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#alen $illia%s 2&'' Old (ainbridge "oad )alla*assee+ F, 30--.

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Objective: To secure an internship that will assist me in making a good career choice in the communications industry. Education: Experience: 2012-Present The /estside "a0ette 1ewspaper writer, Fort Lauderdale, FL /riter +or local stories in the community 2our *apital Bureau, Florida #gricultural % $echanical /rote stories that impacted Floridians 1ews (, at Fi'e $ultimedia )ournalists 3eporter on local, sports, and politics. Helped produce news packages /orked with cameras in the studio The Famuan /rote on sports and local stories Skills: !!iliations: "e!erences: Ben:amin ;a'is, :ournalism pro+essor at Florida #%$ &ni'ersity< =>,?.-(?@>=A "ale /orkman, :ournalism pro+essor at Florida #%$ &ni'ersity< =>,?>@-?(A@. Fa5ian Lyons, $iami Herald sports writer< !>.? (=? @-!< E'elyn Hall, Budget 4++ice $anager and 8nstructor, Florida #tlantic &ni'ersity >@-?(!A?,,@A, (,-( Phi Sigma Theta 1ational Honor Society 1ational #ssociation o+ Black )ournalists iPhoto, $icroso+t 4++ice Suite, strong internet and data5ase research skills, Fa6 $achine, *opy $achine, Scanner, 7Social $edia, Face5ook, twitter, 8nstagram9. &ni'ersity Blanche Ely High School, Pompano Beach, FL .! "P# in the Technology $agnet Program Florida #gricultural % $echanical &ni'ersity, Tallahassee, FL .( "P# in )ournalism and *ommunications. *lass o+ (,-.

Fall 2012 Spring 2013

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