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Plan Approved for Teaching (initial & date): Instructor ____________ Mentor ____________

ESU Elementary Education Annotated Lesson Plan Format

1. Context and Learning Environment for this Lesson: Interns name ____________________________________________________ School ______________________________________ Mentor teacher ____________________________________________________ Subject ____________________________________ Grade level (s) ________________ Tentative date to be taught ___________________________ Time ________________________

The setting: Timmerman Elementary School: 51% Male 49% Female/ 61.17% White, 28.63% Hispanic, 8.46% Other, 1.74% African American/ 49.67% Non-Low SES, 50.33% Low SES Mrs. Sparks Class: 24 Students/ 11 Female, 13 Male/ 4 Students have IEPs/ 5 Students ESL Mrs. McClouds Class: 22 Students/ 10 Female, 12 Male/ 2 Students have IEPs/ 2 Students ESL Materials: Smartboard (for shared writing and other steps) Whiteboard (For shared writing-technology backup) Anticipatory picture slideshow by Russell Swanson-(About my life outside of school) Anticipatory poem: Morning Hunt by Russell Swanson Example Acrostic Poem- (Bison by Russell Swanson) Dry Erase Markers Dry-Eraser Acrostic Poem Template (One per student-24 Copies) Pencil (Students have them at desks) Imagine It! Basal Reader- Buffalo Hunt on pg. ___ (In students desks-for referencing information) 2. Lesson Goals, Outcomes, Objectives: 2.1 Instructional Objectives: -The students will create an acrostic poem about a Native Americans life on the Great Plains that is at least 5 lines long. 2.2 Relevant local district/state/common core standard(s) - ( W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13 above.) W.5.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. 3. Assessment: 3.1 Assessment/Evaluation: Formative: -Informal Assessment: -Checklist by the teacher used while students are working to make sure they understand the concept. -Formal Assessment: The students will create their own acrostic poem that they will be graded on by the rubric criteria.

3.2. Strategies and tools/materials: 3.3. Criteria for Mastery (for judging/scoring student success) Poetry Rubric Proficient ParticipationFollows directions promptly and consistently. Student does what is asked to the best of their ability. Student follows directions some of the time. Completes work, but doesnt put forth best effort. The student does not follow directions at all. Student does not complete any assigned tasks. Student does not even try. Voice/IdeasThe student uses descriptive words, fluid, and relevant thoughts to engage the reader of the poem. All thoughts are relevant to the topic. The student uses some descriptive words, but fluid thoughts are rarely present. All thoughts are relevant to the topic. Poem contains no descriptive words, all sentences, phrases, and words are basic, or not relevant to the topic assigned. ConventionsVery few (0-3) spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors in the poem.


More than a few (3-7) spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors in the poem. Quite a few (over 10) spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors in the poem.

Needs Improvement


Adaptations: 4.1 Differentiation

Alternate Goals: Students who struggle with creating phrases or sentences with the set acrostic style can be given instructions to only use one word per letter on the left side of the page. This will lessen the amount of difficulty, but keep to the instructional objective. Level of Support: Students who are struggling with creating phrases or sentences can ask questions to their table groups in order to get some extra input. 4.2 Extension Size: Give any students who excel at writing poetry the liberty to make each line, or every other line, rhyme. This increases the amount of thought that goes into creating a poem. If they still excel at that, have them create a poem that is free-verse that they can share with the class. Substitute Curriculum: Allow the students who excel at writing this poem an opportunity to read an article on Native American tribes of the Great Plains, and to research and create a Haiku about their dependence upon the bison. 5. Integration: Social Studies


References/Resources Used: Imagine It! Basal Reader

7. Instructional Design Teaching Plan 7.1 Introduction a. Anticipatory Set Introduce the poetry lesson by showing the students my poem A Morning Hunt. Also read an excerpt from Buffalo Hunt out loud to the students, so they have some references to draw from for their composition of a poem. While reading, have the students listen for descriptive words about the buffalo. Tell them that they will be using some of the words that they hear do use in their own poem.

