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Project i-SMARTS

Training Guide

Goods Issue Process Course

Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Document Control Release Record

Version , / + 0 2 Date Released for (A All All All All All All Pages Affected Remar&s 'ra.t QA $e1ie o. $e1ie o. $e1ie o. $e1ie o. $e1ie o.

the the the the the

-st QA ,nd QA /rd QA +th QA 0th QA

Action Quality Checked Training QA Manager Quality Checked Training Manager Quality Checked Business Process O ner Quality Checked Business Project Manager Quality Checked MIIB Consultant Quality Checked MIIB Program Manager Name Masike Malatji James Asante !i" e Maya#a $ajesh Tham%y Pieter &an 'er Mer e Ockert &an !chalk yk Date

Version Appro ed !" #rganisation $ Responsi%ilit" Signature $ Date Remar&s ' (ualifications


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Ta%le of Contents
Action ) Name ) Date ) (ualit" C*ec&ed + Training (A Manager,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) Masi&e Malatji,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) (ualit" C*ec&ed + Training Manager,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) -ames Asante,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) Si./e Ma"a%a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) Rajes* T*amp",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) Pieter Van Der Mer/e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) #c&ert Van Sc*al&/"&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

0, PR#C1SS #V1RVI12 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3

0,) Terms and Concepts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3

), G##DS ISS41 ),0 P1R6#RM ),) ISS41

): )3 )5
T# A

T# A

T# A



SCRAP PR#C1SS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,03

),7 Pic&ing 8ist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)9

),9 Displa" Material Document,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,); ),: 8earner 1<ercises,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79 ),:,0 Perform Goods Issue to a Cost Center,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79
,303, Picking 4ist33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333/+ ,303/ 'is%lay Material 'ocument3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333/+

7 6INA8 C#4RS1 R1VI12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7: 7,0 R1VI12


81ARNING #4TC#M1S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7:


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Con entions 4sed in t*is Guide

The in.ormation in this guide .ollo s certain con1entions that hel% you locate and identi.y in.ormation3

Con ention

Description Identi.ies a 5ote

Identi.ies Ti%s and Tricks

Identi.ies a 4earning Aid

T Code9 7777 Menu %ath 8 Menu %ath 8Menu %ath

Identi.ies a !AP transaction code and system Menu %ath to .ollo

Identi.ies a Business $ule

Identi.ies a 4earner 67ercise to e7ecute


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Target Audience
This course has #een designed .or 6m%loyees the !AP !ystem3 ho ill #e res%onsi#le .or Goods Issue on

Com%uter 4iteracy Course !AP 5a1igation Basic kno ledge o. the current %rocesses rele1ant to the Goods Issue : Materials

Course Duration
The duration o. this course is - day3

8earning #utcomes
;%on com%leting this course you ill #e a#le to9

67ecute a Goods Issue .or a $eser1ation on the !AP !ystem Per.orm Issue to !cra% Process


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

#ld and Ne/ Terminolog"

PRASA Terminolog" !tock Issue $e<uest Goods* Items $emo1e SAP Terminolog" Goods Issue to $eser1ation Materials !cra%


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

0, Process # er ie/
Material ha1e #een $eser1ed .or a cost centre ith a $eser1ation3 =ou no ant to Issue the $eser1ation Items and enter this Goods Issue ith $e.erence to the rele1ant $eser1ation3

The .ollo ing section co1ers terms and conce%ts rele1ant to this course3


Terms and Concepts

SAP Term Description A re<uest or instruction to the arehouse or stores to kee% material ready .or issue at the .uture date .or ;ser 'e%artment or Plant3 Material can #e reser1ed against a Cost Centre or Order3 Goods or Products that are the su#ject o. #usiness acti1ity3 In P$A!A ?this ill #e !%are Parts etc This is the !AP term .or Product num#ers and !%are Parts 5um#ers3 Material can #e used together ith the !erial 5um#ers In the In1entory Management system? hen a goods mo1ement is %osted? a material document is generated that ser1es as %roo. o. the mo1ement3 A material document consists o. a header and at least one item I. the mo1ement is rele1ant .or @inancial Accounting Athat is? i. it leads to an u%date o. the G*4 accountsB? an accounting document is created %arallel to the material document A %lant is a %hysical site goods are stored3 here related acti1ities are %er.ormed or here material or stock is %hysical

