Trichomonas Vaginalis, Candida Albicans (Falikh Fahmi Fauzi's Conflicted Copy 2013-08-20)

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Trichomonas vaginalis Urogenital flagellate

Morphology: Pear shaped flagellated trophozoites, No Cyst form Disease: TrichomoniasisIn Females - Vaginal discharge In Males !rethritis, In ne"#orn- Con$%cti&itis 'fe" cases( Transmission : )e*%al mode Pathogenesis : Trophozites attach to "all of Vagina, ca%se inflammation and discharge +a#oratory Diagnosis : Microscopy - Trophozoites in discharge


$an%i%a al&icans
Morphology: ,ram positi&e yeast li-e f%ng%s, %s%ally seen in #%dding forms, Disease: Vaginal thr%sh or Vaginal candidiasis.discharge +a#oratory Diagnosis : Microscopy - /east li-e cells in #%dding forms C%lt%re on )a#o%ra%d de*trose agar, $onfirmator' test ( Forms chlamydospores on corn meal agar Forms germ t%#es in h%man ser%m "hen inc%#ated at 01 C2

Vaginal candidiasis is an infection of the &agina in&ol&ing o&ergro"th of a yeast, or f%ng%s, -no"n as Candida al#icans2 This yeast li-e cells is normally present in the mo%th, g%t and &agina, as are a n%m#er of other organisms2 If the #alance of microorganisms is disr%pted, as can occ%r "ith ta-ing #road spectr%m anti#iotics, hormonal fl%ct%ations, and other conditions, an o&ergro"th of Candida can occ%r2 3 thic-, "hite discharge is the most common symptoms of &aginal candidiasis2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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