A Morning Hunt When the darkness oer the land is full, as all the stars with fullness show their light and every blade and stalk of grass seems still, as if awaiting some great radiance bright. With the hesitance of natures will, birds begin to greet the dawning day with songs that speak aloud of winters chill as colored threads pierce through the eastern way. First the frost is freed from fickle leaves as sunlight kisses great and lofty heights of trees whose former buds had felt the freeze, and shudder down the void to their demise. With grace expressed through solid streams of gold, a lushness to the forest floor appears as fawns of former springs amass, theyre told to keep a fearful gaze, and leery ears. For something in the forest waits to see... a broadside shot. Arrow released. Its me.

b. Communication of Objectives: Today we will be creating an acrostic poem about bison that live on the Great Plains. *7.2. Input So, what is an Acrostic Poem? That is a great question. 1) An acrostic poem is a poem where a word is written in bold letters vertically on the left side of the page. 2) An acrostic poem is written ACROSS the page, starting from the vertical letters. 3) An acrostic poem does contain phrases where the first word of the phrase starts with the letter given to it. a. Phrases contain a single thought, so they need to be more than one word long. b. A few phrases that are linked by thought could be used throughout the poem as well. 4) The lines in an acrostic poem do not have to rhyme. 5) The phrases have to relate to what the vertical word on the left side of the page represents. Extra: The lines themselves dont have to be a stand-alone sentence, they can combine to form one or more big sentences. Keep these things in mind while we look at, and construct some examples of acrostic poems. *7.3 Modeling What is an example of an acrostic poem? Example Acrostic Poems: all by Mr. Swanson Model at least one, if not more, of these poems by writing them on the smartboard/whiteboard. This writing includes a think-a-loud, so it is very important you describe why each line relates to a bison, eagle, etc.

The teacher will brainstorm descriptions of bison by writing different characteristics of bison on the board: Bison live on the prairie, they eat grass, they were almost killed off by men, they are big, they are brown, they were the primary food source for the native American tribes. Besides characteristics, the teacher can brainstorm what the author/teacher thinks about the animal. For instance, I think that the buffalo are: gigantic, brown, furry, menacing, dangerous, gentle, wild, free, etc. What we do is try to take these facts or details about the buffalo, and make them seem really interesting! After brainstorming, connect the thoughts discovered in brainstorming to writing the text. For instance:

By the grasses of the prairie (they live on the prairies) I have my life, but (they eat the grasses of the prairies) Some men come (in the 1800s European men came to the Great Plains via the transcontinental railroad) Onto these hills I call home and (the men came to the prairies) Needlessly kill my brothers. (the men killed almost all of the buffalo in North America by killing them for their skins)

*7.4 Guided Practice Now, we will work on an acrostic poem together as a class. We will use the word EAGLE as the word for our acrostic poem. Can anyone give me words or phrases to describe the life or character of an eagle? Please explain more about how this will go exactly who will do the writing? Where? Example: Eagles fly, (eagles fly) Across the blue skies(eagles fly in the skies) Gathering strength to(not very applicable) Land, and snare their prey (eagles snatch their prey from the ground or the water) Entering them into their sleep in the land. (eagles kill and eat their prey) *7.5 Checks for Understanding After modeling writing an acrostic poem, the teacher will ask students to talk to their shoulder partners about what words they are thinking of using in their poem. After the students have worked on their poems for a few minutes, the teacher will have students pair up with another student and share one or two lines from their poems. Throughout the lesson, the teacher will be monitoring student participation and acquisition of the technical writing concepts. After Guided practice, the teacher will ask if there are any questions. 7.6 Independent Practice/Assignment

Now we come to the portion of the day when you get to write your own acrostic poem. I have the examples on the board, and I will leave them up there while you work. Your assignment is to create an acrostic poem using either: BISON or BUFFALO, using PHRASES to describe the animal from your perspective. You will have 25 minutes to complete this assignment. At the end of the lesson, we will have students volunteer to share their poems. 7.7. Closure, wrap-up So, today we constructed an acrostic poem. Would anyone volunteer to share their poem with the class? How could we make writing a poem more challenging for ourselves?

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