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What is SAP?

Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing SAP is the leading Enterprise Information and Management Package worldwide. Use of this package makes it possi le to track and manage, in real!time, sales, production, finance accounting and human resources in an enterprise. SAP is the third!largest software company in the world. "ounded in #$%&, 'he (ompany now employs more than &&,))) people in more than *) countries. SAP glo al head+uarters are located in ,alldorf, -ermany, and the company is listed on se.eral stock e/changes, including the "rankfurt DA0 and the 1ew 2ork Stock E/change, under the sym ol 3SAP.3 SAP America is a su sidiary of SAP A-, the recogni4ed leader in pro.iding colla orati.e, inter! enterprise software and e! usiness solutions. A truly glo al software pro.ider, SAP A- has more than #))) partners, && industry solutions and #) million users at 5),))) installations around the world. SAP America has contri uted significantly to this leadership position and it is the foremost pro.ider of e! usiness and enterprise software in the United States .

Why we use SAP?

SAP software was de.eloped to e modular, scalea le, open and fle/i le, allowing companies to tailor it specifically to their needs. SAP calls this approach to implementing software 3configure to order3 ecause each implementation will e different according to each customer6s needs. 7ut SAP solutions don6t stop there. Information integration is a ma8or tenet of the SAP philosophy, and SAP places great emphasis on the creation of tools that facilitate it. SAP pro.ides integration tools and methods for linking legacy and distri uted systems as well as a host of third party software solutions, to get your information into the right hands, internally and e/ternally. Solution from Traditional approach 'raditional Information technology systems used y many usiness today ha.e een de.eloped to accomplish some specific task and pro.ide reports and analysis of e.ents that ha.e already taken place. E/amples are accounting general ledger systems. 9ccasionally, some systems operate in a 3real!time3 mode that is, ha.e up to date information in them and can e used to actually control e.ents. A typical company has many separate systems to manage different processes like production, sales and accounting. Each of these systems has its own data ases and seldom passes information to other systems in a timely manner. SAP takes a different approach. 'here is only one information system in an enterprise, SAP. All applications access common data. :eal e.ents in the usiness initiate transactions. Accounting is done automatically y e.ents in sales and production. Sales can see when products can e deli.ered. Production schedules are dri.en y sales. 'he whole system is designed to e real! time and not historical. SAP structure em odies what are considered the 3 est usiness practices3. A company implementing SAP adapts it operations to it to achie.e its efficiencies and power.

'he process of adapting procedures to the SAP model 37usiness Process :e! engineering3 which is a logical analysis of the e.ents and relationships that e/ist in an enterprise6s operations. Multiple country implementation (omprehensi.e multi!currency translation Multiple language support (ustomi4ed reporting and document generation for indi.idual countries Multi!company support ;ocal support in most ma8or industriali4ed countries (ountry specific functionality

Flexibility (ustomers can customi4e usiness modules to reali4e est usiness practices System pro.ides necessary interfaces to incorporate e/ternal software. Scala ility, accommodates ac+uisitions and growth System can e configured the way you want to do usiness in the future Allows customi4ed screens processing and reports System runs on multiple hardware platforms

Enterprise-Wide nte!ration Enterprise!wide integration is the main functionality of SAP :<5 System. 1o other application software offers the readth of open systems, client< functionality, functional links etween processes that multiply the power of each person6s work. 'he :<5 System6s components are fully integrated. 9nce you enter data, it resides in the central data ase shared y all :<5 components. 'ransaction!related process chains trigger the ne/t acti.ity as needed from engineering to production planning to sales and distri ution. 'he :<5 System6s full integration pulls your enterprise together, promoting data access, fle/i ility, and producti.ity. "eal-Time nformation SAP pro.ides up!to!the!minute, real!time information.

SAP "#$ system is based on %lient#Ser&er architecture that is comprised of three tiers= Presentation ser&er' 2our local P( that has SAP-UI. Application ser&er' 'he application is used to run the usiness application programs in the :<5 client< concept. 'he application modules are loaded from the data ase to the application as re+uired. 'hus the application re+uires only storage capacity to accommodate U1I0, Swapping and the SAP runtime en.ironment. (atabase ser&er' 'he data ase stores the SAP application programs and data in the :<5 client< concept. It also handles the SAP update program and atch 8o s.

