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This Could Be A Problem

In the busy market square of Burma a fruit, vegetable and rice vendor were having a argument with another rice vendor, Chu Wenga-man. Chu was a less wealthy rice vendor and the other merchants were bullying him. why are you in the market square? This is no place for unwealthy merchants like you! Teased the fruit vendor as Chu glared at him. Terrifed he saw that all of his bulky rice that was most expensive was stolen! without his rice he would surely be left on the streets to starve! So for half of his market time he would go around becoming friends with other vendors so they could promote his business so hey could get his money back. Good plan, Chu thought to himself. So he went around and became friends with a young vegetable vendor named Kenzo. Kenzo had good business going and said he would be glad to help! So slowly with every passing day Chu got his money back! Another fine day in Burma he found out that Kenzo had gotten in fight with that greedy, rich fruit vendor. Chu ran as fast as he could but in a corner he heard huffing and fists heaving at one another. I hope i can stop this thought Chu to himself as he saw two shadows pummeling each other.

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