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Technology Cyber Security Quiz Name____________________ You must score at least a 9/10 on this quiz to receive access to school

computers. When finished, hand in this quiz to your teacher. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a 0/10 and will have to retake this quiz. 1. It is ok to copy someones work as long as you change it around and make it seem like your own. True False 2. What should you do when accessing social networking and media sites (even though theyre not allowed in school)? A. Be respectful B .Be responsible C. Be negative towards others if they are negative towards you D. A and B E. None of the above 3. When someone is posting bad and hurtful things on social media, the best thing to do would be to: A. Fight back with harmful things B. Have a friend fight for you C. Talk bad about that person to others D. Ignore what the person is saying to you 4. What should you do if someone you dont know adds you on a social networking site (Facebook)? A. Block that person B. Tell your parents C. Ignore the person D. All of the above 5. Cyberbullying should not be tolerated. If you are being bullied online, what should you do? A. Ignore the person. It will go away eventually B. Tell your parents or close friends the situations C. Be a bully to the person bullying you. D. None of the above

6. Define how Emma described Cyberbullying in a sentence. Then, in another sentence, describe how you would define Cyberbullying.

7. It is disrespectful to put inappropriate pictures of yourself or others online for everyone to see. True False

8. Reasons to not post inappropriate pictures or information online include: A. Your parents or others you respect might see it B. Colleges and universities you may want to attend could see it. C. Its self-disrespect D. All of the above 9. What type of information should you make private about yourself online? A. Your favorite genre of music B. Your phone number C. Your home address D. Your age (birthdate) E. B, C and D 10. If you experience insecurity when using the internet or computer, the best thing to do is let someone know. List at least three potential people who could help you. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

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