SAP )lossary
)* +)raphic *ser nterface, A graphical interface used y SAP en.ironment as part of the three tiers. Also known as frontend. M) + mplementation Mana!ement )uide, It is a hierarchical structure that reflects the :<5 component hierarchy and contains e.ery configuration acti.ity. :eleased from .ersion 5.) onwards nstance It means application and each one has its own set of work processes. Sys ( A set of three letters or num er that identify a system. Some sets are not allowed ecause they are used y SAP. 'hey are informed when the system is installed. TS + nternet Transaction Ser&er, It links the :<5 application with one or more ,e ser.ers, thus ena ling the :<5 to communicate with the Internet. -SS +-nline Ser&ice System, SAP6s 9nline System offers fast and effecti.e help for :<5 System pro lems. It is also the asic element of communications etween customers, partners, and SAP. "F% +"emote Function %all, A way to implement communication etween application programs .ia A ap<> function call. (oc + ntermediate (ocument, An IDoc is a data container for data e/change etween SAP systems or etween an SAP system and an e/ternal system. Archi&in! ? SAP@s terminology for the functionality that purges transactions and master data from the SAP data ase. 'he SAP literature states that archi.ed data can e restored to the production system. "or practical purposes, this is not recommended. (A"T ? An acronym for Data and :etention 'ool. 'his is SAP functionality which allows you to periodically e/tract and retain data from your :<5 system. 'he data is e/tracted into a se+uential file. DA:' pro.ides tools for .iewing the retained data in different ways.
.e!al (ata ? As used in this document, this refers to the re+uirements imposed y the I:S, State ta/ authorities and other ta/ authorities for the long!term retention of usiness data to support ta/es paid and other legal re+uirements. -perational (ata ? As used in this document, this refers to the re+uests from customers, .endors or employees for usiness data. Mana!ement (ata ? As used in this document, this refers to data that is used y management for usiness decisions.

ASAP Methodology

/" - Personnel Administration +PA,

PA administrating employee data, commonly referred to Master Data. Master (ata contains all employee data used in A: processing. Master Data includes Personal BEg. addressC, 9rgani4ational BPosition descriptionC, 7enefits BInsurance, PensionC, 'ime D Payroll. More on Master (ata000 Master Data is stored in nfotypes0 Infotypes are ta les Bfor user Data entry screenC that contain logically related employee data. Data can e stored for specific periods, which includes current and historical. More on nfotypes00 %omponents of PA' :ecruitment 9rgani4ational Structure (ompensation Management Personnel De.elopment

%ompany Structures in /"' Enterprise Structure ! Assigning employee to a geographical location Beg. San "ranciscoC. Personnel Structure ! is used for functional grouping of employees Beg. salaried, hourlyC.

%omponents of PA' Personnel Area = represents a di.ision of a company code into su units. It is an organi4ational entity representing an area within an organi4ation defined y specific aspects of personnel administration, time management and payroll. Personnel areas are su di.ided into personnel su areas. Personnel area is specific to A: and is a four character alpanumeric identification. Eg. Personnel area #))) is for employees in 'e/as, &))) is for ;ouisiana. Personnel Subarea= is a further su di.ision of Personnel area. It may represent geographical locations. "unctions include= #. Set groupings for 'ime Management, so that work schedules, su stitution and a sence and lea.e types can e setup for indi.idual personnel su areas. &. -enerate default pay scale type and area for an employee6s asic pay. 5. Define pu lic holiday calendar. Employee )roups= di.ides or groups employees into .arious categories. Eg. Acti.e employees, :etired employees, (ontractors. Employee groups are used to generate default .alues for payroll accounting area and asic pay. Employee Sub!roups= are further differentiated within the employee group. Eg. Salaried employees, Aourly employees, Unioni4ed employees, E/ 'he employee su group grouping for the payroll rule allows you to define different payroll procedures for different employee su groups. "or eg. you can specify whether an employee6s pay should e determined on hourly or monthly asis. 'he employee su group grouping for the work schedule defines the .alidity of work schedule, and the attendance or a sence +uota type determines the .alidity of time +uotas.

nfotypes (efinition
Infotypes are units of information in the Auman :esource Management System.

