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Thiiu Woikshop: The Su-Seconu Commeicial

Piofessional Intiouuction viueo !"#$%&

WRTu Su4u: Wiiting onin Business anu Society
B. Singei, Spiing, 2u14

Puipose anu Besciiption '($&) +,-. !"#$%&'( ,/ ),( (. 0, &)$12+3$4.4
5!678 95: ;<=6>! ?9 @9 !?5AABC

!"#$% '(#)$%*+' (+, -%'(+*.*+' /0 1!2! by obseiving youi woik in oui SEC0NB
majoi woikshop last time anu analyzing the woikshop piotocols you anu youi
colleagues BEvEL0PEB anu EXEC0TEB in class anu then P0STEB on B2L, 3 )(4$
/(,$ #)$ "-55-6*+' (778/9#*-+7:

1. ;$ (%$ '$##*+' <$##$% (# both paying attention to 2%(+7"$%=(<*5#0 anu
;-%>7)-99*+' (as a tiansfei-able skill anu piocess, in its own iight)anu
have some %--/ #- */9%-4$, yet, on both counts (paiticulaily, in teims of
basing oui actions anu iueas of 'success' in a ihetoiical situation on uata we
gain anu oiganize fiom two elements of oui big heuiisticContext anu

2. ;$ (%$ '$##*+' <$##$% (# being ?@--, ;-%>7)-99$%7A (taking an .&)$"DE
stance towaiu the woikshop in which we take peisonal anu paitial
iesponsibility foi the quality anu success of oui colleagues' woik in a
paiticulai ihetoiical situation)anu have 7-/$ %--/ #- */9%-4$, yet
(paiticulaily, in teims of actively piepaiing foi a woikshop by
ieauingieseaiching the genie(s) anu ihetoiical situation(s) in which we anu
oui colleagues aie woiking by utilizing ieauingsieseaich uone F./,#. the
stait of the woikshop to .1#$") 0$+"G++$,1 anu $1/,#-$1/EG.1".H0$#."& the
feeuback we both 2$I. &, anu seek to 2.& /#,- oui colleagues).

2)$%$"-%$B #)$ CDECFGH of this woikshop is piimaiily to:

1. 3+I%$(7$ -8% (<*5*#0 #- #%(+7"$% skills anu knowleuge fiom pievious genies
anu ihetoiical situations (in this case, fiom those of The }ob Application
Packet, The Email, The Facebook Page) to a 1.( genie anu ihetoiical
situationThe Su-Seconu CommeicialPiofessional Intiouuction viueo
paying paiticulai attention to oui (anu oui auuience's) C0NTEXT anu

2. 3+I%$(7$ -8% (<*5*#0 #- )*+,)-*.,/0 <$ ?@--, ;-%>7)-99$%7A by paying
moie uiiect attention to way we use oui REABINuRESEARCB uone F./,#. a
woikshop actually begins to bettei to eniich oui BISC0SSI0NS anu
infoiminfluenceuiiect the FEEBBACK we both 2$I. &, anu seek to 2.& /#,-
oui colleagues.

S. Anu, of couise, as the situation uemanus, to *+I%$(7$ -8% >+-65$,'$ -" (+,
7>*557 *+ #)$ %)$#-%*IJ7K (+, '$+%$J7K -" 2)$ LM=G$I-+, N-//$%I*(5 as
pait of a multi-moual, multi-uocument, multi-genie stiategy foi peisuasion
of a taigeteu auuience of potential employeis.


1) 0iganize Youi Bata About the Rhetoiic anu uenie of The Su-
Seconu Commeicial

O(>$ ( P3G2 of things you anu youi colleagues have 9*I>$, 89 about the
RBET0RICS anu uENRE(S) of "The Su-Seconu Commeicial" "%-/ #)$
CFGG3QPH EH!13R@G 9-7#$, -+ 1SP.

Then, if you want to get fancy (anu *" 0-8 )(4$ #*/$), tiy to 6%*#$ (with youi
colleagues) a #)%$$=7$+#$+I$ 1HGNE3C23FR of "The Rhetoiic of The Su-
Seconu Commeicial."

***2%0*+' #- %$/$/<$% 6)(# 6$ #$+, #- OH!R when we tiy to talk about
"The Rhetoiic of X". uo back to oui CLAINS anu EXANPLES fiom last week:

!T2UH EUH2FE3N -" V typically uesciibes the paiticulai J=K a peison, text, oi genie, +..-+
to +DL things, &)$1M about things, anuoi #.%#.+.1& thingsanu B0W that paiticulai (DL of
saying, thinking about, anu iepiesenting things might EFFECTPERS0ABE people to 0, stuff,
&)$1M DF,G& stuff, oi D0,%& ".#&D$1 %#.0$+%,+$&$,1+ towaiu stuff.


;)$+ 3 7(0 the phiase, "The Rhetoiic of NY Email," 3W/ %$"$%%*+' #- paiticulai WAY I seem
to think about the emails I wiite anu ieceive (anu all the infoimation in them), the WAY I
seem to talk about emails (anu the way the people I get emails fiom anu I seem to talk about
stuff $1 emails), anu the WAY I seem to iepiesent emails (both 'what emails D#.' to me anu
'how I iepiesent emails to my stuuents,' as well as 'how people, incluuing me, seem to
iepiesent ouiselves with$1 emails).