Reser ation

Material Material Num%er

Material Document

Accounting Document

Plant Storage 8ocation Mo ement T"pe Transfer Posting

A storage location is a %lace ke%t ithin a %lant

Mo1ement ty%e descri#es the di..erent %osting o. material and ho the material master is to #e u%dated? Trans.erring or mo1ing goods .rom one %lant to another


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

), Goods Issue to a Reser ation

A $eser1ation is the re<uirement o. the arehouse to ha1e materials .or goods mo1ement ready at a later date and .or a %articular %ur%ose A $eser1ation ill #e created hen stock goods are re<uired .rom the store #y the #usiness3 The old P$A!A terminology is !tock Issue $e<uest3

),0 Perform a Goods Issue to a Reser ation

!usiness Scenario9 A goods issue is an issue out o. stores .or use #y the #usiness? hich leads to a reduction in stock le1els3 Goods issues ill #e %rocessed .or 1alid reser1ations only3 61ery morning the goods issuer %rints a %icking list and collects all materials .or reser1ations due on that day3 Ce*she %laces all materials on the issuing? arranged #y reser1ation3 Dhen the re<uestor come to collected the materials the goods issues hands o1er the materials .rom the issuing #ay and then %rocess the goods issue on the system3 Both the re<uestor and the goods issuer sign the good issue sli%3 Transaction Code9 MIG# 4ogistics Material Management In1entory Management Goods Mo1ement MIGOEGI F Goods Issue AMIGOB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The SAP 1as" Access screen is dis%layed

'ou#leFclick on the MIG#>GI - Goods Issue ?MIG#@ node3


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue Reser ation Initial screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step -3 6ield Name Document T"pe 6ield Description and Action !elect Goods Issue dro% do n list i. it is not the de.ault3 .rom the R'# $


Document Reference

This .ield indicates the ty%e o. document #eing %er.ormed !elect Reser ation Document ? on the document to #e re.erenced .rom the dro% do n list i. it is not the de.ault3 This .ield indicates the ty%e o. document to #e re.erenced


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step /3 6ield Name Material Document Num%er 6ield Description and Action 6nter the $eser1ation 'ocument num#er3 @or this e7am%le? enter 0BBBBBB9: The $eser1ation 'ata Goods Issue !creen 3 R'# $

ill #e co%ied to the JMigoK *


Document Date

This is a numeric key hich uni<uely identi.ies a reser1ation num#er to #e re.erenced3 This .ield is de%endent on the entry made in the 'ocument $e.erence .ield3 4ea1e as is3 This is the date on hich the original document i3e3 1endor deli1ery note or internal goods recei%t sli%? as issued3 The de.ault is the current system date3 4ea1e as is This is the date used hen entering the accounting document3 The de.ault is the current system date3 This .ield indicates the mo1ement ty%e #eing %osted3 4ea1e the de.ault o. )B0 + Goods Issues for Cost Center? unchanged3 !elect the %rint check#o7 i. a goods recei%t*issue sli% is to #e %rinted3 Three di..erent 1ersions o. a G$*GI sli% can #e %rinted9 Indi1idual !li% Indi1idual sli% ith ins%ection te7t Collecti1e sli% NoteA 61en i. the %rint indicator is set? the out%ut ill only #e generated i. it is %ermitted .or the mo1ement ty%e hich as entered hen the material document as created3 !elect the Indi1idual !li% radio #utton i. only one Goods $ecei%t*Goods Issue sli% is to #e %rinted .or each item3 !elect the Collecti1e !li% radio #utton i. all the items in a document are to #e %rinted3 !elect the Collecti1e !li% radio #utton i. all the items in a document are to #e %rinted3