:ecording employee data for administrati.e, time recording, and payroll purposes is of primary importance for master data administration in A:. In the SAP System, the information units used to enter master data are called infotypes. Infotypes are used to group related data fields together. 'hey pro.ide information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and ena le you to store data for specific periods.

Infotypes are characteri4ed y the following= Infotype Structure Data Entry 'ime!Dependent Storage of Infotype Data

Time %onstraints
'ime constraints guarantee that e/actly the data the system needs to e a le to correctly process the employee data, handle personnel administration processes and run payroll for an employee is a.aila le in the system. 'ime constraints keep you from storing mutually incompati le data and pre.ent gaps from occurring in the data history. *se 2ou use time constraints to define the following= E ,hether an infotype record must e/ist for an employee in the system E ,hether further records of the same infotypes may e/ist E ,hether these records can o.erlap in the .alidity period. "or certain infotypes, you can also assign different time constraints in relation to the infotype@s su type. ,hen you enter infotypes, the system automatically checks if your input satisfies the time constraints@ conditions, and reacts y automatically delimiting data records or issuing error messages. Structure E Time %onstraint 1 "or the entire time that the employee works at the enterprise, e/actly one .alid infotype record must e/ist. 'he .alidity periods of the indi.idual records must not o.erlap. ,hen you create a new record, the system automatically uses the start date of the new record as the delimitation date of the old record. -aps are only allowed etween the employee@s entry date and the start date of the first record. 'ime constraint # must e used for all of the infotypes containing information that must e a.aila le at all times. 'his is particularly true of personal and organi4ational assignment data.

An Organizational Assignment infotype record B)))#C must e/ist for all acti.e or inacti.e employees in the SAP System. 'he system needs the data stored in this infotype for all usiness processes. In addition, this data must e uni+ue, in other words, the system must know precisely to which organi4ational units the employee elongs. 'hat@s why only one record may e/ist at the same time. E Time %onstraint 2 1o more than one .alid record can e/ist at any one time. :ecords with constraint & must not o.erlap. 'heir e/istence is not o ligatory. ,hen you create a new record, the system delimits the pre.ious record, if one e/ists. If the system delimits a record ecause of time constraint &, it issues an appropriate message. E Time %onstraint $ Any num er of .alid records can e/ist at any one time. 'he indi.idual records do not conflict with each other. In the Powers of Attorney infotype B))5)C, you can store different powers of attorney. 'hat@s why any num er of records for this infotype can e/ist at the same time. Since not e.ery employee in your company has powers of attorney, a record for this infotype does not ha.e to e/ist in the system. E Time %onstraint A Infotypes with time constraint A must ha.e no more than one record. 'he system automatically assigns the record a .alidity period from Fanuary )#, #G)) through Decem er 5#, $$$$. 'his .alidity period cannot e su di.ided. Infotype records with time constraint A cannot e deleted. E Time %onstraint 3 Infotypes with time constraint 7 must ha.e no more than one record. 'he system automatically assigns the record a .alidity period from Fanuary )#, #G)) through Decem er 5#, $$$$. 'his .alidity period cannot e su di.ided. Infotype records with time constraint 7 can e deleted. E Time %onstraint T Infotype records with time constraint ' depend on the su type. "or the Addresses infotype B))5)C, you can assign a different time constraint for each su type. In this way, you can make sure that a main address always e/ists for the employee and you can also enter temporary residences, if necessary. E Time %onstraint 4 'he infotypes you use for entering working and a sence time ha.e a special time constraint eha.ior. "or more information, see 'ime (onstraints in 'ime Management.

Important Infotypes

nfotype )))) )))# )))& )))5 )))H )))% )))G )))$ ))## ))#> ))#* ))#H ))#% ))#$ ))&# ))&& ))&5 ))&> ))&* ))&% ))&G ))&$ ))5) ))5# ))5& ))55 ))5> ))5* ))5% ))>) ))># ))>* ))*) ))*& ))*> ))*% ))H* ))H$

(omonly used Personnel Administration Infotypes nfotype 5ame Actions 9rgani4ational Assignment Personal Data Payroll Status Addresses Planned ,orking 'ime 7asic Pay 7ank Details E/t. 7ank 'ransfers :ecur. Payments<Deds. Additional Payments (ontract Elements 'ra.el Pri.iledges Monitoring of Dates "amily<:elated Person Education 9ther<Pre.ious E:s Iualifications Appraisals (ost Distri ution Int. Medical ,orkers6 (ompensation Power of Attorney :eference Pers. 1os. Internal (ontrol Statistics (orporate "unction (ompany Instructions Insurance 9 8ects on ;oan Date Specifications (ompany ;oans 'ime :ecording Info. ,age Maintenance ,orks (ouncils Mem ership "ees 'a/ Data ! -7 1ational Insurance -7

Enterprise Structure ! 3(lient3 In SAP, the client is often referred to in the enterprise structure as the top le.el in the hierarchy. Actually, the client is not much to do with the enterprise structure.

