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Create a Business Letter Letter 1: Write a formal business letter to: Mr.

James Smith Shelby County Licenses Department 123 Shelby Drive Columbiana !L """"" #nclu$e in your letter of at least 2 para%raphs: 1. !s& him to loo& over your business license application. 2. 'ell him (hen you plan to open your business. 3. !s& him to call you if there are any )uestions re%ar$in% your application. *. 'han& him for ta&in% time to loo& at the application. ". !$$ any other information that you thin& mi%ht be important. Letters 2-5: Write * more letters to +ma&e believe, people (ith the follo(in% re)uirements: 1. Write a letter that (ill inclu$e a %ift certificate to your store. Wor$ or /ublisher an$ create a certificate for your business0. 2. 1our ne2t letter shoul$ be a positive theme personal business letter such as than&in% someone for his3her help in ma&in% your 4ran$ 5penin% a success. 3. 'he last t(o letters can be your choice of the topics belo(. Topic Choices final letters: 1. Letter to a frien$ persua$in% them to buy your pro$uct. 2. 4ive a promotion or special reco%nition a(ar$ for an accomplishment of an employee. 3. Write a re)uest for materials for services for your company. *. 4ive a raise or a bonus to an employee. ". Write a letter to a customer (ho is late (ith his payments. 6. 7ire an employee.

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