Yearly Plan SC f2 2011

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Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

THEME A : MANAGEMENT AN CONTUINITY OF LIFE Chapter 1 : The World Through Our Sen e WEE! LEA#NING ACTI&ITY O$%ECTI&ES 1'1 Sen or( Under tand)ng Carr( out a*t),)t)e to -a.e Organ And the en or( *onne*t)on /et0een the +),e The)r Fun*t)on organ and the)r en e 1 the en or( organ and +un*t)on ' the t)-ul)' 2) *u 0hat happen )n our /od( a+ter a t)-ulu ) dete*ted' TO"IC LEA#NING OUTCOMES A tudent ) a/le to: )dent)+( and relate a en or( organ to )t t)-ulu 1 tate the path0a( +rot)-ulu to re pon e: St)-ulu Sen or( organ Ner,e $ra)n Ner,e #e pon e &ALUE $e)ng than.+ul to Allah1 th)n.)ng rat)onall(1 /e)ng *ooperat),e1 apprea*)at)ng the *ontr)/ut)on o+ *)en*e and te*hnolog)e 1 /e)ng hone t and a**urate )n re*ord)ng and ,al)dat)ng data1 ha,)ng *r)t)*al and anal(t)*al th)n.)ng'

1'3 Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng Tou*h the en e o+ tou*h'

Carr( out a*t),)t)e to tud( +ollo0)ng: a4 tru*ture o+ the hu-an )n,ol,ed )n t)-ul) dete*t)on1 /4 en )t),)t( o+ the .)n d)++erent part o+ the /od( to0ard t)-ul)' 2) *u the en )t),)t( o+ .)n )n *onne*t)on to +ollo0)ng )tuat)on : a4 re*e),)ng an )n5e*t)on1 /4 u )ng $ra)lle'


A tudent ) a/le to: )dent)+( the tru*ture o+ the .)n hu-an .)n )n,ol,ed )n t)-ul) dete*t)on1 at tate the +un*t)on o+ d)++erent re*eptor 6 pre ure1 heat1 pa)n1 dra0 *on*lu )on on the the en )t),)t( o+ the .)n at d)++erent the part o+ the /od( to0ard t)-ul)'

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

1'7 Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng S-ell the en e o+ -ell' 2) *u the tru*ture o+ the no e and the po )t)on o+ the en or( *ell u )ng -odel 1 *hart 1 *o-puter o+t0are and other tea*h)ng a)d ' Carr( out a*t),)t)e to dete*t the d)++erent area o+ the tongue that re pond to d)++erent ta te ' Carr( out a*t),)t)e to +)nd ho0 ta te ) related to -ell' A tudent ) a/le to: )dent)+( the tru*ture o+ the no e1 )dent)+( the po )t)on o+ the en or( *ell )n the dete*t)on o+ -ell'

1'8 Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng Ta te the en e o+ ta te'

1'9 Our Sen e O+ Hear)ng And Sound

A tudent ) a/le to: )dent)+( the d)++erent area o+ the tongue that re pond to d)++erent ta te1 relate the en e o+ ta te 0)th the en e o+ -ell' O/ er,e and )dent)+( the A tudent ) a/le to: tru*ture )dent)+( the tru*ture o+ the o+ the hu-an ear' hu-an ear1 2) *u the +un*t)on o+ ea*h e:pla)n the +un*t)on o+ the part d)++erent part o+ the ear1 o+ the ear' de *r)/e ho0 0e hear' 2) *u the hear)ng -e*han) -' A tudent ) a/le to: )dent)+( the tru*ture o+ the hu-an e(e1 e:pla)n the +un*t)on o+ d)++erent part o+ the e(e1 de *r)/e ho0 0e ee' A tudent ) a/le to: de *r)/e the propert)e o+