'he client is used to separate data within a SAP systemJ clients are always num ers. Usually the only time you will refer to a client is when you first log into SAP. Aere we see the login screen which asks for the client num er=

(onfiguration and data elong to the client. So if you log into client &)), you may see different employees and customi4ing settings to those in say, client 5)). Some pro8ects will use a different SAP system altogether for different data. 'he client num ers will e decided on your pro8ect. "or e/ample, client &)) may e a play client, 5)) for configuration and testing and >)) for training. 'echnically, you are actually logging into the same data ase. 7ehind the scenes SAP will fetch the correct data and display it for you. 'he client is usually the primary key of data ase ta les in SAP.

(ompany (ode

'he (ompany code is an independent company with its own accounting unit, that is, a company that draws up its own alance sheet.

A personnel are is a specific entity for Personnel Administration. It represents a su di.ision of the company code. Personnel Su area

Personnel su areas are su di.isions of personnel areas. 'he organi4ation of the most important su areas in Personnel Administration, namely the pay scale and wage type structures and work schedule planning, are controlled at

this le.el. "our!character alphanumeric codes uni+uely identify the personnel su area. 'he control features of personnel su areas are country!specific.

Employee -roup

'he employee is used to classify employees in general terms. It defines the position of a person within the company6s workforce.

Employee Su group

Employee groups are di.ided into employee su groups. Employees in the acti.e workforce are distinguished according to their status ! trainee, hourly!paid employee, salaried employee, etc.

(ountry codes in A: ! M9;-AS

Aere is the full list of country codes BM9;-ASC used in A:. )# )& )5 )> )* )H )% )G )$ #) &> &* >) -ermany Swit4erland Austria Spain 1etherlands "rance (anada -reat 7ritain Denmark USA Saudi Ara ia Singapore India

The Personnel Structure' 'he Personnel Structure is split y (ompany (ode, Personnel Area and Personnel Su areas. 'here are other structures including employee groups<su groups and the pay scale structure, ut in this section it@s Pers Areas and su areas which are the topic to e co.ered. An implementation with one company, in one country, with .arious factories<sites may look like this=

'his is a typical e/ample. 'he company code is easily defined, as it represents a legal entity so you ha.e to set them up e/actly as they are. 'his is a function of the "inance configuration and is not co.ered here. The Personnel Area A Personnel Area is attached to a company code, so you will always ha.e at least one area per company code. -enerally, it represents a high le.el of the usiness. Iuite often it represents a country ? as shown in the e/ample a o.e.

Some points to consider for Personnel Areas K K K K K K (an e used to generate defaults e.g. work schedules, pay scale Selection criteria for reporting Multiple Areas can e connected to one (ompany (ode (an e referred to in Authori4ation checks (onnected to one company code Must contain at least one Personnel su area

The Personnel Subarea#s 9ften a Personnel Su area is used to show a geographic split of the Personnel Area. "or e/ample, if a UL company had 5 manufacturing plants, it would pro a ly ha.e 5 personnel su areas representing them. If you ha.e 8ust one site, the personnel su area may e used to represent different splits of employee, may e factory .s staffJ ut generally it represents a physical location. 'he pu lic holiday calendar is attached to the personnel su area, so if you ha.e plants with different holiday calendars, you must ha.e different su areas for each. Some points to consider for Personnel Su areas= K K K K K A su !di.ision of Personnel Area May e geographic or functional areas of the usiness Pro.ides groupings for wage types, a sences, payroll, work schedules, etc (an BindirectlyC e used in authori4ation checks Selection criteria for reporting

Here we working on Config document, STEP1: SPRO>Enterprise Strucuture>Definition>Financial ccountin>Edit, Cop!, Delete, C"eck Compan! Code

