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TERM/WEEKS: 2 Wks 2-5 YEAR LEVEL: 6 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Health (Healthy Eating)

General Capabilities: Literacy Cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Competence Intercultural Understanding



Personal, social and community health Movement & Physical Activity


ASSESSMENT (what & how)

TEACHING & LEARNING EXPERIENCES (include learner diversity)



Week 2 Lesson 1

Being healthy, active and safe


Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing. (ACPPS054) Compare the product labels on food items or nutritional information in recipes and suggesting ways to improve the nutritional value of meals

Get students to make an advertisement or a comic strip on comic life, Informing people why they should eat grains, fruits and vegetables, proteins and dairy.

Healthy Eating Pyramid 1. To start the lesson by introducing the topic of healthy eating to the students and make sure everyone has logged into a computer or Ipad.

For students: h?v=UMbJcY6Sz -I

Can anyone tell me something Get the students to look at the front and watch about healthy the YouTube video explaining the different food eating? groups and the healthy eating pyramid. Why is healthy a. Individually get the students to each find a eating so video about the topic of healthy eating and important? share it with the person sitting next to them. b. The teacher may choose one or two students to show their videos to the class. h?v=qJChJmDw QLo

2. The teacher will instruct everyone to open and create a brainstorm their knowledge already known about healthy eating, the food groups and the healthy eating period. Students can keep this open for the whole lesson as they can add to brainstorm throughout the lesson with a set of notes with them for future reference. 3. After the the teacher will start by going through the different food groups (grains / carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, proteins

For Teachers Can students name and give uses to the food in the healthy eating pyramid h?v=J9UVDzkBh kI

Can students effectively use

and beans, dairy and fats, oils and sweets ) a. The teacher will describe what is in each food group and the healthy eating period, and the importance of what these food do to the body b. After this group discussion students will work individually through the different activities and games that are based on the food groups and the healthy eating pyramid. Are students able to navigate into the games without teacher instructions?

4. Individually students will: a. Go on the Kids Health website and read the pages learning about carbohydrate, proteins and fats and new information to the created at the start of the lesson b. Once students are finished that are able to plan some interactive food games, where they create a healthy meal, or provide a diet rich in all the important nutrients and making sure the child gets enough nutrients to use for the whole day. http://kidshealt healthy/#cat119

5. End of the lesson get students get students to create a poster or comic about a food group and why it is important to eat it a. This can be set for homework b. Also a type of assessment. It also allows students to be creative, whilst still being able to engage with the learning content.

http://www.gof oryourlife.vic.go s.nsf/html/index .html t-food-am-i/ http://www.fns. media/Games/B lastoff/BlastOff_ Game.html

http://www.fns. media/Games/t rackandfield/ind ex.html Junk Food In lesson two we will be identifying some common junk foods and soft drinks. We will also be looking at health issues associated with these types of foods and drinks. 1. To start off, we will be using WORDLE to find out which junk foods and soft drinks the students have had before.

Week 3 Lesson 2

Being healthy, active and safe


Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities ACPPS058

Students will be demonstrating how effectively they are able to use Wordle and purpose games. They will also be demonstrating how much they know about unhealthy foods, and how much they have learned from the two YouTube videos. They will be assessed on: Their ability to use Wordle to write down their prior knowledge Their ability to remember the points raised in the YouTube videos And their abilities to use these points to complete the purpose game quiz

Are students able to effectively use Wordle? t/ om/ www.purposega

2. Next, they are to watch two videos about the health risks of drinking soft drinks. They have to try to remember what is said in the videos so that you can use it for the next activity.

Are students able to remember the points raised in the YouTube videos?

3. For the last activity, I would like the students to go onto purpose games and play an activity in which they have to identify the healthy and unhealthy foods that are found in everyday stores.

Are students able to use these points to complete the purpose game quiz?

The lesson is self paced, so that if a student falls behind, they can go back and continue with the previous activity, watch the video again or just take longer in general. They are also able to ask for help and I will explain anything that they are stuck on.

Is the Work and Ideas students are producing that of the year 6 Quality?

Do Students have a good understanding of the concept of unhealthy


Week 4 Lesson 3

Being healthy, active and safe


Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities Investigating practises that help promotes and maintain health and wellbeing, such as eating a diet reflecting The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (ACPPS058)

Students will be showing how effective they can use Excel to report data of Weekly Eating. They will be able to use various resources to gain information about positive Nutrition choices e.g. You tube, e-journals, blogs. Students will be given an opportunity to present in groups to the teacher their eating plan and discuss they ideas they have about implementing these new strategies Students will be assessed on: Their Ability to work in a Group Setting Gaining Information from online Resources Structure and Detail of their Eating Plan Effective Feedback to other Students Contributions to class.

Their Diet Students will be reviewing their own nutritional Choices and developing skills of critical reflection, ability to use various online resources such as World Wide Web, E-Journals and Blogs. Students who have attended class and haven't completed their Food Diary, will given a Template example which they can use. This example will be created and provided by the Teacher. Students who are struggling will be given a step by step guide as to ideas on what they should be doing and to keep up. 1. Are Students able to effectively use Excel 2. Are students cooperating in groups and discussing ides for their Food Plans 3. Is the Work and Ideas students are producing that of the year 6 Quality 4. Do Students have a good understanding of the concept of Healthy Eating 5. Are Students referencing all information resources?

Are Students able to effectively use Excel Are students cooperating in groups and discussing ides for their Food Plans om/Microsoft Xcel 2007 (Located on the Desktop) World Wide Web /guidelines/aust ralian-guidehealthy-eating

Is the Work and Ideas students are producing that of the year 6 Quality

Living Healthy Within Society Week 5 Lesson 4 Being healthy, active and safe N/A Plan, Practise Strategies to promote health, safety and well being Comparing product labels and food items or nutritional information and suggesting ways to improve nutritional value of meals. (ACPPS054) Students will be demonstrating their ability to shop online and use the World Wide Web to be interactive in their experience to gain knowledge about healthy eating habits. Students will also demonstrate their ability to obtain knowledge and experience furthermore express this experience through the ICT resource of blogging. Continuing this process they will also demonstrate reflecting on another student's work and commenting on this. Students begin lesson by logging onto the Woolworths online Store and purchasing all the items which were included in the Students' Food Diary last week. Students are then are required to do a reflection of this experience. Students will also make a comment on another Students' blog. Following this they will we watch a You Tube Video about young people shopping and making positive choices. Finally each student will create a Wordle about their thoughts on Healthy Eating and what is involved Are students working productively in finding all Products through the Shopping Catalogue http://www2.w oolworthsonline CPGMloOumL0C FYEVpQodxxIA Wg http://kidblog.o rg/home/ http://www.wo

Students will be developing their online navigating skills through Shopping online for their food diary. It will enhance their understanding of what is involved with preparing food for meals and opportunity to identified nutritional is a range of Food Sources. Students will then given opportunity to write their own reflection on this process. Students will be given opportunity to express this in a range of different forms e.g. bullet point, essay, poetry, key words to be presented in a blog. This allows students to express how they feel in different ways and then reflect on other student's work as well.

Is the work and productivity of the Students ideal for Year 6 level

Are students providing quality feedback to their peers

Do students have a desired level of understanding of what it means to eat healthy?

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