1'; Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng E:a-)ne the *o0< e(e or -odel S)ght The Sen e O+ o+ a hu-an e(e' S)ght' Colle*t )n+or-at)on on tru*ture and +un*t)on o+ ea*h part o+ the e(e' 2) *u ho0 0e ee' 1'= Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng Carr( out a*t),)t)e to tud(: L)ght And S)ght The Sen e O+ a4 re+le*t)on o+ l)ght1 Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

l)ght )'e' re+le*t)on and re+ra*t)on1 tate the ,ar)ou de+e*t o+ ,) )on1 e:pla)n 0a( to *orre*t ,) )on de+e*t 1 tate and g),e e:a-ple o+ the l)-)tat)on o+ )ght1 *onne*t tereo *op)* and -ono*ular ,) )on 0)th the ur,),al o+ an)-al 1 )dent)+( the appropr)ate de,)*e to o,er*o-e the l)-)tat)on o+ )ght' Carr( out a*t),)t)e to )n,e t)gate: 1'? Our Sen e O+ Under tand)ng A tudent ) a/le to: Sound And Sound And a4 the produ*t)on o+ ound1 de *r)/e the propert)e o+ /4 the need o+ -ed)u+or ound to Hear)ng Hear)ng' ound1 tra,el1 e:pla)n the re+le*t)on and *4 the re+le*t)on and a/ orpt)on o+ a/ orpt)on o+ ound1 ound' e:pla)n the de+e*t o+ Colle*t )n+or-at)on a/out hear)ng1 a4 the de+e*t o+ hear)ng1 e:pla)n 0a( o+ re*t)+()ng the /4 0a( to re*t)+( the de+e*t o+ de+e*t )n hear)ng1 hear)ng' tate the l)-)tat)on o+ 2) *u the l)-)tat)on o+ hear)ng and 0a( o+ )-pro,)ng )t' hear)ng1 Carr( out a*t),)t)e to )n,e t)gate tate the de,)*e u ed to the need +or tereophon)* hear)ng o,er*o-e the l)-)tat)on o+ )n deter-)n)ng the d)re*t)on o+ hear)ng1
ound' e:pla)n tereophon)* hear)ng'

L)ght And S)ght

/4 re+ra*t)on o+ l)ght /et0een t0o -ed)u- o+ d)++erent den )t(' Colle*t )n+or-at)on a/out the t(pe o+ de+e*t o+ ,) )on and the *ontr)/ut)on>u e o+ te*hnolog( to re*t)+( the-'

1'@ St)-ul) #e pon e "lant '

And Under tand)ng In the t)-ul) and re pon e )n

Carr( out e:per)-ent to )n,e t)gate and )dent)+(: a4 t)-ul) dete*ted /( plant 1

A tudent ) a/le to: tate the t)-ul) that *au e re pon e )n plant 1

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

plant ' /4 the part o+ the plant en )t),e to pe*)+)* t)-ulu ' 2) *u )n 0hat 0a( the re pon e o+ plant to0ard t)-ul) are )-portant +or the)r ur,),al' )dent)+( the part o+ plant en )t),e to pe*)+)* t)-ulu 1 relate the re pon e )n plant to the)r ur,),al'





3'1 Cla e +ood

o+ Anal( )ng the *la e o+ +ood'

2) *u the *la e o+ +ood )'e' *ar/oh(drate1 prote)n1 +at 1 ,)ta-)n 1 -)neral 1 +)/re and 0ater and tate the)r +un*t)on ' Carr( out a*t),)t)e to te t +or tar*h A)od)ne olut)on41 glu*o e A$ened)*t olut)on41 prote)n AM)llon< reagent4 and +at Aal*oholBe-ul )on te t4'
2) *u : a4 0hat a /alan*ed d)et ) 1 /4 the +a*tor that deter-)ne a per on< /alan*ed d)et: age1 )Ce1 e:1 5o/1 *l)-ate1 tate o+ health' Colle*t +ood 0rapper that ho0

A tudent ) a/le to: e:pla)n through e:a-ple the *la e o+ +ood1 tate the +un*t)on o+ ea*h *la o+ +ood1 te t +or tar*h1 glu*o e1 prote)n and +at '
A tudent ) a/le to: tate 0hat a /alan*ed d)et ) 1 tate the +a*tor that -u t /e *on )dered 0hen plann)ng a /alan*ed d)et1 e:pla)n ho0 the +a*tor a++e*t a

3'3 The E,aluat)ng the I-portan*e O+ A )-portan*e o+ a $alan*e 2)et /alan*ed d)et'

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

*alor)+)* ,alue o+ +ood and -a.e a l) t to ho0 the *alor)+)* ,alue +or ea*h t(pe o+ +ood' 2) *u to e t)-ate the *alor)e o+ +ood ta.en )n a -eal' "lan a /alan*ed d)et +or a da(' A/rea.+a t1 lun*h and d)nner4 /alan*ed d)et1 tate the Duant)t( o+ energ( )n ea*h gra- o+ *ar/oh(drate1 prote)n and +at 1 e t)-ate the *alor)e o+ +ood ta.en )n a -eal1 plan a /alan*ed d)et'

