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Seeking the position of Registered Nurse in a clinic setting where I am able to deliver my knowledge to the organization by providing common patient care.

Assertive, resourceful and can work under pressure ersatile and can easily ad!ust to different work environments "o remain calm and professional in the work setting Strong analytical skills ,capable of assessing conditions and Implementing appropriate intervention #asily develop rapport with the staff and clients Relate well to people from a variety of cultures $ave knowledge in computer operations %asic skills in &S office


Training/ Seminar Area Date
St. )hilomena Nursing Services, Inc In cooperation with )hilippine Red 0ross &edical 0enter Imus, 0avite ./++

Topic/Course Title

Standard *irst Aid "raining' %asic 1ife S2pport %asic Intravenous "herapy

*eb +,-, ./+Nov .-,.3, &ay .+, ./+/ April .3, ./++ &arch 3, ./++ *eb +., ./++ April 4, ./+/ 7ec 8,3 .//9

Nursing Institute for 0ontinuing Reducing &edication #rrors #ducation Seminar and "raining Services a focus on the &ed pass Nursing Institute for 0ontinuing 0 A and Stroke &anagement #ducation Seminar and "raining Services Nursing Institute for 0ontinuing Nursing 0are of &echanically #ducation Seminar and "raining Services entilated )atients Nursing Institute for 0ontinuing %asic *irst Aid and "rauma #ducation Seminar and "raining Services management )owerhouse Review 0enter icente Sotto &edical 0enter 0ebu 0ity A ivid )aradigm on I&0I "raining and 05)AR %asic 1ife Support 6 0)R

Date o! Birt" Place o! Birt" Religion # # # September .9, +:98 "ugaya, 1anao 7el Sur Islam

Ci$il Status Se% # &eig"t # 'eig"t ationalit( Pro$incial A))ress

# Single &ale 3;8; # <3 kg # *ilipino # Sugod,+, "ugayao, 1anao 7el Sur

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