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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT I SCIENCE Class X Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 90 e!eral I!s"ru#"io!

o!s : (i) The question paper comprises of "wo Se#"io!s$ A and %. You are to attempt both the sections. (ii) All questions are #om&ulsor'. (iii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted. (iv) All questions of Se#"io!(A and all questions of Se#"io!(% are to be attempted separately. (v) Question numbers ) to 3 in Se#"io!(A are o!e mark questions. These are to be answered in o!e word or in o!e se!"e!#e. (vi) Question numbers * to )) in Se#"io!(A are "wo marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each. (vii) Question numbers )+ to +3 in Se#"io!(A are "hree marks questions. These are to be answered in about *0 words each. (viii) Question numbers +, to +- in Se#"io!(A are .i/e marks questions. These are to be answered in about -0 words each. (i ) Question numbers +0 to ,3 in Se#"io!(% are multiple choice questions based on practical s!ills. "ach question is a o!e mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to you. SECTI1N(A #. '. ). +. -. 0. 2. $ few drops of sulphuric acid are added into water before electrolysis. %hy & (ive an e ample of a metal which is a liquid at room temperature. (ive one limitation of harnessin* ener*y from (eothermal sources. The resistance of a resistor is !ept constant and the potential difference across its two ends is decreased to half of its former value. ,tate the chan*e that will occur in the current throu*h it. %hat is an alloy & (ive the composition and one use each of the followin* . (i) /rass (ii) ,older 1ame the product obtained by recrystallisation of sodium carbonate and write its chemical formula. (a) $ solution of substance 345 is used for white washin*. %hat is the substance 345 & ,tate the chemical reaction of 345 with water. (b) %hy does the colour of copper sulphate solution chan*e when an iron nail is dipped in it & (a) /alance the followin* chemical equations . (i) /a7l' 8 H',O+ 9 /a,O+ 8 H7l (ii) 7a(OH)' 8 H1O) 97a(1O)) ' 8 H'O (iii) :b(1O))' 9 :b 8 1O'8 O' (iv) ;nO' 8 H7l 9 ;n7l' 8 H'O 8 7l' ,tomata of desert plants remain closed durin* day time. How do they ta!e up carbon dio ide and perform photosynthesis& %hat is meant by 3ocean thermal ener*y5& How can electricity be *enerated from the ocean ener*y& $n electric resistor of resistance '=> draws a current of -$. 7alculate the heat produced by it in )= seconds.


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#). #+.




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$ student while studyin* the force e perienced by a current carryin* conductor in a ma*netic field, records the followin* observations . (i) The force e perienced by the conductor increases as the current is increased (ii) The force e perienced by the conductor decreases as the stren*th of the ma*netic field is increased. %hich of the two observations is correct and why & $ thic! wire and a thin wire made from same material and of same len*th are connected one by one to the same source. ?n which case a lar*er current will flow in the circuit & @ustify your answer. (a) %hat is a decomposition reaction & (b) %hat type of reaction will occur when silver chloride is e posed to sun li*ht & (c) ?dentify the type of the reaction, when lead (??) nitrate solution is mi ed with potassium iodide solution. (a) How is common salt prepared from sea water& (b) %hat will be the appro imate pH of the aqueous solutions of the followin* salts . (i) ,odium chloride (ii) $mmonium 7hloride $ white coloured powder is used by the doctors for supportin* fractured bones. (a) %rite chemical name of the powder. (b) %rite its formula. (c) %rite chemical equation, when this white powder is mi ed with water. %hat is refle arc & Araw dia*ram of refle arc. Babel on it the followin* . (i) ,ensory neuron (ii) ;otor neuron %hat is *eotropism& Aescribe an e periment to demonstrate positive and ne*ative *eotropism. Bist the disadvanta*es of usin* biomass as fuel in the conventional manner. (ive two e amples of technolo*ical input to improve efficiency of these fuels. Aerive an e pression for the equivalent resistance of the combination of two resistors connected in series. (a) ,tate the function of electric fuse. (b) $n electric bulb is mar!ed 0=%. %hat does this mean & How much ener*y does it consume if used for # hour & %hat are the advanta*es of connectin* different electrical appliances in parallel & ;ention any three advanta*es. %rite the chemical name and formula of washin* soda. How is it prepared& %rite balanced chemical equation of the reaction. (i) %rite the electron C dot structures for sodium, o y*en and ma*nesium. (ii) ,how the formation of ma*nesium o ide by transfer of electrons and name the ions present in it. 12 %ith the help of a suitable e ample, e plain how ionic compounds are formed. ,tate any three *eneral properties of ionic compounds. (a) Araw a labelled dia*ram of sectional view of human heart. (b) Aescribe double circulation in human bein*s. %hy is it necessary & 12 (a) Araw a dia*ram of e cretory system in human bein*s and label the followin* (i) left !idney (ii) vena cava (iii) urinary bladder (iv) urethra (b) %rite two maDor components of human urine. (a) $ coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a *alvanometer. %hat will happen if a bar ma*net is . (i) pushed into the coil with its north pole enterin* first &