!R1B 3W/ %$"$%%*+' #- B0W the ways I think about, talk aboutin, anu iepiesent the genie of
Email anu iepiesent myself with$1 emails I senu might actually %#.0$+%,+. people (both
otheis anu me) to WRITEREAB emails in a ceitain way (like I've been uoing with Y00 in
class lately), to TBINK about emails in a ceitain way (like I've been uoing with Y00 in class
lately), anu to be PREBISP0SEB to the D %.#+,1 how has wiitten anu oi might be ieauing an
email, anu the $1/,#-D&$,1HD#2G-.1& piesenteu ($&)$1 that email in a ceitain way (like I've
been uoing with Y00 in class lately).


[[[Think about this one! If you anu youi colleagues weien't able to uo this in
about ten minutes, that O3@U2 /$(+ 0-8 +$$, #- EH!1 (+, 2!\H RF2HG
FR ]FDE EH!13R@ ( 5*##5$ ,*""$%$+#50 befoie oui next woikshop (oi, you
know, D1L woikshop if you'ie #.DEEL going to be able to be a 'uoou
Woikshoppei')! Be suie to #$55 /$ (<-8# #)*7 *+ 0-8% 9-7#=6-%>7)-9
%$"5$I#*-+ "-% +$^# #*/$_


2) Woik 0n Youi Tiansfei-Ability

O(>$ ( P3G2 of things you anu youi colleagues E.D#1.0 in ieauing about anu
expeiimenting in the genies anu ihetoiical situations of The }ob Application
Packet, Email, anu Facebook Pages that you can actively TRANSFER to
woiking +G"".++/GEEL with the genie(s) anu ihetoiical situation(s) of The Su-
Seconu Commeicial.

o 1-2 Tiansfei-able Skills anuoi Bits of Knowleuge fiom the uenie(s)
anu Rhetoiical Situation(s) of 2)$ `-< !995*I(#*-+ C(I>$# to The Su-
Seconu Commeicial

o 1-2 Tiansfei-able Skills anuoi Bits of Knowleuge fiom the uenie(s)
anu Rhetoiical Situation(s) of H/(*5 to The Su-Seconu Commeicial

o 1-2 Tiansfei-able Skills anuoi Bits of Knowleuge fiom the uenie(s)
anu Rhetoiical Situation(s) of X(I$<--> C('$7 to The Su-Seconu

2)$+B /(>$ ( I5(*/ J(+, 6%*#$ *# ,-6+K: "TBEREF0RE, IN 00R Su-



S) Reau youi colleagues' sciipts anu make obseivationssuggestions

a) The P!R@D!@H (pay attention to BICTI0Naie you seeing #.%.&$&$I.
ED12GD2. appeaiing theie anu in theii Facebook Pages anu Application

b) The @HREH (pay attention to the C0NvENTI0NSaie you seeing an
,#2D1$ND&$,1 anu ",1&.1& that will make an auuience #.+%,10 to youi
colleague's sciipt D+ a Su-Seconu Commeicial).

c) The OF1HG (pay attention to the WAY youi colleagues aie tiying to get theii
auuiences to &)$1M DF,G&H&DEM DF,G&H#.%#.+.1& them as they tiy to ueciue
whethei to biing them in foi an inteiviewAie you seeing youi colleagues
bank on pathos to uo the job. ethos. logos. Aie you seeing youi colleagues
bank on uictionthe linguistic moue to uo the job. the socialnetwoik moue
of peisuasion (like we saw useu in the Facebook Page).

O(>$ NU!R@HG to youi Sciipts, as you neeu to (anu as time allows).



4) IF Y00 BAvE TINE, Piactice D"&GDEEL +DL$12 L,G# OPQ!.",10
;,--.#"$DE+ 95? <95@ &, L,G# ",EE.D2G.+

[[[3#W7 ->(0 *" 0-8 ,-+W# '$# #-TI-/95$#$ #)*7 7#$9_ ;$W55 <$ %$#8%+*+' #- #)*7
$5$/$+# ('(*+ RHV2 NP!GG (+, -+I$ ('(*+ RHV2 ;HH\ab87# <$ (6(%$ 6$W%$
)$(,*+' *+ #)*7 ,*%$I#*-+_

Pay attention to the RFRcHEQ!P (+, c3GD!PT!D132FE] EUH2FE3N of each
otheis' "9$%"-%/(+I$" of youi commeicials.

Aie they REALLY about Su seconus PFR@. (anu aie youthey 2!P\3R@ T00
FASTT00 SL0W foi the context anu puipose of the Su-Seconu

Aie youthey DG3R@ c3GD!P EUH2FE3N (thiough uEST0RES, P0ST0RE, anu
FACIAL EXPRESSI0NS) effectively, given the peisuasive goals.

Aie youthey DG3R@ v0CAL ENPBASIS, v0L0NE, anu T0NE 0F v0ICE
effectively, given the peisuasive goals.

2)*+> -" #)*7 (7 1+1/*2*., #- 1FNDOHR2 1HG3@RZ What you'ie BEARINu anu
SEEINu $+ the uocument uesign of youi colleagues' Su-Seconu Commeicials!

So, is what you'ie )$(%*+' (+, 7$$*+' effectively BIRECTINu Y00R

Remembei -8% #6- #$7#7 foi effective uocument uesign:

1%(67 #)$ (8,*$+I$W7 (##$+#*-+ almost unconsciously to the iight ,(#( in
the iight oiuei (in oiuei of what the A0BIENCE woulu be looking foi)

6+ I-/95$^ enough to be .//."&$I. but uoesn't D%%.D# complicateu to the

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