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April 8, 2014 To Whom It May Concern: It gives me great pleasure to rite this letter o! re!erence !

or Matthew Stern" I as Matthe #s instructor in his $ro!essional %eminar 1" The $ro!essional %eminar is a Mc&ill '(ucation course (evelope( to support the stu(ent teaching internship" Matthe as an articulate an( (e(icate( stu(ent" )e stoo( out !rom the !irst (ay, even though he as in a group o! e*ceptionally +right stu(ents" )e graspe( ne concepts easily, an( as a+le to e*ten( hat he as learning to real li!e applications in his !iel( e*perience" )is class contri+utions !re,uently helpe( other stu(ents see ho ne learning coul( +e applie( in the conte*t o! an actual classroom" I as impresse( +y Matthe #s a+ility !or personali-ing hat he as learning" )e !re,uently synthesi-e( ne learning to come up ith creative ne applications" Throughout the course Matthe (emonstrate( the level o! maturity you oul( e*pect !rom a success!ul stu(ent" )e as al ays on time an( as !ocuse( throughout the course" )is assignments ere e*cellent an( al ays han(e( in on time" In the short time that I or.e( ith Matthe I itnesse( e*ceptional lea(ership s.ills" )e too. the initiative to uncover an( !in( solutions !or organi-ational pro+lems that e !ace( as a class" )e (i( this ith great (iplomacy, (emonstrating the utmost respect !or his peers an( his instructor" Throughout the seminar an( in his assignments, Matthe clearly (emonstrate( his commitment to +ecoming the .in( o! (evote( teacher that places stu(ents !irst, an( learning e*citing" It as a /oy to have Matthe 0espect!ully, in my class" I recommen( him to you ithout reservation"

'n-o 1i Ioia Instructor, Cognitive 1evelopment, %TC, Access 20iversi(e %chool 3oar(4 Instructor, $ro!essional %eminars 21 524, '(ucation 1epartment, Mc&ill 6niversity 7iel( '*perience %upervisor, '(ucation 1epartment, Mc&ill 6niversity $rincipal, 2retire(4 0iversi(e %chool 3oar(

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