(a) (b) (c) (i)



(ii) withdrawn from inside the coil & (iii) held stationary inside the coil & 1ame the above phenomenon and mention the name of the scientist who discovered it. ,tate the law that relates the direction of current in the coil with the direction of motion of the ma*net. 12 %hat is a solenoid & Araw the pattern of ma*netic field produced around a current carryin* solenoid. 7ompare this field to that of a bar ma*net. %hat happens to the ma*netic field when the current throu*h the solenoid is reversed & (iven below are the steps for e traction of copper from its ore. %rite the reaction involved. (a) Eoastin* of copper (?) sulphide (b) Eeduction of copper (?) o ide with copper (?) sulphide. (c) "lectrolytic refinin* Araw a neat and well labelled dia*ram for electrolytic refinin* of copper

SECTI1N % '6. $ student tested the pH of distilled water and found that the colour of the pH paper chan*ed to *reen. He chec!ed the pH a*ain after dissolvin* a pinch of common salt in it. The colour of the pH paper this time would be . (a) (reen (b) Yellow (c) Eed (d) /lue On addin* a few drops of universal indicator to three un!nown colourless solutions (:), (Q) and (E) ta!en separately in three test tubes shown in the followin* dia*rams, a student observed the chan*es in colour as *reen in (:), red in (Q) and violet in (E). The decreasin* order of pH of the solutions ta!en is . (a) : F Q F E (b) E F : F Q (c) Q F : F E (d) E F Q F : $ solution of sodium carbonate is prepared by dissolvin* # * of it in #= mB of distilled water. To this solution is added a strip of blue litmus paper 3$5 and strip of red litmus paper 3/5. The colour of strips 3$5 and 3/5 will be . (a) blue in both cases (b) red in both cases (c) red in case of $ and blue in case of /. (d) blue in case of $ and red in case of /. %hen crystals of Ge,O+ are stron*ly heated the residue obtained is (a) red in colour. (b) blue in colour. (c) *reen in colour. (d) colourless.





?ron filin*s were added to a solution of copper sulphate. $fter #= minutes, it was observed that the blue colour of the solution has chan*ed and a layer has deposited on iron filin*s. %hich one of the followin* set of colours correspond to the colour of the solution and the colour of the coatin* respectively & (a) Yellow and *reen. (b) /rown and blue. (c) Eed and *reenish blue. (d) Bi*ht *reen and reddish brown. The current throu*h a resistor connected in an electric circuit and the potential difference across its ends are shown in the dia*rams. The value of the resistance of the resistor is (a) '- > (b) '= > (c) #= > (d) #- > The symbol of a cell used in electric circuits is





(c) )-.


?n an e periment to study the dependence of current on potential difference across a resistor, the *raph is plotted as shown in fi*ure. The value of resistance of the resistor is. (a) =.' > (b) #= > (c) #.'- > (d) - > Gor the circuits $ and / shown below the voltmeter readin*s would be .


(a) =.0 H in circuit ($) and '.- H in circuit (/) (b) 1one of these (c) ) H in both circuits (d) = H in circuit ($) and ) H in circuit (/) )2. Gor the circuits shown in fi*ureC# and fi*ureC' the ammeter readin* would be .

(a) #.=$ in fi*ure # and =.=$ in fi*ure ' (b) =.=$ in both (c) #.=$ in both (d) #.=$ in fi*ure # and #.=$ in fi*ure ' )6. (iven is a s!etch of a leaf of a potted plant which is partially covered with blac! paper and is to be used in the e periment to show that li*ht is necessary for the process of photosynthesis. $t the end of the e periment which one of the leaf parts labelled ?, ?? and ??? will become blue blac! when dipped in iodine solution & (a) ? and ?? (c) ? and ??? )<. (b) ?? only (d) ?? and ???