Select t"e Second Option in Dialog #o$ as s"own in screen s"ot%

&ake sure !our compan! code '( Digits) doesn*t e$ist in t"e ta#le alread! and click on +ew Entries s"own #elow%

Enter t"e compan! code details as s"own in a#o,e, and also enter all t"e address details of compan! code as s"own #elow%

STEP2: SPRO>Enterprise Structure>Definition>Financial ccounting>Edit, Cop!, Delete, C"eck Compan! Code > Cop!, Delete, C"eck Compan! Code

-"en we go to t"is screen we will get a #lank screen, Click on t"e cop! option . s"own #elow%

/ as

Here we are coping our compan! code from S P standard compan! code for 0S t"e standard compan! code is 1222

-"en we click a#o,e Ok, we will get t"e #elow information message click on 3es "ere as "ig"lig"ted%

4f we sa! 3es for #elow message we will get standard 567 accounts copied to our new compan! code from standard 1222

Once we sa! 3es for Second 4nformation &essage s!stem prompts one more confirmation, do u want to allocate different currenc! for a target compan! code, as we are coping from standard compan! code i%e%, 1222 w"ic" alread! contained 0SD as currenc! we can sa! .+o/ "ere, w"ic" make 8C7 compan! code to t"ere 0SD%

Please click on t"e .

/ to mo,e furt"er%

Click again on t"e #elow message

#utton to mo,e furt"er and keep on t"e clicking until !ou reac" t"e

8elow are t"e Couple of F46CO setting, t"ese settings are not mandator! up to ECC 9%2 and t"ese steps #ecome mandator! in ECC :%2, if we wont perform t"e F46CO setting implication are as #elow 4f it is (%; < +o Error message on "iring an emplo!ee in 4nfot!pe 222= 4f it is 9%2 <Error message on "iring an emplo!ee in 4nfot!pe 222=, #ut #! pressing Enter !ou can mo,e furt"er% 4f it is :%2 <Error message on "iring an emplo!ee in 4nfot!pe 222=, 3ou can*t mo,e furt"er until !ou complete t"e #elow configuration% STEP3: SPRO> Financial ccounting> Financial ccounting 5lo#al Settings> Compan! Code> Enter 5lo#al Parameters%

Enter t"e "ig"lig"ted ,alues, !ou can use t"e same ,alues for !our compan! code also, Here we are using C"art of ccounts as .C 0S/ and Fisal 3ear >ariant as .?(/% C"art of ccount = Set of 5eneral 7edgers are not"ing #ut c"art of ccounts% Fiscal 3ear >ariant ?( represents four @uarter for t"e financial !ear%

STEP4: 4n t"e step( we "a,e to perform 1 acti,ities, Please go t"roug" t"e steps carefull!% Step 4.1: 'Creating Controlling rea) SPRO> Controlling> 5eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> &aintain Controlling rea> &aintain Controlling rea

4n t"e 8asic Data +a,igation area we "a,e to define Controlling area, 4n a realtime proBect t"ese will #e created #! F46CO Consultants% Once !ou enter in to t"e ta#le click on +ew entries #utton as s"own #elow, w"en !ou click on new entries t"e following screen will appear%

Click on Sa,e #utton we will get t"e following information message, Please click on 3es #utton%

8! doing t"e a#o,e acti,it! we created a Controlling area for our compan! code% Step 4.2: ' ssignment of Compan! CodeCSD) SPRO> Controlling> 5eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> &aintain Controlling rea> &aintain Controlling rea> ssignment of Compan! Code's)> +ew Entries > Enter !our compan! code and Click on Sa,e as s"own #elow%

E"en Click on new entries and !our compan! code t"ere as s"own #elow%

Step 4.3: ' cti,ate components6Control 4ndicators) SPRO> Controlling> 5eneral Controlling> OrganiAation> &aintain Controlling rea> &aintain Controlling rea> cti,ate components6Control 4ndicators > +ew Entries > Enter t"e details and Click on Sa,e as s"own #elow%

-it" t"is we are done wit" t"e mandator! F46CO Configuration for ECC :%2 >ersion%

Step 5: DEF4+E PERSO++E7 RE SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource &anagement> Personnel reas > Personnel reas > +ew Entries