3'7 The Hu-an Under tand)ng 2)ge t),e S( tethe d)ge t),e ( te- )n -an'

2) *u that d)ge t)on ) the /rea.do0n o+ large +ood -ole*ule )nto -aller olu/le -ole*ule that *an /e read)l( a/ or/ed /( the /od(' Ident)+( part o+ the d)ge t),e ( te- and the +lo0 o+ +ood part)*le )n the al)-entar( *anal u )ng -odel>*hart>C2 #OM' 2) *u the +un*t)on o+ the ,ar)ou organ )n the d)ge t),e ( te- and the enC(-e +ound' Carr( out a*t),)t)e to ho0 the a*t)on o+ the enC(-e )n the al),a on tar*h'

A tudent ) a/le to: e:pla)n 0hat d)ge t)on ) 1 )dent)+( the part o+ the d)ge t),e ( te-1 de *r)/e the +lo0 o+ +ood part)*le )n the al)-entar( *anal1 tate the +un*t)on o+ the organ )n the d)ge t),e ( te-1 de *r)/e the pro*e o+ d)ge t)on )n the al)-entar( *anal1 l) t the end produ*t o+ d)ge t)on o+ *ar/oh(drate1 prote)n and +at '

3'8 A/ orpt)on o+ Under tand)ng 2)ge ted Food the pro*e o+ a/ orpt)on o+ d)ge ted +ood'
Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

2) *u the pro*e o+ a/ orpt)on o+ the produ*t o+ d)ge t)on )n the -all )nte t)ne' Carr( out an e:per)-ent to

A tudent ) a/le to: e:pla)n the pro*e o+ a/ orpt)on o+ the produ*t o+ d)ge t)on1 -a.e )n+eren*e a/out the

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

ho0 the a/ orpt)on o+ glu*o e through a &) .)ng tu/e' 3'9 #ea/ orpt)on Under tand)ng o+ Water and the rea/ orpt)on 2e+e*at)on o+ 0ater and de+e*at)on' 2) *u the rea/ orpt)on o+ 0ater /( the large )nte t)ne and the pro*e o+ de+e*at)on' 2) *u the )-portan*e o+ good eat)ng ha/)t to a,o)d *on t)pat)on'
2) *u the +ollo0)ng top)* : a4 pra*t)*)ng good eat)ng ha/)t )'e' eat)ng nutr)t)ou +ood and eat)ng )n -oderat)on1 /4 the generou d) tr)/ut)on o+ +ood to the underpr),)leged > need(1 *4 *ultural pra*t)*e )n d)n)ng *on+or-)ng to en )t),)t)e and rel)g)ou /el)e+ '

a/ orpt)on o+ glu*o e through a &) .)ng tu/e'

A tudent ) a/le to: tate ho0 0ater ) rea/ or/ed )n the large )nte t)ne1 e:pla)n de+e*at)on1 relate the pro/le- o+ de+e*at)on 0)th eat)ng ha/)t ' A tudent ) a/le to: 5u t)+( the )-portan*e o+ eat)ng nutr)t)ou +ood1 put )n pra*t)*e good eat)ng ha/)t 1 5u t)+( the generou d) tr)/ut)on o+ +ood to the underpr),)leged > need(1 relate the d)n)ng *ulture o+ d)++erent people *on+or-)ng to en )t),)t)e and rel)g)ou /el)e+ ' "ra*t)*)ng good eat)ng ha/)t

3'7 Health( Eat)ng "ut )nto pra*t)*e Ha/)t the ha/)t o+ health( eat)ng' "lan and *arr( out a health( eat)ng ha/)t'

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

organisms and their classification.

Discuss the diversity in the general characteristics of living organisms. - Build a concept map on living organisms based on the classification above. "ollect and classify various animals into a system based on common characteristics. - Animal: #nvertebrate, vertebrate, mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, reptile. "ollect and classify various plants into a system based on common characteristics. - $lant : %lo!ering plant, nonflo!ering plant, monocotyledon, dicotyledon. Discuss the importance of maintaining the biological diversity as one of the country&s natural heritage.

A student is able to: explain the diversity of living organisms in a habitat,

alaysia is one of the t!elve megabiodiversity countries in the !orld should be highlighted.

