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lacLors Aecung SolublllLy

g. 226 # 1 - 7.
!" $%&'()* +,- )./+-01 .2-3+ 4.0(/5&1 +6.+ &'.25&
+6&7 +- )-07 1-53(-'1"
1) arucles are .5,.*1 7-89':"
1herefore Lhey bump lnLo each
2) arucles have )-0/&1 -)
.;0./(-'. 1he parucles have Lo
be auracLed Lo one anoLher ln
order Lo dlssolve. olar
molecules dlssolve oLher polar
molecules (waLer wlll dlssolve
sugar), buL polar and non-polar
molecules wlll noL mlx (waLer
and oll).
2. LlsL Lhree facLors LhaL lnuence Lhe raLe aL
whlch dlssolvlng occurs.
1. <(009':: Spreads Lhe soluLe and Lhe solvenL around. 1he
solvenL has more opporLunlLy Lo conLacL Lhe soluLe when
Lhe parucles are spread ouL. Speeds up Lhe number of
umes solvenL and soluLe parucles conLacL each oLher.
2. =&74&0.+30&: 1he parucles wlll move more qulckly.
More parucles soluLe and solvenL parucles wlll bump lnLo
each oLher.
3" >.0(/5& <9?&: Large parucles Lake longer Lo dlssolve.
SolvenL parucles musL bump lnLo soluLe parucles for
dlssolvlng Lo occur. SolvenL parucles can only access Lhose
soluLe parucles on Lhe edge or surface. A large plece of
soluLe musL be broken aparL Lo allow more area for solvenL
parucles Lo conLacL Lhe soluLe parucles.
@" A1& +6& 4.0(/5& +6&-0* -) 7.;&0 +- &B45.9' ,6* +.25& 1.5+
%911-58&1 7-0& 0.49%5* +6.' 0-/C 1.5+"
1able SalL dlssolves more rapldly Lhan rock salL
because Lhe slze of Lhe parucles ln Lable salL are
smaller. 1herefore Lhe solvenL can conLacL
more parucles aL Lhe same ume. WlLh larger
parucles Lhe solvenL can only make conLacL
wlLh Lhose parucles on Lhe surface or edge. lL
Lakes longer for waLer Lo reach all of Lhe
lndlvldual parucles.
lor example: lf your class was playlng Lag, lL
would be harder Lo reach all of Lhe sLudenLs lf
Lhey formed a clumped clrcle versus a sLralghL
llne. WlLh Lhe clumped clrcle you would have Lo
geL Lhe people on Lhe ouLslde of Lhe clrcle rsL.
WlLh Lhe sLralghL llne you would be able Lo
conLacL everyone aL Lhe same ume.
4. use Lhe parucle Lheory of mauer Lo explaln why hoL
chocolaLe powder dlssolves more rapldly ln hoL waLer
Lhan ln cold waLer.
PoL chocolaLe dlssolves more qulckly ln hoL
waLer because Lhe parucles are movlng fasLer
ln Lhe hoL waLer. 1he parucles wlll Lherefore
bump lnLo each oLher more frequenLly and
Lhls wlll speed up Lhe process of dlssolvlng.
?ou would have
Lo sur Lhls one!
3. use Lhe parucle Lheory of mauer Lo explaln why laundry
deLergenLs Lend Lo work beuer ln hoL waLer Lhan ln cold waLer.
Laundry deLergenLs would work beuer ln hoL
waLer because Lhe parucles would be movlng
more qulckly and Lherefore Lhey would
conLacL Lhe cloLhes and Lhe sLalns more
frequenLly and Lhere would be a greaLer
chance LhaL Lhe sLalns would dlssolve more
D" A1& +6& 4.0(/5& +6&-0* -) 7.;&0 +- &B45.9' ,6*
9/9': 13:.0 %911-58&1 7-0& 0.49%5* +6.' :0.'35.0 13:.0"
arucle Slze: lclng
sugar would dlssolve
more qulckly because
Lhe parucles are
smaller. 1herefore Lhe
waLer can make
conLacL wlLh more
parucles and Lhls
would speed up Lhe
raLe of dlssolvlng.
E" A1& +6& 4.0(/5& +6&-0* -) 7.;&0 .'% +6& 9')-07.(-' 9' +6& :0.461 2&5-,
+- &B45.9' +6& 1-532959+* -) 1-59%1 .'% :.1&1 9' 59F39%1"
1he solublllLy of sollds does noL appear Lo change as
Lhe LemperaLure changes. 1he same amounL of salL ls
dlssolved aL 10 degrees Celslus as 100 degrees Celslus.
1he solublllLy of gasses seems Lo decrease when Lhe
LemperaLure lncreases. Less oxygen gas ls dlssolved aL
100 degrees Celslus Lhan aL 0 degrees Celslus. 1hls ls
lnLeresung because usually LemperaLure lncreases Lhe
raLe of dlssolvlng for sollds. lL seems Lo be Lhe opposlLe
for gases. lf you lncrease Lhe LemperaLure, less gas ls

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