Posting Date GI for Cost Center Print




Indi idual Slip Collecti e Slip Collecti e Slip



ANoteA On a#o1e ta#le? in column $*OH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue Reser ation screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step -3 6ield Name Material 6ield Description and Action Click on the Material ta#3 R'# $

The rele1ant material .ields is dis%layed The material num#er : descri%tion is %o%ulated .rom the Material Master ,3 (t" in 4nit of 1ntr" Click on the (uantit" ta#3 $

6nter the (uantit" to #e issued i. di..erent .rom <uantity reser1ed3 Or it de.aults to the reser1ation <uantity3 ?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue Reser ation screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step , / Mo ement T"pe 6ield Name (t" in SC4 6ield Description and Action 4ea1e as is R'# O $ $

Click on the 2*ere ta#3 The rele1ant location data .ields are dis%layed3 6nter Mo ement T"pe )B0 + Goods Issues for Cost Center or itLs de.aulted .rom the reser1ation document3 The mo1ement ty%e identi.ies the ty%e o. mo1ement to #e %er.ormed and de.aults .rom the %re1ious screen3 6ach goods mo1ement i3e3 %urchase order to arehouse? is allocated a mo1ement ty%e in !AP3


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step + 6ield Name Plant 6ield Description and Action 4ea1e as is 'e.aults .rom the reser1ation document3 03 23 >3 Storage 8ocation Goods Recipient 4nloading Point Te<t 6nter !torage 4ocation or de.aults .rom the reser1ation document 6nter the Goods $eci%ient name or de.aults .rom the reser1ation document 6nter the 4nloading Point address3 This is the %hysical address here the goods are #eing mo1ed3 Ty%e in Te<t or instructions rele1ant to the material $ $ $ R'# O

)3 G3 -(3 --3 -,3 -/3 -+3 -03

Click on the Reser ation Reser ation Re=mt Date Re=mt (t" 2it*dra/al (t" (t",f,a ail, c*& 6inal Issue 4ea1e as is 4ea1e as is 4ea1e as is 4ea1e as is 4ea1e as is

ta#3 O O O O O

Indicates that a reser1ation item is com%leted3 @urther goods mo1ements in res%ect o. this reser1ation item are not antici%ated? although they are still %ossi#le3 The indicator is set automatically .or a goods mo1ement hen the total reser1ed <uantity has #een ithdra n or deli1ered3 In the case o. a %artial deli1ery? you can manually set the indicator i. no .urther goods mo1ements are e7%ected in res%ect o. the rele1ant reser1ation item3


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Goods Issue Process Goods Issue Reser ation Step -23 6ield Name 6ield Description and Action Click on the Account Assignment ta#3 The G Click on the Item #C Click on the C*ec& Click on the Post #utton #utton3 check#o73 R'# O

->3 -)3 -G3

$ $ $

?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB A system message9 Material Document posted? is dis%layed

Click on the 1<it

#utton to return to the SAP 1as" Access screen


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The SAP 1as" Access is dis%layed3


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

),) Issue to Scrap Process

The !cra%%ing o. a material is done hen the %articular material has #een damaged3 The material that has #een identi.ied as scra% material needs to #e remo1ed .rom stock and the 1alue is reduced3 The SAP 1as" Access screen is dis%layed

Click on the MIG# - Goods Mo ement ?MIG#@



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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue #t*er screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step --3 6ield Name Document T"pe 6ield Description and Action !elect Goods Issue dro% do n list i. it is not the de.ault3 .rom the R'# $


Document Reference

This .ield indicates the ty%e o. document #eing %er.ormed !elect #t*er Document ? on the document to #e re.erenced .rom the dro% do n list i. it is not the de.ault3 This .ield indicates the ty%e o. document to #e re.erenced