To determine that li*ht is essential for photosynthesis, followin* are the steps, but not in sequence. (i) :luc! the leaf and do the starch test. (ii) Ieep the selected plant in sunli*ht. (iii) Aestarch the plant for +6 C 2' hours. (iv) 7over the leaf with blac! paper strip. The correct sequence is (a) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv) (c) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

(b) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (d) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)


%hich of the followin* cells possess well defined nucleus & (a) (a) and (b) (b) (a) and (c) (c) (c) and (b) (d) (a), (b) and (c) %hen we observe the slide of epidermal leaf peel we find that the inner walls of *uard cells in contact with the stomatal pore are . (a) Hery thic! (b) ;oderately thic! (c) ;oderately thin (d) Thin /efore settin* up an e periment to show that seeds release 7O' durin* respiration, the seeds should be . (a) dried completely. (b) boiled to ma!e them soft. (c) soa!ed in vine*ar. (d) !ept moist till they *erminate.




?n the e perimental setup shown in the fi*ure, water is found to rise in the bent tube. The reason is that

(a) seeds use up o y*en in the flas!. (b) carbon dio ide is *iven out by *erminatin* seeds. (c) *erminatin* seeds attract water from the bea!er. (d) seeds use o y*en and release 7O' which is absorbed by potassium hydro ide due to which a partial vacuum is created in the flas!.


Class IX

,ection C $ )3 +3 33 ,3 *3
:ure water is bad conductor of electricity H',O+ is added to ma!e it a *ood conductor. ;ercury. 7ommercially viable sites, are very less in number. 7urrent will be half of its former value. $lloy is a homo*enous mi ture of two or more metals or a metal and a non metal. 7omposition /rass C copper, JincK LsesMnutsMbolts, utensils, decorative articles. ,older. Bead, tinK used in fuse wires. %ashin* soda (1a'7O).#=H'O) (a) 4 is 7aO 7a8H'O 7a(OH)' (b) 7opper from copper sulphate solution (/lue) is displaced by iron formin* iron sulphate solution which is pale *reen in colour. (i) /a7l'8H',O+ /a,O+8'H7l (ii) 7a(OH)'8'H1O) 7a(1O))'8'H'O (iii) ':b(1O))' ':b8+1O'8O' (iv) ;nO'8+H7l ;n7l'8'H'O87l' Aesert plants ta!e up 7O' at ni*ht and prepare an intermediate molecule. The intermediate molecule is acted upon by the ener*y absorbed by the chlorophyll durin* the day. Aue to sunli*ht water at the surface of the sea *ets heated up while in the deeper re*ions water is relatively cold. This difference in temperature is utiliJed to produce electrical ener*y. The warm surface water is used to boil a volatile liquid li!e ammoia. The vapours of the liquid are then used to run the turbine of *enerator and electricity is produced. HN?' ET N '- '= )= H N #-=== @

43 -3





)+3 #st observation is correct

Gorce on a current carryin* conductor placed in a ma*netic field is directly proportional to the stren*th of current


$ lar*er current will flow throu*h the circuit when thic! wire is connected to it. ,ince, R N#OA The resistance of thic! wire will be lower as compared to thin wire. ,o a lar*er current will flow throu*h the circuit with thic! wire. (a) 7orrect definition (b) :hotochemical decomposition (c) Aouble displacement (a) "vaporation of water from sea water and recrystallisation of the crude salt sample (b) (i) 2 (ii) less than 2 (a) 7alcium sulphate hemihydrate (b) 7a,O+.'H'O (c) 7a,O+. P H'O 8 #P H'O 7a,O+. 'H'O Eefle $rc . :ath followed by an impulse from a receptor or*an to an effective or*an. Aia*ram of Eefle $rc .






Lpward and downward movement of shoot and root respectively of a plants away or towards earth durin* its *rowth is called *eotropism. :lace a potted plant on its side in sunli*ht. Observation . The shoot bends upwards ( ne*ative *eotroprism) C The roots bend downwards (positive *eotropism) They do not produce much heat on burnin* and a lot of smo!e is *iven out when they are burnt. The Technolo*ical inputs to improve the efficiency of these fuels . (i) %hen wood is burnt in a limited supply of o y*en, water and volatile materials present in it *et removed and charcoal is left behind as the residue. 7harcoal burns without flames, is comparatively smo!eless and has a hi*her heat *eneration efficiency. (ii) 7ow C dun*, various plant materials li!e the residue after harvestin* the crops, ve*etable %aste and sewa*e are decomposed in the absence of o y*en to *ive bioC*as.



