olding support students# Students had appropriate a""ess to tea"her'adult support# Health% outlets su"h as mo$ement needs are addressed# , ser$ed ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What de!initions ;ere and the a"tual in$entions ;ill e the real ;orld "onne"tion# <ppropriate "riteria ;as modeled !or some parts o! the ru ri"# Students ;ere gi$en group !eed a"k and asked to rainstorm ;hat ;ould e @meetingA "riteria# .u ri"s and grading "riteria ;ere e8plained# There ma% ha$e een in ho; the pie"es ea"h group mem er presented ;ere "hosen ut it ;as not o $ious in the o ser$ation# 1ot , ser$ed 9omments Students took some time to settle and listen to ea"h other= respe"t!ull%= ;hen presenting a out 1e;tonDs Three &a;s#

Students got up and ;ere presenting or allo;ed to sit or stand#

9omments: &o$ed ho; students ;ere helped to @seeA ;hat the "riteria ;ould look# Students had a "he"klist and a ru ri" to !ollo; to set up their presentations and to understand ho; the% ;ould e e$aluated# This ;as a $er% s)uirm% group# There ;ere a "ouple o! times %ou ;anted them to !o"us ut %ou started gi$ing dire"tions e!ore the% ;ere !ull% listening# Eou might ;ant to ;ait )uietl%= perhaps use a @!ro-en gestureA= e!ore eginning to make

BJHS Walk-Through 2013-2014 Purpose: To assess our mission and goals through rie! snapshots o! tea"hing# To in"rease the $isi ilit% o! the leadership team in "lassrooms# To pro$ide regular and timel% !eed a"k to sta!! mem ers# sure %ou ha$e their !ull attention# 5reat !eed a"k tools !or students to impro$e their per!orman"eF

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