Enter t"e 0ni@ue ( digits lp"a +umeric ?e! and Click on Personnel rea as s"own #elow

4con to sa,e t"e

Click on Create Re@uest option and create !our own transport, -e Bust need to enter t"e description t"e transport like w"at we are tr!ing to perform, S!stem will automaticall! generate t"e Eransport num#er% Repeat the same activity for all your personnel areas. Step 6: DEF4+E PERSO++E7 S08F RE S SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource &anagement> Personnel Su# areas > Create Personnel Su#areas > +ew Entries

Click on +ew entries and &ake enter ( digits 'ma$imum) lp"anumeric ke! for Personnel Su#areas as #elow

Step : DEF4+E E&P7O3EE 5RO0PS SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource &anagement> Emplo!ee 5roups > +ew Entries

Create 3our Emplo!ee 5roup as mentioned a#o,e%

Step !: P EH EO DEF4+E E&P7O3EE S085RO0PS SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> Definition > Human Resource &anagement> Emplo!ee Su#groups > Define Emplo!ee Su#groups> +ew Entries

&ake t"e +ew entries as #elow

8! doing t"e a#o,e acti,ities we are done wit" creation of Enterprise and Personnel Structure, now we need to perform t"e assignment acti,it!%

Step ": Assigning Personnel Area to Company Code SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> ssignment > Human Resource &anagement> ssign Personnel rea to Compan! Code

Select !our Personnel rea, ssign !our compan! code and Countr! Code for personnel rea, E"is Countr! grouping Controls t"e &aster data maintenance and -aget!pes, Please refer t"e #elow screens"ot for t"e same%

Step 10: Assigning Employee Subgroup to Employee Group SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Enterprise Structure> ssignment > Human Resource &anagement> ssignment of Emplo!ee Su#group to Emplo!ee 5roup

Once !ou e$ecute t"is ta#le, Click on +ew entries Option Select !our emplo!ee 5roup and Select !our emplo!ee Su#group and ssign rele,ant Countr! 5rouping '&O75 ) for t"e same, Please refer t"e #elow screens"ot for t"e same% Note: 4t is possi#le to assign more t"an one &O75 for same Emplo!ee 5roup and Emplo!ee Su#group%

Step 11: Path to set User Parameters SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Personnel &anagement> Personnel dministration> 8asic Setting> &aintain user Parameters 'EFCodeG S01)

Select t"e rele,ant Countr! Code as s"own #elow

Click on , 3ou will get message #o$ as Parameters Created for 0S % Click on and &ake Sure Parameters Created as #elow "ig"lig"ted%

Step 12: Path to Setup Employee Number Ranges SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Personnel &anagement> Personnel dministration> 8asic Settings> &aintain num#er range inter,als for Personnel +um#ers !"Code:PA0#$

C"eck t"is 8o$ if !ou want to "a,e E$ternal num#er range, Else 7ea,e it as #lank

Click on icon, Create num#er range inter,als #! clicking on , Enter !our num#er as #elow% From +um#er is going to #e First emplo!ee num#er,

Finall! Click on

, Click on

E"is num#er is going to #e t"e return ,alue of t"e Feature +0&?R

Step 1%: Path to A&&ess NU'(R

SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Personnel &anagement> Personnel dministration> 8asic Settings> Determine defaults for num#er ranges !"Code:PE0% and Enter NU'(R$

3ou can configure t"e feature #! using Create #utton and !ou can call t"e decision operation #ased on t"e re@uirement, Finall! !ou "a,e to ssign a return ,alue for t"e decision operation 'E$G 2: in t"e Pre,ious Screen) and Click on cti,ate 4con , ll t"e features need to #e acti,ate, Features doesn*t gi,e an! affect until acti,ate t"em%

Step 1#: Path to 'aintain Employee Attributes SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Personnel &anagement> Personnel dministration> Organisation Data> Organisation ssignment > Define Emplo!ee ttri#utes 'Ea#leG >H921HC)

4n t"is ta#le we "a,e to maintain cti,it! Status, Emplo!ment Status and Eraining Status for all our EEs and ES5s, 4n t"e a#o,e 1 status cti,it! Status is mandator! Select t"e &O75 and Click on enter Enter the entries as belo)

