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name: _______________________________ Class: __________ uaLe: __________

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ueslgn a baslc clrculL for a small home. lL wlll lnclude boLh lnLerlor and exLerlor clrculLry. 1hls
challenge wlll be compleLed lndlvldually.
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! rovldes llghLlng for Lhree rooms and an ouLdoor llghL
! CuLdoor llghL musL come on when someone approaches Lhe house
! lnclude a phoLoconducLor devlce
! lnclude an elecLrlcal conLrol devlce (for emergency shuLdown)
! use approprlaLe clrculL dlagram symbols ln your skeLch

?our clrculL deslgn wlll be assessed on each of Lhe above requlremenLs.

Lach requlremenL wlll be assessed uslng Lhe followlng scale:
! CompleLe (10 marks)
! arLlal (3 marks)
! Mlsslng (0 marks)

lease use Lhe llsL of requlremenLs as a checkllsL before you submlL your clrculL deslgn Lo
ensure LhaL you have fully compleLed each parL of Lhe asslgnmenL.

Monday, Aprll 7, 2014

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