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Handball - generalities

Handball is a team sport where two teams of seven players each (six players and a goalkeeper) pass and bounce a ball trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team. The game has a goal similar to but smaller than the one in football (soccer), though as the name implies, the basic method of handling the ball involves the players' hands rather than their feet. The game has been played internationally since the !"#s. Handball is played on a court forty meters long by twenty meters wide ($#mx"#m), with a dividing line in the middle and a goal in the center of either end. The goals are surrounded by a near%semicircular line that is generally six meters (&m) away from the goal, called the crease. There is also a dashed near%semicircular line that is nine meters (!m) away from the goal. 'n established play (which is most of the time, although counterattacking is becoming increasingly important), the defenders stand right outside the &m line, with the attacking players throwing the ball to each other a bit outside the !m line, trying to create an attack (either by shooting from a distance, or passing to a player standing at the &m line). (fter a goal has been scored, the team conceding the goal restarts the game. 'ts players move to the center line. )nce a player has the ball under control the referee will blow his whistle to restart play. (ll players of the team which are restarting the play must be behind the line on their own half, or else the restarting throw will have to be retaken. )nly the defending goalkeeper is allowed to step inside the six meter (&m) perimeter, though any player may attempt to catch and touch the ball in the air within it. 'f a player should find himself in contact inside the goal perimeter he must immediately take the most direct path out of it. *hould a defender make contact with an attacker while in the goal perimeter, their team is penali+ed with a direct attempt at the goal, with only one attacker on the seven%meter line and the defending goalkeeper involved. The ball is smaller than a football in order for the players to be able to hold and handle it with a single hand (though contact with both hands is perfectly allowed). *ome (merican versions use a volleyball. 't is transported by bouncing it between hands and floor , much as in basketball. ( player may only hold the ball for three seconds and may only take three steps with the ball in hand. (fter taking three steps the player will have to make a dribble with one hand in order to continue moving forward, but if the ball is held in both hands after making a dribble and the player makes another dribble, a free throw will be given to the other team for a -double dribble-. There are many unofficial rule variations. a common (merican version allows only a single step with the ball, after which the player must pass the ball to another teammate or shoot. /all movement and possession is similar to basketball. 'f the attacker commits an infraction, such as charging, the possession of the ball can be awarded to the defending team. 0layers may also cause the possession to be lost if they make more than three steps without dribbling or after stopping their dribble. However unlike basketball, the player may take three steps instead of two (pivoting on one foot is considered a step) and the ball must be -patted- down instead of the more controlled basketball method.

Handbal - generaliti Handbal este un sport de echip n cazul n care dou echipe din fiecare apte juctori (ase juctori i un portar) trece i sri o minge ncearc s-l arunce n gol de echipa advers. ocul are un scop similar! dar mai mic dec"t cea din fotbal (fotbal)! dei dup cum sugereaz i numele! metoda de baz de manipulare mingea implic mainile jucatorilor #! mai degrab dec"t picioarele lor. ocul a fost jucat pe plan internaional din $%&'. Handbal este jucat pe o patruzeci de metri lungime instan de douzeci de metri lime (('m)&'m)! cu o linie de demarcaie n mijloc i un scop n centrul de fiecare capt. *biectivele sunt nconjurate de o linie aproape semicircular! care este! n general ase metri (+m)! departe de obiectivul! numit cutelor. ,)ist! de asemenea! o linie punctat aproape semicircular! care este de nou metri (%m)! departe de obiectiv. -n jocul stabilite (la care este cele mai multe ori! dei contraatac"nd devine din ce n ce mai important)! aprtorii stand dreapta n afara liniei de +m! cu juctori de atac a aruncat mingea la reciproc un pic n afara liniei de %m! ncercarea de a crea un atac (fie prin fotografiere de la distan! sau trecerea la un juctor n picioare la linia de +m). .up un gol a fost marcat! echipa admite obiectivul repornete joc. juctorilor si a v deplasa la linia de centru. *dat ce un juctor are mingea sub control arbitrul va fluiera pentru a reporni joc. /oi juctorii din echipa care sunt repornirea joc trebuie s fie n spatele liniei pe propria jumtate! sau altfel repornirea arunca va trebui s fie repeta. .oar portarul aprarea este permis s pas n interiorul metru ase (+m) perimetrul! dei orice juctor poate ncercare de a prinde i ating mingea n aer! n ea. .ac un juctor ar trebui s se afle n contact n interiorul perimetrului scop el trebuie s ia imediat calea cea mai direct din ea. 0r trebui un fundas face contact cu un atacator n timp ce n perimetrul obiectivului! echipa lor este sancionat cu o ncercare direct la gol! cu un singur atacator de pe linia de apte metri i portarul apr implicate. 1ingea este mai mic dec"t o minge de fotbal pentru ca juctorii s fie n msur s dein i s se ocupe cu o singur m"n (dei contact cu ambele m"ini este perfect permis). 2nele versiuni american folosi o minge de volei. 0cesta este transportat prin care cade-l ntre m"ini i podea - de mult ca n baschet. 2n juctor poate deine numai mingea timp de trei secunde i poate lua doar trei pai cu mingea n m"n. .up ce a luat trei etape juctorul va trebui s fac o dribla cu o singur m"n! n scopul de a continua merge mai departe! dar n cazul n care mingea este inut n ambele m"ini dup ce face un dribling i un alt juctor face dribleze! o aruncare libera se va acorda alta echipa pentru un #dublu dribling#. ,)ist multe variaii neoficiale regul3 o versiune comun american permite doar un singur pas! cu mingea! dup care juctorul trebuie s treac mingea la un alt coechipier sau trage. micare 4all i deinere este similar la baschet. -n cazul n care atacatorul comite o infraciune! cum ar fi ncrcarea! posesia mingii poate fi acordat echipei in aparare. uctorii pot provoca! de asemenea! n posesia a fi pierdut n cazul n care face mai mult de trei pai fr dribbling sau dup oprirea dribla lor. 5u toate acestea! spre deosebire de baschet! juctorul poate lua trei pai n loc de dou (pivotant pe un picior este considerat un pas)! iar mingea trebuie s fie #btut# n jos n loc de metoda de baschet mai controlat.

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