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step -/3 6ield Name Document Date 6ield Description and Action 4ea1e as is3 This is the date on hich the original document i3e3 1endor deli1ery note or internal goods recei%t sli%? as issued3 The de.ault is the current system date3 4ea1e as is This is the date used hen entering the accounting document3 The de.ault is the current system date3 6nter the mo1ement ty%e3 @or this e7am%le ::0 + Goods Issues for Scrapping This .ield indicates the mo1ement ty%e #eing %osted3 -23 Print !elect the %rint check#o7 i. a goods recei%t*issue sli% is to #e %rinted3 Three di..erent 1ersions o. a G$*GI sli% can #e %rinted9 Indi1idual !li% Indi1idual sli% ith ins%ection te7t Collecti1e sli% NoteA 61en i. the %rint indicator is set? the out%ut ill only #e generated i. it is %ermitted .or the mo1ement ty%e hich as entered hen the material document as created3 !elect the Indi1idual !li% radio #utton i. only one Goods $ecei%t*Goods Issue sli% is to #e %rinted .or each item3 !elect the Collecti1e !li% radio #utton i. all the items in a document are to #e %rinted3 !elect the Collecti1e !li% radio #utton i. all the items in a document are to #e %rinted3 $ R'# $


Posting Date GI for Cost Center



Indi idual Slip Collecti e Slip Collecti e Slip



ANoteA On a#o1e ta#le? in column $*OH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


Page -G o. /0

Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue #t*er screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step -3 6ield Name Material 6ield Description and Action Click on the Material ta#3 R'# $

6nter rele1ant material num#er to #e scra%%ed The material descri%tion is %o%ulated .rom the Material Master ,3 (t" in 4nit of 1ntr" Click on the (uantit" ta#3 $

6nter the (uantit" to #e scra%%ed3 ?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Issue #t*er screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step /3 +3 03 23 >3 Mo ement T"pe Plant Storage 8ocation Goods Recipient 6ield Name 6ield Description and Action Click on the 2*ere ta#3 The rele1ant location data .ields are dis%layed3 6nter mo1ement ty%e3 @or this e7am%le Mo ement T"pe ::0 + GI Scrapping, 6nter the rele1ant %lant num#er3 @or this e7am%le 00B0 PRASA Dead #ffice 6nter !torage 4ocation3 @or this e7am%le 00B0 PRASA Dead #ffice 6nter the Goods $eci%ient name3 @or this e7am%le Palesa R'# $ $ $ $ $


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step )3 6ield Name 4nloading Point Reason for Mo ement 6ield Description and Action 6nter the 4nloading Point address3 This is the %hysical address here the goods are #eing mo1ed3 6nter the Reason for Mo ement .ield3 @or this e7am%le select .or s%oiled3 Ty%e in Te<t or instructions rele1ant to the material R'# $




?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB The Goods Issue #t*er screen is dis%layed


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Goods Issue #t*er + Scrap Material Step --3 -,3 -/3 -+3 -03 -23 G8 Account Cost Center 6ield Name 6ield Description and Action Click on the Account Assignment ta#3 6nter the G4 Account3 @or this e7am%le 9BBBBB 6nter the Cost Center3 @or this e7am%le 0)7 R'# O $ $ $ $ $

Click on the Item #C Click on the C*ec& Click on the Post #utton #utton3


?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB A system message9 Material Document posted? is dis%layed

Click on the 1<it

#utton to return to the SAP 1as" Access screen


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management


Pic&ing 8ist

!usiness Scenario9 This transaction is used to determine hich reser1ations ha1e not #een issued .rom stock and then carry out the Goods Issue3 A %icking list can #e created ith re.erence to a reser1ation3 =ou can also select all reser1ations .or a material #y s%eci.ying the material num#er in the selection criteria? or select all reser1ations .or a Cost Center #y s%eci.ying the Cost Center num#er in the selection criteria3

