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Student Teaching edTPA Lesson Plan Template Subject: Reading Central Focus:

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.9: Integrate information from several texts on the same Date submitted: Date taught: 3/21/14 topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. Daily Lesson Objective: After researching about the digestive system, students will be able to use the information found to complete a Frayer Model, a diagram of the digestive system, and a summary. 21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Vocabulary): Creativity and Innovation Analyze Communication and Collaboration Describe Summarize Prior Knowledge: Students should already know that the human body contains several different organs. The students already know how to complete a Frayer Model, as well as how to correctly label a diagram and write a summary. They must also know how to browse different book marked pages and research information. Activity Description of Activities and Setting Before I begin the lesson I will ask the students to recall what a Frayer Model is and ask them to explain. I will then call on the few students who are currently researching the digestive system and have them share some of the things they have found so far (so far they have only selected their topics and done some brief research, so I wont expect them to share too much). After they have shared their findings we will move on to the lesson. Today we are going to learn about the digestive system by researching different resources and looking for important information. As you are researching, you will be filling out your Frayer Models and digestive system diagrams. When you are finished write a summary on what you have learned.

Time 2-3 min

1. Focus and Review

1 min

2. Statement of Objective for Student

10 min I will present the students with a problem A biology teacher will out on sick leave and needs you to fill for her. The class is beginning a study of the human body. The teacher wants you to name, describe, and summarize the major body systems of the human body so her class can make notes. You will be presenting a lesson on Monday to a group of high school biology students. Your requirements are: You must prepare your notes so that you can present them to the class. You may not use technology to present your work, so make sure you are detailed!

3. Teacher Input

You must create a labeled diagram and a Frayer Model in the form of a double entry journal Finally you must submit your information in a summary. 25 min

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent Practice

The students will be placed in predetermined groups of 4 They will begin by opening up the book marked webpages on their Mac Books Students must complete the diagram of the digestive system by correctly labeling each of the organs They will collaborate the information they find and communicate which organ goes where When the students have completed their diagrams and the Frayer Model, they will be asked to go back to their seats. For independent practice the students will summarize the information they found and prepare it in such a way that they will be able to present that information to a class without using any technology.

5 min

6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills:

7. Closure

The diagram and Frayer Model will be used for a formal assessment. The diagram must be 100% correct, one organ labeled wrong means there is at least one other organ labeled incorrectly. The Frayer Model will be a pass/fail based on completeness. If they followed directions and completed all four boxes of their models they will receive a passing grade. 5 min To close the lesson, we will briefly go over the different organs of the digestive system. Then I will ask a few students to share their summaries with the class. Students will be given the opportunity to ask any questions to clear up any confusion.

The students completed this task with little to no confusion. They were able to correctly fill out the diagrams and complete their Frayer Models. Their summaries 8. Assessment Results of were detailed enough that they could work off their information and present it back all objectives/skills: to a class.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations For my lower level students I will make sure they are grouped with students who be able to help them along or better understand. Materials/Technology: Mac Books Diagram of Digestive System Frayer Model drawn in notebook Pencils/Markers

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations While the students are in small groups I will walk around and make sure they are staying on task and remove any students that arent on task.

Doc-Cam Smart board to display problem Reflection on lesson: When I met with my clinical teacher, we talked about the different things I could do with my students. My teacher explained to me that they integrate reading in with science. All of the fifth grade teachers plan together my teacher takes care of the social studies, one plans science, the other math, and they work on reading and writing together. My class was a little further ahead than the other two classes so we were able to do something different if we wanted to. Ten oclock in the morning is when the reading portion begins and lasts until 10:50am. My teacher and I decided that I would present the students with a scenario. The students were very excited when they saw the problem presented on the board. They explained to me in the previous week that they really like being presented a problem to work through. So I read the problem out to the students and asked one student to explain to me what a Frayer Model is. We went through how they would fill out the model and what each category meant. The main focus of their Frayer Model would be the Digestive System, they would have one box to list and define the vocabulary, one box to explain the function of the digestive system, one box to list all of the organs found inside the Digestive System, and one box to list 5 fun facts, or as some of the students who were grossed out by the lesson called it not so fun facts. When the students were filling out the diagram, some of them hand questions about the words in the word box and whether it was labeled correctly. I had to go around to each group and explain to them that the way numbers five and six were shown on the diagram was a little confusing. Number five should have been the small intestine and number six should have been the colon ( the example I have provided was fixed after I made the copy and the student actually came up to me and said she realized she made a mistake before I even had to talk to her about it). There were a few students who were using the Digestive System as their topics for their research papers and they were really excited about the information they found out and told me that it was going to help them out a lot to be able to go back and look at their notes. The students were able to easily find the information found on the book marked pages and did a really good job communicating the information found. I watched as one group had a researcher, a recorder and the other two students worked on the diagram. I didnt give the students much instruction on how they should divvy up the work, and I really enjoyed watching the groups decide who was going to do what. There was one student I had to ask to take his computer and notebook out into the hall and to finish his work because I had to ask him more than once to stop talking about things that didnt pertain to the activity. He was upset with me but when I asked him to come back in the room he seemed to work a harder at staying on task. I felt bad at first because I didnt want the student to think I was singling him out, but I had explained to him that if I had to come and talk to him one more time he would have to go out into the hall and work by himself, I felt even worse when I found out he had to walk laps during recess because he was sent out to the hall. It was hard for me to discipline the students while I was talking to them as a whole group because I didnt want to embarrass anyone. So when they were working in groups it was a little easier for me to walk up to the student and use the teachers saying What are you doing? What should you be doing? Show me and when I was able to go up to them individually it seemed to work better, at least it did for me at the moment. I think the students did a great job filling out their diagrams and their Frayer Models. I enjoyed reading their summaries of the information. I had a good experience learning what worked with the students, and how to better prepare myself for when I have students off task, or a mistake on something I hand out to them. I had an extremely bright group of students and am very thankful to have been able to work with them as well as my clinical teacher.

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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