Possible Entries under A&ti*ity Status

Possible entries under Employment Status

Possible entries under !raining Status

!he abo*e mentioned Con+iguration is mandatory to hire an employee +or ,ur o)n Company Code.ith the abo*e &on+iguration you &an hire an employee and !est )hether e*ery thing is )or/ing +ine or not +or gi*en &ompany &ode-

Step 1#: Na*igation Path to &on+igure the 0n+otype 'enus SPRO> S P Reference 4&5 'F9)> Personnel &anagement> Personnel dministration> CustomiAing Procedures> 4nfot!pe &enus > 4nfot!pe &enu

Select t"e 0ser group dependenc! on menus and 4nfogroups option as s"own #elow

Step 2: +ow go #ack 'F1) and Select t"e 4nfot!pe &enu option and Enter t"e 4nfot!pe &enu w"ic" was create in t"e a#o,e step i%e%, =, I and 1, Select t"e 4nfot!pe = and enter t"e 4nfot!pes under t"at menu, repeat t"e same acti,it! for all ot"er 4nfot!pe menus%

Enter t"e re@uired 4E under t"e = menu% 4n t"e 0ser 5roup column enter t"e user group num#er as Reference user group, t"e #ot" s"ould #e one and same% 4n t"e +o Column Enter t"e Serial no of 4nfot!pes% 4f we lea,e as #lank in t"e Screen Column s!stem will pick t"e Standard Screen% 4f t"ere an! custom screen num#er enter t"at num#er in t"e column%

Step %: SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing Pro&edures1 0n+otype 'enus1 3etermine &hoi&e o+ 0n+otype menus1 User group dependen&y on menus and 0n+o groups 1 42$

4n t"is ta#le we s"ouldn*t create an! new entries, 4n Simple we "a,e to c"ange t"e reference user group to our own user w"ic" was assigned in our user parameters for J2=* HR &aster Data &enu% 4n t"e gi,en e$ample we are following J;K* as reference user group, wit" t"is we c"anged t"e reference group as J;K* for J2=* &enu as s"own #elow%

Step #: 4n t"is Step we need to our 4nfot!pe &enus ' =, I, 1) to J2=* HR &aster Data Catalog% SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing Pro&edures1 0n+otype 'enus1 3etermine &hoi&e o+ 0n+otype menus1 0n+otype 'enus1 42$

Click on .+ew Entries/ 'F9), Enter t"e 4nputs as #elow%

Note: 8efore making entries please make sure a#out t"e S%+o% Lust C"eck "ow man! S%+o are used under t"e reference user group, 4f t"ere are pree$isting entries under t"at 0ser group, we "a,e continue wit" a different S%+o, else we will get a error message as . n entr! alread! e$isted wit" same ?e!/ Step 5: Goto User Pro+ile SU% is !"&ode$ and &hange the UGR as 6789 instead o+ 6109 and sa*e: as sho)n belo) and &li&/ on

E;pe&ted ,ut Put: Goto PA%0 and &he&/ the &ustomer spe&i+i& in+otype menus got &reated or not-

Na*igation Path to &on+igure the Personnel A&tions 4n Order to Define t"e Personnel ctions, First we "a,e to identif! w"at all t"e action t!pe t"e customer is performing on t"eir emplo!ees% Once -e 4dentif! t"e action we "a,e to determine are t"ere an! action w"ic" falls under same 4nfogroup% 8! doing t"e a#o,e e$ercise we can come out wit" a list of 4nfogroups re@uired for t"e client% Here we will configure Hiring action and configuration is steps are same for all t"e ot"er action t!pes% Step1: 3e+ine the 0n+ogroups +or a&tion SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing Pro&edures1 A&tions1 3e+ine 0n+ogroups1 User group dependen&y on menus and 0n+o groups 1 42$1 Cli&/ on <NE. EN!R=>

4n t"e a#o,e mentioned ta#le we "a,e to create t"e rele,ant 4nfogroups for actions, we ma! "a,e =G= or =Gman! com#ination for 4nfogroups ,s ction% 4n t"e a#o,e e$ample 4 created different 4nfogroups for eac" action Step2: Add the 0n+otypes to 0n+ogroup )ith rele*ant operation SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing Pro&edures1 A&tions1 3e+ine 0n+ogroups1 0n+o group 1 42$1 Gi*e your 0n+ogroup )hi&h )as de+ined in the pre*ious table as sho)n belo)