7'1 The &ar)et( O+ Understanding variety of living L),)ng Organ) -

7'3 Cla )+)*at)on O+ An)-al

A student is able to: classify various animals based on common characteristics.

7'7 Cla )+)*at)on O+ "lant

A student is able to: classify various plants based on common characteristics.

7'8 The I-portan*e O+ $)od),er )t( To The En,)ron-ent

A student is able to: explain the importance of biodiversity to the environment.

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

THEME $ : MAN AN2 THE &A#IETY OF LI&ING THINGS Chapter 8 : Interdependen*e A-ong L),)ng Organ) - and The En,)ron-ent WEE! TO"IC LEA#NING ACTI&ITY O$%ECTI&ES Understanding Discuss the diversity in the general 8'1 variety of living characteristics of living organisms. Interdependen*e organisms and "ollect and classify various plants A-ong L),)ng their and animals into a system based Organ) classification. on common characteristics. - Animal: #nvertebrate, vertebrate, mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, reptile. - $lant : %lo!ering plant, nonflo!ering plant, monocotyledon, dicotyledon. - Build a concept map on living organisms based on the classification above. Discuss the importance of maintaining the biological diversity as one of the country&s natural heritage. "ollect and interpret data on the types of interactions bet!een living organisms as follo!s: a( prey-predator, b( symbiosis: commensalism, mutualism and parasitism e.g. remora and shar), algae and fungi, tape !orm

A student is able to: explain the diversity of living organisms in a habitat, classify various animals based on common characteristics, classify various plants based on common characteristics, explain the importance of biodiversity to the environment.


8'3 Intera*t)on 'valuating the $et0een L),)ng interaction bet!een living Organ) organisms.

A student is able to: list the types of interactions bet!een living organisms, explain !ith examples the interactions bet!een living organisms, *ustify the importance of interaction bet!een living

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

and man, c( competition. "onduct an activity to sho! the importance of the interaction bet!een organisms and the environment. Discuss the advantages of biological control in regulating the numbers of pests in certain areas. "ollect and interpret data on the producer, consumer, decomposer and pyramid number. "onstruct a food !eb from a fe! food chains and identify the producer, consumer and decomposer. Discuss the energy flo! in the food !eb constructed. "onduct a game to sho! the effects of an increase or decrease in the number of organisms in a pyramid number. Discuss the conse-uences if a component of living organisms in an ecosystem is missing. "arry out discussion on !hat photosynthesis is. "arry out experiments to determine the factors needed for photosynthesis i.e. carbon dioxide, !ater, light and chlorophyll. Discuss the importance of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Discuss the carbon and oxygen cycles. organisms and the environment, explain through examples the advantages and disadvantages of biological control in regulating the number of pest in certain areas.

8'7 Food We/

+ynthesi,ing food !eb.

8'8 "hoto (nthe )

Analysing photosynthesis.

A student is able to: explain !hat producers, consumers and decomposers are, combine a fe! food chains to construct a food !eb, identify the producer, consumer and decomposer in a food !eb, construct a pyramid number from a food chain, relate the food !eb and the pyramid number to energy flo!, predict the conse-uences if a certain component of living organisms in the ecosystem is missing. A student is able to: state !hat photosynthesis is, state the factors re-uired for photosynthesis, state the products of photosynthesis, control the variables that are re-uired for photosynthesis, explain the role of photosynthesis in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

8'9 Con er,at)on 'valuating the And "re er,at)on importance of O+ L),)ng conservation and Organ) "ollect and interpret data on the conservation and preservation of living organisms. "arry out a field !or) in a natural forest reserve .!etlands, highland forest or tropical rain forest( or an animal sanctuary to study the conservation and preservation of living organisms. "arry out a discussion on ho! the improvement in science and technology helps in the conservation and preservation of living organisms. /un a campaign to stress on the importance of conservation and preservation 0 "arry out a role play involving the parties concerned in solving problems related to the conservation and preservation of living organisms. "arry out a brainstorming session to discuss the environmental issues affecting the balance in nature and ho! to solve it. "arry out a discussion to *ustify that man needs stable and productive ecosystem to ascertain a harmonious life. A student is able to: explain !hat conservation and preservation are, explain the steps ta)en to preserve and conserve living organisms, *ustify the importance of conservation and preservation of living organisms, support activities organised by various parties to preserve and conserve the living organisms. 1he role of man in conservation and preservation

preservation of living organisms.