Two resistors of resistance E# and E' are connected in series. Bet ? be the current throu*h the circuit. The current throu*h each resistor is also ?. The two resistors Doined in series is replaced by an equivalent sin*le resistor of resistance E such that the potential difference H across it, and the current ? throu*h the circuit remains same. HN ?E H#N?E# H'N?E' ?EN?E#8?E' ?EN?(E#8E') ENE#8E' (a) "lectric fuse is a safety device which is used to safe*uard electrical appliances. (b) This means that 0=@ of ener*y is used per second. "ner*y N :t N 0= # h N 0= %h N=.=0 !%h ,ame volta*e as that of the power line. Overall resistance is reduced C current from the power supply is hi*h. ?f one electrical appliance stops wor!in* all other appliances !eep wor!in* normally. ,odium 7arbonate Aecahydrate K 1a'7O).#=H'O Obtained by heatin* ba!in* ,oda and EecrystalliJation '1aH7O)




9 1a' 7O)8H'O87O'

1a'7O)8#=H'O 9 1a'7O).#= H'O


(i) 1a CC', 6, # OCCC ', 0 ;*CCC ', 6, '

1a (ii) Gormation of ;*O. ;*'8 O'C ;* 8 O ' ,6,' ',0 stable confi*uration. (iii) ;*'8ions and O'C ions are present



;*O. ',6

12 ?onic compound formed by transfer of electrons in outer most shell of the atom of a metal to ' outermost shell of a nonCmental so that both acquire a complete octet.

(eneral properties for ionic compoundsQ (i) Physical nature. ?onic compounds are solids and are somewhat hard because of the stron* force of attraction between the positive and ne*ative ions. These compounds are *enerally brittle and brea! into pieces when pressure is applied. (ii) Melting and Boiling points. ?onic compounds have hi*h meltin* and boilin* points. This is because a considerable amount of ener*y is required to brea! the stron* interCionic attraction. (iii) Solubility. "lectrovalent compounds are *enerally soluble in water and insoluble in solvents such as !erosene, petrol, etc.


Aouble circulation refers to the flow of blood twice throu*h the heart, durin* each cycle of transport throu*h the body. (i) ,ystemic circulation (ii) :ulmonary circulation The deo y*enated blood is brou*ht to the ri*ht atrium of the heart, by inferior vena cava and superior vena cava. Grom here, the blood moves into the ri*ht ventricle, this pumps it the lun*s throu*h pulmonary artery. The o y*enated blood is brou*ht to the left atrium by pulmonary veins. Grom here, the blood moves into the left ventricle, this pumps it to all parts of the body throu*h aorta. Aouble circulation is necessary because the o y*enated blood from lun*s comes to the heart and deo y*enated blood from heart *oes bac! to the lun*s for purifyin*, i.e. for removin* 7O' from the blood. 12 (a) Human " cretory ,ystem

(b) Lrea, uric acid.


$ momentary deflection C indicates momentary currentCdirection of current in the coil C anticloc!wise (ii) Aeflection in opposite direction C current of an opposite direction (iii) 1o deflection C no current is produced in the coil (b) "lectroma*netic ?nduction K Garaday, Glemin*5s ri*ht hand rule K ,tretch the thumb, forefin*er and middle fin*er of ri*ht hand so that they are perpendicular to each other, as shown in . ?f the forefin*er indicates the

(a) (i)

direction of the ma*netic field and the thumb shows the direction of motion of conductor, then the middle fin*er will show the direction of induced current. 12 (a) $ coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of a cylinder is called solenoid (b) ?t is clean from the above pattern that the ma*netic field of a current carryin* solenoid resembles the field of a bar ma*net (c) ;a*netic field also reverses.


(i) (a) (b) (c)

Eoastin* of sulphide ore '7u',(s)8)O'(s) '7u'O(s) 9',O'(*) '7u'O 87u', 0 9 7u(s)8,O'(*) This reaction is !nown as autoC reduction Eeaction for electrolytic refinin* $t cathode . 7u'8(aq)8'eC 9 7u(s) $t cathode . 7u(s) 9 7u'8(aq)8'eC

(ii) Aia*ram for electrolytic refinin* of copper.

SECTI1N % +03(a) 3,3(b) ,03(c) +93(b) 3*3(d) ,)3(a) 303(a) 343(d) ,+35d) 3)3(a) 3-3(c) ,33(d) 3+3(d) 303(c) 333(c) 393(b)

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