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Welcome to Student-Led Conferences

Dear Parent Your child will lead you through the stations in our classroom. He or she will show you around some of the things we are learning this year.

Students - Welcome your parent(s) to your class and introduce them to your teachers. - Lead your parent(s) through each station. - Show your parent(s) all of your hard work. - Have a good time. - Have your parent(s) fill out their response to your report.

Thank you for taking the time to come and share in your childs learning! Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Lowe

Station #1: In Math we are learning about mental math. Challenge your parent(s) to a game of math sticks. Station #2: In Science we have been learning about materials and structures. Show your parent(s) how to build the tallest structure possible with pennies. Station #3: In Social Studies we have been studying communities by creating our own monster communities. Take your parent(s) to the cloak room wall and show them your communitys flag, then take them to the back wall and show them your coat of arms. Station #4: Since January we have been learning how to research with The Monday Question. Find your Monday question journal, take your parent(s) to the front of the room and walk them through all of the questions we have researched. Station #5: In Health and Career we are learning about nutrition. Show your parent(s) your nutrition lap book. Station #6: In Physical Education we have just wrapped up both our dance and skating units. Take your parent(s) to the SMART board and show them the video of us doing the Hora. Then show your parent(s) our skating poster. Station #7: In Music we have been learning how to play the djembe. Take your parent(s) to the iPad station and let them watch our final drum presentations. Station #8: In Writing we have been creating different styles of poetry. Take your parent(s) to the bulletin board and show them which poems wrote or helped to write. Make sure to let your parents know what poems you are the most proud of. Station #9: In Art we have been learning about mixing paint colours, using different materials, and experimenting with techniques. Walk your parent(s) through the hall and around the classroom and show them your masterpieces. Station #10 Show your parent(s) your home reading chart, thank them for coming, and on your way out show them the fish we are raising for the Salmonid Enhancement program. Station #11 We have been studying monsters this year! Help your parent(s) find your diorama. Tell your parent(s) why you chose this habitat for your monster to live in: what does your monster eat, where does your monster sleep, and what does your monster do for fun?

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