The Neighbour - Shot List

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Scene 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 # # ' * * Shot Type Description 1 EST Inside hallway Straight shot looking down an empty hallway. 2 EST Inside hallway Flat shot of power box. 1 2 3 # 1 1 2 1 1 2 LS MC U MC U MC U MS LS MS () +SS LS Inside stairwell The Resident opens the door to the eighbo!r" standing there with the Friend Dialogue Resident #It$s e%ening sir& Neigh our and !riend " #This is my friend'& Resident #Thank yo! sir& Inside Li$ing Roo% The Resident is on his (omp!ter and hears banging !pstairs. Door The Resident walks !p to the door and opens to the eighbo!r ) Dialogue Inside door & Resident #Sorry& Inside edroo% The Resident" hearing noises abo%e" t!ssles and t!rns in bed before getting !p. Stairwell " The Resident walks o!t of his apartment and halfway !p the stairs. Stairwell The Resident walks to the door and looks dire(tly at it" (oming %ery (lose" retreats ba(k down. Done?

EST Establishing Shot +s!ally extremely wide" and sets the lo(ation,setting for the s(ene. LS Long-Shot S!b-e(t takes !p all or nearly all of the f!ll height of the frame. MS Mid-Shot Shows some part of the s!b-e(t in detail whilst gi%ing an impression of the rest of the s!b-e(t. MCU Medium Close-Up Halfway between the .S and /+. HA High Angle /amera in a high lo(ation" looking down. SS !er-the-Shoulder Shot Looking from behind one person to the s!b-e(t. 0y 1ordan S(hwar2enberger

0y 1ordan S(hwar2enberger

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