8'; The #ole O+ Hu-an In Ma)nta)n)ng The $alan*e In Nature

'valuating the role of man in maintaining the balance in nature.

A student is able to: explain the effects of human activities on the balance in nature, describe ho! man solves problems related to environment, *ustify that human need a stable, productive and balanced ecosystem.

THEME C : MATTE# IN NATU#E Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

Chapter 9 : Water And Solut)on WEE! TO"IC LEA#NING O$%ECTI&ES ACTI&ITY
"arry out activities to determine the follo!ing: the free,ing point of !ater, the boiling point of !ater. "arry out an activity to observe the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of !ater.

A student is able to: state the meaning of the free,ing point of !ater, state the meaning of the boiling point of !ater, describe the physical characteristics of !ater, explain through examples the effects of impurities on the physical characteristics of !ater. A student is able to: determine the composition of !ater, test the presence of hydrogen and oxygen. A student is able to: explain !hat evaporation is, explain through examples the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of !ater !ith reference to the 2inetic 1heory, compare and contrast bet!een evaporation and boiling, describe the application of the evaporation of !ater in daily life.

/elate the free,ing and boiling point of !ater to the 2inetic 1heory.

9'1 "h( )*al Analysing the Chara*ter) t)* O+ physical characteristics Water
of !ater.

9'3 Co-po )t)on Water

The Analysing the O+ composition of


"arry out an electrolysis to determine the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of !ater. "arry out experiments to study the factors affecting the rate of evaporation of !ater i.e. humidity, the temperature of the surrounding, surface area and the movement of air. Discuss the factors affecting the rate of evaporation in relation to the 2inetic 1heory. Discuss the similarities and differences bet!een evaporation and boiling. 3ather information on evaporation process and its application in daily life.i.e. drying of clothes, preservation of agricultural

9'7 E,aporat)on O+ Analysing the process of Water

evaporation of !ater.

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

products and processing of food.

9'8 Solut)on And Analysing solution and Solu/)l)t(


Discuss the differences bet!een solute, solvent and solution. "arry out activities to prepare a dilute solution, a concentrated solution and a saturated solution. Discuss the similarities and differences bet!een dilute solution, concentrated solution and saturated solution. "arry out activities to illustrate the differences bet!een a solution and a suspension. "arry out experiments to determine the factors affecting the solubility of a solute. 4ature of solvent, 4ature of solute, 1emperature. "arry out experiments to determine the factors affecting the rate of dissolving: temperature, rate of stirring, si,e of solute particle. Discuss the importance of !ater as a universal solvent in life. 3ather information on the application of organic solvents in daily life. "arry out activities to study: the properties of acid in terms of p5 value, taste,

A student is able to: explain !hat solute, solvent and solution are, contrast and compare bet!een dilute solution, concentrated and saturated solution, explain !hat suspension is, explain !hat solubility is, explain the factors affecting the solubility of solutes in !ater, explain the importance of !ater as a universal solvent in life, give examples on the uses of organic solvents in our everyday life. #ntroduce insoluble sediments are )no!n as residue.

9'9 A*)d

And Analysing acid

and al)ali.

A student is able to: identify the properties of acid, identify the properties of al)ali,

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

corrosive nature, effect on litmus paper, reaction !ith metals such as magnesium and ,inc, the characteristics of al)ali in terms of p5 value, taste, corrosive nature, effect on litmus paper, carry out a discussion to define acid and al)ali operationally. "arry out activities to determine the acidic and al)aline substances in daily life. state that acid and al)ali only sho! their properties in the presence of !ater, explain through examples the definition of acid and al)ali, identify the substances !hich are acidic or al)aline in everyday life, state the uses of acid and al)ali in daily life, explain the meaning of neutralisation, !rite an e-uation in !ords to describe the neutralisation process, explain through examples the uses of neutralisation in daily life. A student is able to: list the natural sources of !ater, state the reasons for !ater purification, describe the various types of !ater purification, compare the strengths and !ea)nesses of the various types of !ater purification.

9'; Method O+ Analysing the methods of Water "ur)+)*at)on

!ater purification.

