Electricity Pre-Test Lesson

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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan Date: 2/20/14 Subject Area(s): Science VA SOL:

Name: Ashlie Carr

Title of Lesson: Electricity Pre-Test/Electricity Exploration Grade Level(s): 4 Grade



The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity. Key concepts include c) static electricity; d) the ability of electrical energy to be transformed into light and motion, and to produce heat; f) historical contributions in understanding electricity.

Content Objective(s): The student will be able to take the pretest by using prior knowledge or giving their best guess. The student will also be able to answer the questions on the electricity scavenger hunt worksheet by using the IPads given the website. IEP Goal/Objective: Same as above, but read the pre-test questions to students who have a reading IEP. I can/I will statement(s) of the day: Accommodations/ Differentiation I can say I completed the electricity pre-test. I can tell you at least one fact about electricity. Assessment (based on objectives): Students who struggle with The Pre-Test will be my initial assessment to begin the unit. The results will help me determine where reading will have their test my students are in this subject area and how I need to plan the rest of the unit. read to them.

Materials: Electricity Pre-Test (one per student) Electricity Scavenger Hunt worksheet (One per student) IPads (7 available) Alternate Plan document Integration of technology: IPads will be used in this lesson.

No accommodation needed for materials.

Alternative Plan: If the IPads are not available or not working, I will have the information from the website on pieces of paper folded over and taped around the room. (See alternate plan document in materials)

No assistive technology needed.

Accommodations/ Differentiation Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda): Tell the students that they will be taking the pre-test. Make sure they understand that they may not know most of the answers, but they need to read carefully and make their best guess. Tell them that the pre-test is mostly for the teachers benefit. Tell the student to use the test to take the test if they were clueless as to what answer to write down. Independent Practice: Administer Electricity Pre-Test.

Time Planned

5 mins

30 mins

Group Practice: After students are finished with the test, they can do SSR until everyone is done. When the entire class is finished, begin the IPad activity. IPad Activity: Divide students into 7 groups (3-4 students per group) and give each group an IPad. Tell the students they are to scan the QR code or type in the URL and go to the website listed on the worksheet and they are to stay on that website throughout the entire activity. Instruct the students to take turns reading and looking at the IPad. Each group member should write down the answers to all the questions. There are directions given at the end of the worksheet (The students may browse that website if they finish before other groups finish). Ensure that students with a reading IEP are being included and are actively involved in the IPad activity. They do not have to read aloud in front of their group members. If needed, designate a lead reader in groups where there is a student with a reading disability. This activity can be for 25 mins or however much time is left after all students are finished with pre-test

Closure: Ask students about some of the questions on the scavenger hunt worksheet. (Depending on time, try to at least discuss the answers to #1, 6, 7, 10, 11. If time allows, go over all the answers and possibly pull the website up on the promethean board.)

5-7 mins

Declarative Statement Summary: Go over the I can/I will statement of the day. (Do thumbs up/ thumbs down)

1 min

Post-Lesson Assessment 1. Were the lesson objectives met? Yes No By 100%_____ By 60%_______ By less than 60%______ My objective was met today technically by 95%. I had two objectives for the day. First of all, I needed the students to complete the pre-test. In block 3 (the block I am collecting and using data from), I had one student absent. So, although everyone else who attended class completed the pre-test, my objective wasnt completely met since one student did not take it and cannot take it because the student was present and heard the first lesson on the topics addressed in the test. Therefore, her data would be invalid and unfair considering she would have been given an unfair advantage over the other students. Secondly, my other objective was having the students research and learn at least one fact about electricity. To my knowledge, that objective was also met by 100% by all students who were in attendance. 2. How do you know? What evidence do you have to show the lesson objectives were met?

Obviously, the evidence that my first objective was met is the completed pre-tests (except the one absent). My second objective was met because I was walking around and listening to the group and individual responses to the activity and I was hearing a lot of good information the students were reading and seemingly understanding. At the end of the block I asked them to think of one fact they learned in their head about electricity. Then, once they thought of their fact they were to show me a thumbs up. All the students gave me a thumbs up and before their group could leave for the next block they had to share at least one fact per group as their exit pass. I also graded/looked over all of the scavenger hunt worksheets and all of the students were putting down the information and showing proof of reading the material on the website.

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