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INVESTIGATOR NAME: Gladys Alicia Testa INVESTIGATOR NACIONALITY: Argentine DATE OF BIRTH: 19 May 1954 LICENSE NUMBER: 91767 STUDY LOCATION ADDRESS: Centro de Investig !iones M"di! s# C$%ni! de Fr !t&r s
' Orto(edi # Av Inde!endencia 1475" #76$$%&' Mar del (lata" #s As" Argentina Tel $))*+494)575, -a. $))*+49597$9

EDUCATION: List Co$$eges) Universities ttended *it+ d tes nd degrees o,t ined 197)+197/ Universidad 0aci1nal de La (lata -ac2ltad de Medicina Degree3 (4ysician

-OSGRADE: S(e!i $it'. d tes. instit&tion/s n 0e 19/*+19/53 5eni1r 5!ecialist C12rse Argentine 51ciety 16 R4e27at1l1gy 8A5R9 #2en1s Aires 19993 5!ecialist in R4e27at1l1gy Medical C1llege 16 #2en1s Aires %istrict I: )$$/3 0ested 5!ecialist in R4e27at1l1gy Medical C1llege 16 #2en1s Aires %istrict I: )$1$+)$113 %i!l17a in &ealt4 Manage7ent I5ALU%

-ROFESSIONAL E1-ERIENCE3 2 Bo rd !erti3i! tion) N 0e o3 ,o rd: 1999 5!ecialist in R4e27at1l1gy Medical C1llege 16 #2en1s Aires %istrict I: 2 -revio&s ((oint0ents: 197/3 R1tating Interns4i! M;dic1 #ecari1 &1s!ital (rivad1 de C172nidad Mar del (lata 1979+19/)3 Residency C4ie6 &1s!ital (rivad1 de C172nidad Mar del (lata 19/)+)$1*3 M;dic1 de (lanta del Instit2t1 0aci1nal de Re4a<ilitaci=n (sic16>sica del 52r 8I 0A RE ( 59 Mar del (lata 19/*+19993 M;dic1 %escentrali?ad1 de Cl>nica M;dica &s!ital (rivad1 de C172nidad Mar del (lata 1999+)$$63 M;dic1 %escentrali?ad1 de Re27at1l1g>a &1s!ital (rivad1 de C172nidad Mar del (lata 2 -resent ((oint0ents 5ince )$$5 Residency c4ie6 16 e.ternal !4ysician@s 166ice Instit2t1 0aci1nal de Re4a<ilitaci=n (sic16>sica del 52r 8I 0A RE ( 59 Mar del (lata 5ince )$1* (rinci!al Investigat1r Centr1 de Investigaci1nes M;dicas Cl>nica de -ract2ras y Art1!edia + Certi3i! te o3 tr ining: Anline c12rse 4Good C$ini! $ -r !ti!e5 8GC(9 NOVARTIS 6789 COURSES
19/43 C12rse 16 1rgani?ati1n and ad7inistrati1n 16 4ealt4 services Medical C1llege 16 #2en1s Aires %istrict I: )$$43 C12rse 16 &ealt4 5ervices Manage7ent Regi=n 5anitaria VIII


+ Are t4ere di66erences in t4e B2ality 16 li6e 16 !atients Cit4 RA in Argentina acc1rding t1 t4e ty!e 16 7edical attenti1nD )$$5 !resented at ACR )$$5

+ #11E REUMATALAGIA 16 %Rs C1c1 Mald1nad1 G2stav1 F1se and 'yt4ira C1+a2t41r 16 C4a!ter 1)3 5412lder !ain (ag 164+174

2 Rese r!+ in !o$$ ,or tion

+ T1! -1r7 AR Manager ::IV C1ngr Argentine R4e27at1l1gy 19/1 + -reB2ency 16 di662se idi1!at4ic sEeletal 4y!er1st1sis 8%I5&9 in e.ternal !4ysician@s 166ice 16 R4e27at1l1gy ::VI Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy 19/* + E.tras!inal 7ani6estati1ns 16 di662se idi1!at4ic sEeletal 4y!er1st1sis ::I: Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy 19/9 ::I: + 52rgical Treat7ent 16 vasc2litic 2lcer Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy 1995 + %esign 16 a !r1gra7 61r creating an AR Care Center :::IV Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy 1996 + &ydr1t4era!y in a gr12! 16 RA Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy 1997 + C1rneal Eerat1lysis in a !acient Cit4 RA MERCA5UR C1ngress 199/ + T2<erc2l12s s!1ndyl1discitis3 a case :V Argentine C1ngress 16 (4ysical Medicine and Re4a<ilitati1n 1999 + In6ecti12s s!1ndyl1discitis3 early detecti1n :V Argentine C1ngress 16 (4ysical Medicine and Re4a<ilitaci=n 1999 + T2<erc2l12s in6ecti1n c17!licating a t1tal 4i! art4r1!lasty :::VIII Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$4 + Aste1artic2lar T2<erc2l1sis E.!erience in ad2lt !atients :::VIII Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$4 + 5a!41 5yndr17e3 (redis!1sing 6act1r 61r TanE c1st1c41ndral art4ritisD :::I: Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$6 + M2ltidisci!linary A!!r1ac4 t1 Re4a<ilitati1n treat7ent 16 !atients Cit4 RA :::I: Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$6 + #acterial End1carditis and TanE %iscitis a!!earing as R4e27atic (1ly7yalgia :::I: Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$6 + Eryt4r1cyte sedi7entati1n and severity in !1ly7yalgia r4e27atica :::I: Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$6 + Eval2ating C2t166 !1ints 16 G5i7!li6ied Activity Inde.G 8IA59 t4r12g4 e.!ert 1!ini1n :LI Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$/


E66icacy and 5a6ety 16 Celec1.i< in Aste1art4ritis (4ase III Int M2lticenter 5t2dy 1995 (rinci!al Investigat1r C11!erative 5t2dy 16 H2ality 16 Li6e in Argentina Gr2!1 R4e27atic %iseases Researc4 Argentin1 CA(+ H1l 5c4ering+(l12g4 )$$5 (rinci!al Investigat1r Res2lts 16 t4e eval2ati1n 16 t4e B2ality 16 li6e 2sing t4e 5-+*6 %2ring t4e CA(+H1l 5c4ering+(l12g4+ )$$5 (rinci!al Investigat1r 5ensitivity t1 c4ange 16 t4e Argentina versi1n 16 t4e GIestern Antari1 and McMaster UniversitiesG 8IAMAC9 L' * 1 A<<reviated in !atients Cit4 'nee Aste1art4ritis :LII Argentine C1ngress 16 R4e27at1l1gy )$$9 FA%J (4ase III R4e27at1id art4ritis 5ince )$1* (rinci!al Investigat1r FA%V (4ase III R4e27at1id art4ritis 5ince )$1* (rinci!al Investigat1r



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