9'= The Water Analysing the !ater supply Suppl( S( teYearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

a)e a visit to a !ater purification site. Brainstorming on the follo!ing: natural resources of !ater, the reasons for !ater purification. Discuss the various types of !ater purification such as filtration, boiling, chlorination and distillation. "arry out activities to study the various types of !ater purification such as filtration, boiling and distillation. $upils present their findings to discuss the strengths and !ea)nesses of the various types of !ater purification. a)e a visit to a !ater processing plant to study the !ater supply

1he latest developments in !ater purification e.g. ultra-violet treatment can be discussed.

A student is able to: describe ho! the !ater supply

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

system. system and stages involved in !ater purification. Discuss the !ays to save !ater. Do a pro*ect on ho! much !ater the average household uses. "ollect and interpret data on types of !ater pollutants !hich include: industrial !aste such as chemical and radioactive residues, domestic !aste such as garbage and se!age, chemicals from the agricultural activities such as fertilisers and pesticides, siltation caused by constructions and deforestation, accidental spillage from tan)ers. "onduct discussion on the effect of !ater pollution on living things. 3enerate ideas on !ays to control !ater pollution. Discuss !ays to conserve and preserve !ater and its -uality. /un a campaign on 67ove 8ur /ivers&. system !or)s, explain !ays to save !ater.

9'? "re er,at)on O+ Understanding the Water Eual)t(

preservation of !ater -uality.

A student is able to: give examples of !ater pollutants, explain the effect of !ater pollution on living things, explain !ays to control !ater pollution, explain !ays to preserve !ater and its -uality.

THEME C : MATTE# IN NATU#E Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

CHA"TE# ; : AI# "#ESSU#E WEE! TO"IC ;'1 A)r "re ure LEA#NING O$%ECTI&ES
Understanding air pressure.

"arry out an activity to discuss the )inetic theory of gases. "arry out an activity to sho! that air exerts pressure. "arry out activities to sho! the factors affecting air pressure, i.e. volume and temperature. "ollect and interpret data on appliances that use the principle of air pressure. 3ather information and discuss the application of air pressure in syringe, siphon, spraying pump and drin)ing stra!. Discuss !ays of using the principle of air pressure to solve daily problems such as bloc)age in sin)s and pouring condensed mil) from a can. 3ather information on ho! a gas tan) containing gas under high pressure !or)s. Discuss the safety precautions ta)en !hen using gas under high pressure.

A student is able to : explain the existence of air pressure !ith reference to the 2inetic 1heory, explain the factors affecting air pressure. A student is able to: explain !ith examples things that use the principle of air pressure, generate ideas to solve problems using the principle of air pressure, relate the safety measures ta)en !hen using gas under high pressure.


;'3 2a)l( Appl)*at)on O+ The "r)n*)ple O+ A)r "re ure

Applying the principle of air pressure in daily life.

Caution: Do not place tan) containing gas under high pressure near heat.

;'7 Sa+et( "re*aut)on When U )ng Ga Under H)gh "re ure

Applying the principle of air pressure in daily life.

A student is able to: relate the safety measures ta)en !hen using gas under high pressure.


Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

='1 What For*e F I O$%ECTI&ES A Understanding
force. "arry out activities to sho! pushing and pulling are forces. "arry out activities to sho! the effects of force .changes in shape, position, speed and direction(. "arry out activities to sho! different types of forces .frictional, gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic force(. Discuss the unit of force and the principle of a spring balance. "arry out activity to measure the magnitude of force. Discuss !ith examples to sho! the existence of frictional force. "arry out activities to identify the direction of frictional force and measure the magnitude of the force. "arry out an experiment to sho! ho! different types of surfaces affect the magnitude of frictional force. 3ather information and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of friction. "arry out activities on !ays to a( increase friction, b( reduce friction. Discuss the application of increasing and decreasing friction in our daily life. A student is able to: state that a force is a push or a pull, explain the effects of forces, explain the various types of forces.

='3 The Understanding Mea ure-ent O+ the measurement For*e

of force.

='7 Fr)*t)onal For*e Application of And It frictional force. Appl)*at)on

A student is able to: state the unit of force, explain ho! a spring balance !or)s, measure the magnitude of force. A student is able to: explain !ith example the existence of frictional force, state the direction and the magnitude of frictional force, carry out an experiment to sho! ho! different types of surfaces affect frictional force, explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction, explain !ays to increase friction, explain !ays to reduce friction, explain !ith examples the application of friction in daily life.

#gnore static frictional force.

