Save Energy, Save Money

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Save energy, save money

How to save energy in the kitchen ?

In the 21st century we must save natural resources ranging from their home. We offer ten steps to save energy at home and reduce our personal contribution to global warming.

1. Updating the electrical

Carbon dioxide
also decreases

New consume 60 percent less electricity and water

2. Monitoring of the energy label

It is located on the appliance, or on the inner side indicates the energy efficiency of the product on a scale from "G" to "A" "A" corresponds to the lowest energy consumption of the refrigerators and freezers have and "A +" and "A + +", which are even more energy efficient.

3. Investment in dishwasher

A dishwasher uses only 15 liters of water to wash the container 12. Person uses the whole 60 liters for the same number of vessels. The dishwashing using less detergent.

4. The laundry is always done in a washing machine

It reduces the energy with 35 to 50 per cent of dry? Washing machines have automatic water"judge" how much is needed when washing, so called. "sixth sense."

Use greener programs They save energy, water and carbon.

7. Refrigerator and freezer should not be exposed to direct sunlight

Unnecessary heat reduces the efficiency of the compressor and the condenser, increasing energy consumption.

8. Freezer should be with automatic defrost

Only 5 mm of ice increase energy expenditure by 30 percent

10. Drink tap water instead of bottled

Many people think that bottled water is safer and healthier to drink, but this often is not true.

Asya, Violeta and Dimitar

7 grade

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