Julia Christine Thompson: Profile and Objective

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Julia Christine Thompson

6707 Debcoe Drive Austin, Texas 78749 Phone !"#$##8$"84! %mail &ulia'thompson"996()mail'com

Profile and Objective

* am a har+,or-in), +etermine+, eas. )oin), carin) an+ out)oin) stu+ent ,ho plans on usin) m. s-ills to excel in the /ashion or mar-etin) in+ustr.'

Oak Hill Elementary-- #00"$#007 * complete+ )ra+es 0$! ,here * receive+ primar. school e+ucation' O.Henry Middle School-- #007$#0"0 * complete+ )ra+es 6$8 ,here * receive+ mi++le school e+ucation un+er a Pre$AP curriculum' Austin High School-- #0"0$#0"4 * am currentl. a stu+ent at Austin 1i)h school an+ in the Aca+em. o/ 2lobal 3tu+ies ,here * have complete+ /reshman, sophomore, &unior, an+ no, senior .ear in the pro)ram un+er a Pre$AP an+ AP inter+isciplinar. curriculum'

E !erience
Hostess" Santa #ita $e -Me %antina" Austin" $& '(')*-- 3eptember #0"4$Present 2reet an+ seat the customers' 5aintain the cleanliness o/ the restroom an+ the /ront ,aitin) area' Ta-e phone calls'

$eachers Assistant" +acation ,ible School" #iverbend %hurch" Austin" $&" '(')--#0"0 6 #0"" Assiste+ the Pre$0 an+ "st )ra+e classroom teachers +urin) 7acation 8ible 3chool' Chec-e+ the -i+s in an+ out o/ the classroom' 1elpe+ ta-e the -i+s to their activities'

1elpe+ the +a. run smoothl.'

+olunteer at ,oys and .irls club of Austin" Austin" $&" '('/)-- #0""$#0"# 5. school soccer team ,oul+ )o to the club on a /e, 9ri+a.:s' 8rou)ht .umm. snac-s an+ treats' Pla.e+ )ames an+ tal-e+ to them' 1elpe+ construct an+ +ecorate the 1aunte+ 1ouse 5a;e that the club buil+s ever. .ear /or 1allo,een'

Heifer 0nternational-- #0"0 Aca+em. o/ 2lobal 3tu+ies school trip 1elpe+ /ee+ the animals an+ ma-e <a- butter

%osta #ica-- #0"# Aca+em. o/ 2lobal 3tu+ies school trip Painte+ a school an+ plante+ trees aroun+ it 1elpe+ to clean up aroun+ the streets in the 8ri 8ri villa)e'

1e2 Orleans-- #0"4 1elpe+ to restore a cit. par- in =>?A ,here there ha+ still been hurricane +ama)e Pulle+ out ,ee+s an+ plante+ ne, plants Put ne, mulch on the trails

E tra %urricular
.irls Soccer-- #0"0$#0"4 Junior 7arsit. team pla.er Junior 7arsit. Captain

1ational Honor Society-- #0"#$#0"4 5ember @eco)nition o/ aca+emic achievement an+ volunteer ,or- to the communit.

3ello2shi! of %hristian Athletes-- #0""$Present 5ember ,ho re)ularl. atten+s meetin)s Ae meet ever. other ,ee- in the mornin)Blunch to come to)ether /or /un an+ /ello,ship

4onestar Select Soccer Player-- #006$#0"# Pla.er o/ the ?onestar soccer club Aent to 3tate t,ice 3pent several hours a ,ee- +e+icate+ to the sport an+ club

,35 %lub-$ #0"#$#0"4 3ocial Chair$ * or)ani;e+ our meetin)s an+ outsi+e o/ school events an+ )et to)ether:s A club ,here m. /rien+s an+ * )ot to)ether an+ tal-e+ about pop culture an+ our /avorite ban+

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