Cli&/ on <Ne) Entry> and enter the 0n+otype as belo)

USER GR,UP ? RE4ERENCE USER GR,UP No ? Serial No ,peration ? Standard SAP deli*ered &ertain operation to &ontrol the beha*iour o+ in+otypes: ,peration as belo)

s we are creating Hiring action, &eaning we don*t "a,e an! data rele,ant to t"at emplo!ee in our s!stem% So we "a,e to create all t"e data for t"e PER+R% E"at is t"e reason we "a,e to .4+S/ operation for Hiring% 4n t"e same wa! we "a,e to create t"e 4nfogroups for C"ange of Position or Separation% For C"ange of Position we can call rele,ant 4nfot!pes we can user Operation as .COP/ or .&OD/ For Separation action we can use 74SM or D4S operations% Step%: Create the Personnel A&tions !able: !52@A SPR,1 Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Customi2ing Pro&edures1 A&tions1 Setup Personnel A&tions1 Personnel A&tion types 1 42$1 4n t"e E9IM , S P deli,ered some standard personnel action, -e can select t"ose actions w"ic" are rele,ant for us as s"own #elow%

Click on Cop! 4con ' ) and C"ange ction Code and Description along wit" our own 4nfogroups, as s"own #elow and click on 4con

#onfi$uration %or& 'rea for Personnel '(ministration 0n+otype 0001:

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 222=, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F222= screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes%

.or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 ,rgani2ational 3ata 1 ,rgani2ational Assignment-

0n+otype 0002: Personal 3ata$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 222I, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F222I screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Personal 3ata 1 Personal 3ata-

0n+otype 000%: Payroll Status$ E"is infot!pe will #e created internall! #! S P, we don*t re@uire an! configuration for t"is infot!pe,

0n+otype 000A: Address$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 222:, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F222: screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Personal 3ata 1 Addresses-

0n+otype 000@: Ban/ 3etails$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 222M, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F222M screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Personal 3ata 1 Ban/ 3etails

0n+otype 0021: 4amily 3etails$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22I=, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22I= screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Personal 3ata 1 4amily

0n+otype 0185: Personnel 03s$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 2=K9, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F2=K9 screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Personal 3ata 1 0denti+i&ation 1 'aintain types o+ 0denti+i&ation

0n+otype 001A: Contra&t Elements$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22=:, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22=: screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Contra&tual and Corporate Agreements 1 Contra&t Elements

0n+otype 00#0: ,bCe&ts on Doan$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22(2, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22(2 screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Contra&tual and Corporate Agreements 1 ,bCe&ts on Doan

0n+otype 001@: 'onitoring o+ !as/s$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22=M, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22=M screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 E*aluation Basis 1 'onitoring o+ !as/s

0n+otype 00#1: 3ate Spe&i+i&ations$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22(=, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22(= screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% +oteG E"is 4mportant is ,er! importantN E"is 4nfot!pe can #e used for calculation in t"e 8enefits, Compensation, EC& and Pa!roll Calculation also% 4n t"e #elow node we can create new Date E!pes and we can modif! D E R feature% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 E*aluation Basis 1 3ate Spe&i+i&ations

0n+otype 0022: Edu&ation and !raining$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22II, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22II screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Employee Euali+i&ations 1 Edu&ation and !raining

0n+otype 002%: ,therFPre*ious Employers$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 22I1, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4E F22I1 screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Employee Euali+i&ations 1 ,therFPre*ious Employers

0n+otype 0105: Communi&ation$

8elow configuration is important for 4nfot!pe 2=29, 4f we need an! c"anges to t"e a#o,e "ig"lig"ted fields input in 4EF2=29 screen, t"e #elow is t"e work area in SPRO% E"e "ig"lig"ted #o$ is important in all nodes% .or/ area in SPR,: Personnel 'anagement 1 Personnel Administration 1 Communi&ation 1 Create Communi&ation types

Note: !hough 0! 0007: 0! 0008: 0! 001#: 0! 0015 reGuired &on+iguration under PA: )e are going to tal/ about them under respe&ti*e modules-

,rganisation 'anagement


position can #e "eld #! more t"an one person or user and a person can "old more t"an one position% Howe,er, a oneFtoFone ratio is t"e ideal%

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