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

='8 Wor. "o0er And Application of
!or). Discuss !ith examples to sho! !or) is done !hen an ob*ect is moved by a force. "arry out activities to determine the !or) done by using: 9or) .:( ; %orce .4( < Distance .m( "arry out activities to determine po!er by using: $o!er .9( ; 9or) .:( 1ime .s( "reate an activity e.g. dra!ing a poster, s)etching or acting to sho! ho! life !ould be !ithout force. A student is able to: explain !ith examples ho! !or) is done, state the unit of !or), calculate the !or) done.

Application of po!er.

='9 The I-portan*e Analysing the O+ For*e In Our importance of force in life. 2a)l( L)+e

A student is able to: state the meaning of po!er, state the unit of po!er, calculate po!er on the !or) done. A student is able to: describe ho! life !ill be if force does not exist.


Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

O$%ECTI&ES ?'1 The Support S( te- In An)-al
Understanding the support systems in animals. 3ather information and discuss the various support systems in a( land and a-uatic vertebrates, b( land and a-uatic invertebrates. "arry out discussions on the follo!ing: a( similarities and differences bet!een support systems in land and a-uatic vertebrates, b( similarities and differences bet!een support systems in land and a-uatic invertebrates. "arry out field !or) to study various support systems of plants. "arry out activities to classify plants based on their support systems. "arry out field !or) to study various support systems of plants. "arry out activities to classify plants based on their support systems. A student is able to: explain the support system in vertebrates and the various support systems in invertebrates, compare and contrast the support system bet!een land and a-uatic vertebrates, compare and contrast the support system bet!een land and a-uatic invertebrates. A student is able to: explain the various support systems in !oody and non!oody plants, classify plants based on their support systems. A student is able to: explain the various support systems in !oody and non!oody plants, classify plants based on their support systems.

?'3 The Support S( te- In "lant

Understanding the support systems in plants. Understanding the support systems in plants.

?'7 Appre*)at)ng The Support S( te- In L),)ng Th)ng

%eatures that help non-!oody plants include tendrils, thorns, air sacs in a-uatic plants.


Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

O$%ECTI&ES @'1 Centre O+ Understanding that the Gra,)t( O+ O/5e*t
centre of gravity affects stability. "arry out activities to find the point of e-uilibrium in regular and irregular shapes. "arry out an experiment to find out ho! the centre of gravity affects the stability of an ob*ect by manipulating the a( height, b( base area. Discuss the relationship bet!een the centre of gravity and stability. "arry out a brainstorming session on !ays to improve stability. "arry out activities li)e doing pro*ects or playing games to build models by applying the concept of stability. A student is able to: determine the point of e-uilibrium in regular and irregular shapes, relate the point of e-uilibrium as the centre of gravity of ob*ects, relate the centre of gravity to the stability of ob*ects.

@'3 The I-portan*e Appreciating the O+ Sta/)l)t( In Our importance of stability. 2a)l( L)+e

A student is able to: suggest !ays to improve the stability of ob*ects around them, explain !ith examples the application of stability in life.

Discuss ho! a small effort

A student is able to:


1G'1 T(pe O+ Analysing levers. Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

can overcome a large load !ith the use of a lever. a)e an observation on devices that use the principles of levers. #dentify the load, force and fulcrum, and then classify the systems into first, second and third class levers. Discuss ho! humans apply the principles of levers to help them overcome large load. Discuss that the moment of force ; force < perpendicular distance from the pivot to force. "arry out an activity to sho! the relationship bet!een moment and the product of force and distance. list things around them that use the principle of the lever, state !hat a lever can do, identify load, force and fulcrum in the lever, classify levers, solve problems related to levers.

1G'3 Mo-ent O+ A +olving problems related to levers using For*e

the follo!ing formulae: 7oad .4( < distance of the load from fulcrum .m( ; %orce .4( < distance of the force from the fulcrum .m(

A student is able to: explain !hat is meant by the moment of a force

9hen !e open the door or use a !rench to loosen a nut, !e are applying a force that causes a turning effect to accomplish the desired tas). 1he turning effect is called the moment of a force.

1G'7 Inno,at),e Appreciating the E++ort In The innovative efforts in 2e )gn O+ the design of machine to simplify Ma*h)ne

"arry out a pro*ect to build a device using the principle of a lever.

A student is able to: design or improvise a device that use the principle of a lever.

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

Yearly Teaching Plan : Science Form 2 2011

Yearl( Tea*h)ng "lan

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