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1. Triceps Dip Targets: triceps, shoulders Sit on chair, knees bent, hands grasping seat. Walk feet forward until butt is off seat. Bend elbows, lowering hips. Press back up, straightening arms. Make it easier: Skip dips. Sit on chair, holding 1 dumbbell in both hands overhead. Bend elbows, lowering weight behind head. Straighten arms, pressing weight overhead.

2. Knee Push-Up with Punch Targets: chest, shoulders, arms, core Start in modified push-up position, knees on floor. Keeping abs tight, bend elbows and lower chest toward floor. Press back up to start and extend right arm at shoulder level. Continue alternating arms with each rep. Make it easier: Omit the punch.

3. Alternating Forward Lunge with Hammer Curl Targets: butt, legs, biceps Stand holding dumbbells by sides. Step forward with right leg and slowly lower into a lunge while curling weights toward shoulders. Press into right foot and return to start, lowering weights. Alternate front leg with each rep. Make it easier: Do lunges without weights.


4. Split Jump Targets: butt, legs (and boosts heart rate!) Start in a shallow lunge, right foot 2 to 3 feet in front of left foot. Jump up and, while in the air, scissor-kick so you land with left leg forward, immediately lowering into a shallow lunge. Alternate front leg with each rep. Make it easier: Skip jumps; do alternating lunges.



1. Back Toner Targets: back, core Lie on back with legs in tabletop position, holding dumbbells above chest, arms straight and in line with shoulders. Contract abs while lowering weights past head, elbows slightly bent. Keeping abs tight, raise dumbbells back to ceiling. Make it easier: Keep feet flat on floor, knees bent.

2. Roll-Up with Chest Press Targets: abs, chest, shoulders Lie on mat with knees bent and feet flat, holding dumbbell with both hands a few inches above chest, elbows bent. Slowly roll up into sit-up position, straightening arms and pressing weight forward. Make it easier: Perform the move without weight.

3. Triceps Press Back with Toe-Tap Lunge Targets: triceps, butt Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent, dumbbells curled toward chest. Tap left foot behind you while straightening elbows and extending arms back, squeezing triceps. Alternate legs with each rep. Make it easier: Skip the toe taps.


4. Squat Jump Targets: legs, butt (and boosts heart rate!) Start in low squat, arms extended by sides. Jump up, straightening legs and lifting feet off the floor while extending arms overhead. Land softly, lowering into next squat. Make it easier: Do regular squats instead.



1. Cross-Behind Lunge with Tank-Top Toner Targets: legs, butt, and shoulders Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, with arms extended at sides and palms facing body. Cross right leg behind left and bend knees, lowering body until left thigh is nearly parallel to floor. Press into left foot to rise back to starting position while lifting arms straight up until parallel to floor. Repeat on other side. Make it easier: Do the cross-behind lunge without weights.

2. 3-Point Knee Pushup Targets: chest, shoulders, arms, and core Kneel on a mat. Walk hands forward into modified push-up position, with arms directly under shoulders, body forming straight line from head to knees. Bending elbows, lower chest until upper arms are nearly parallel to floor and simultaneously lift right leg, squeezing glutes. Press back to starting position, straightening arms while lowering right knee back to mat. Thats 1 rep. Do next rep with left leg raised. Continue alternating legs to complete the set. Make it easier: Skip the leg raise and just do modified (knee) push-ups. Challenge yourself: Do the move on your hands and toes instead of on your hands and knees.

3. Knee Tuck Targets: core, chest, and shoulders Start in plank position, abs tight and shoulders over wrists. Pull right knee toward chest while rounding back slightly, pulling belly button to spine. Slowly press right leg back to start to complete 1 rep. Repeat on left side. Continue alternating knees for duration of set. Make it easier: Start in plank position, abs tight and shoulders over wrists. Pull left knee toward chest while rounding back slightly, pulling belly button to spine. Slowly press left leg back to start to complete 1 rep. Repeat on right side. Continue alternating knees for duration of set.


4. Speed Skater! Targets: legs, butt (and boosts heart rate!) Stand with feet hipwidth apart and arms by sides. Hop to the right, landing on right foot while sweeping left foot diagonally behind right leg and swinging left arm across body and right arm behind back. Jump to the left, switching legs and arms, to complete 1 rep. Continue hopping from side to side without pausing for duration of set. Make it easier: Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Hop to left, landing on left foot while sweeping right foot diagonally behind left leg and swinging right arm across body and left arm behind back. Jump to right, switching legs and arms, to complete 1 rep. Continue hopping from side to side without pausing for duration of set.



1. Surrender Overhead Press Targets: legs, butt, shoulders, and core Kneel on the mat, holding dumbbells by sides. Step forward with right leg, knee bent and foot flat on floor. Bend elbows and lift weights to shoulder height, palms facing body. Straighten right leg while stepping left leg forward and come into standing position, extending arms overhead and pressing weights to ceiling. Lower weights to shoulder height, then step back with left foot, bending right knee and bringing left knee to floor. Step right leg back to return to starting position, lowering weights to sides. Thats 1 rep. On next rep, start by stepping left foot forward. Continue alternating sides for duration of set. Make it easier: Sit in a chair, holding weights over shoulders with arms bent. Stand up and then press weights overhead, extending arms. Lower weights to shoulders, then sit back in chair to complete 1 rep.

2. Triceps Press with Alternating Side Leg Lift Targets: triceps, thighs, and butt Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding 1 weight in both hands behind head, elbows bent and close to ears. Straighten arms to lift weight overhead while lifting right leg out to side. Bend elbows and lower weight behind head while lowering right leg to complete 1 rep. On the next rep, lift left leg out to the side. Continue alternating legs for duration of set. Make it easier: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding 1 weight in both hands behind head, elbows bent and close to ears. Straighten arms to lift weight overhead while lifting left leg out to side. Bend elbows and lower weight behind head while lowering left leg to complete 1 rep. On next rep, lift right leg out to side. Continue alternating legs for duration of set.

3. Army Crawl on Knees Targets: core, arms, and shoulders Start in a modified plank position, knees on mat and wrists directly under shoulders. Keeping spine straight and abs contracted, lower right forearm to the mat and then left forearm, coming into modified forearm plank. Press right palm into mat, straightening arm, and then left, coming back to starting position. Thats 1 rep. On your next rep, start by bringing left forearm to the mat. Continue alternating lead arms for each rep for duration of set. Make it easier: Omit the crawl and hold a modified plank for 20 to 30 seconds. Challenge yourself: Do the move on your hands and toes instead of your hands and knees.


4. Pli Heel Click Targets: thighs, butt (and boosts heart rate!) Stand with feet a few feet apart and toes slightly turned out. Bend knees, lowering torso and keeping back straight. Then jump up and, while in air, straighten legs and click heels together. Land softly with feet a few feet apart and toes slightly turned out, then immediately lower into your next pli. Make it easier: Omit the jump and do a regular pli squat.

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