Transaction Code9 M!)E 4ogistics Material Management In1entory Management $eser1ation M!)E + Pic&ing3 The SAP 1as" Access is dis%layed

Click on the M!)E - Pic&ing



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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Pic&ing 8ist screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Pic&ing 8ist Step -3 6ield Name Material Document Num%er 6ield Description and Action 6nter the $eser1ation 'ocument num#er3 @or this e7am%le? enter BBBBBB57 3 This is a numeric key hich uni<uely identi.ies a reser1ation num#er to #e re.erenced3 This .ield is de%endent on the entry made in the 'ocument $e.erence .ield3 6nter the Plant code - 00B0 P$A!A Cead 3 /3 Click the 1<ecute #utton $ R'# $



?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Pic&ing 8ist Print screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Pic&ing 8ist Print Step -3 6ield Name 6ield Description and Action The Material num#er? material descri%tion? <uantity? %lant : storage location screen is dis%layed Click on the 8ist Print menu item R'# O

,3 /3

$ O

Goods Mo1ement list is dis%layed Print the Picking 4ist

?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Goods Mo ement list screen is dis%layed

=ou ha1e success.ully created a %icking list .or a stock material3

Click on the 1<it

#utton to return to the SAP 1as" Access screen3


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The SAP 1as" Access is dis%layed


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management


Displa" Material Document

At the end o. this session? you should #e a#le to %er.orm the .ollo ing in the !AP system3 'is%lay Material 'ocument

!usiness Scenario9 A.ter you ha1e %er.ormed Goods Issue? you ant to check the status o. the Material Mo1ement and dis%lay the Accounting 'ocuments3

Transaction Code9 M!B7 4ogistics Material Management In1entory Management Material 'ocument MB(/ F 'is%lay The SAP 1as" Access is dis%layed

'ou#leFclick on the M!B7 F 'is%lay



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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Displa" Material DocumentA Initial Screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Displa" Material Document Step -3 6ield Name Material Doc, 6ield Description and Action Click in the Material Document .ield 6nter the rele1ant material document num#er #utton or select it .rom the Possi%le 1ntries R'# $

The material document num#er is an al%hanumeric key that uni<uely identi.ies the material document3 ,3 /3 Mater, Doc, Fear 6nter the calendar "ear document as %osted3 Click on the Item # er ie/ in hich the material $ $


?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The Displa" Material Document # er ie/ screen is dis%layed

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Displa" Material Document Step 0, ,3 /3 +3 03 23 >3 6ield Name Name Posting Date Item (uantit" 1on Material 6ield Description and Action 'is%lays the user name3 'is%lays the Posting 'ate used hen ca%turing the material document in @inancial Accounting or Controlling3 'is%lays the line item num#er3 'is%lays the <uantity to #e returned 'is%lays the unit o. measure3 'is%lays the material num#er3 R'# O O O O O O O

Material 'is%lays a descri%tion o. the material3 Description ?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Displa" Material Document Step

6ield Name Plant S8oc M T

6ield Description and Action 'is%lays the Plant code - 00B0 Prasa Cead and 'is%lays the Storage - 00B0 Prasa Cead 00B0 'is%lays the mo1ement ty%e3 6ach goods mo1ement? .or e7am%le? %urchase order to arehouse? is allocated a mo1ement ty%e in !AP3 Mo ement T"pe )B0 + Goods Issues for Cost Center Click on the Accounting Documents #utton to dis%lay the accounting documents? hich ere created hen the material document as %osted3

R'# O O O

G3 -(3


?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

The 8ist of Documents in Accounting %o%u%


is dis%layed3

;sing the ta#le #elo ? com%lete the .ollo ing .ields9 Goods Issue Process Displa" Material Document Step 0, 6ield Name 6ield Description and Action R'# O

To dis%lay the rele1ant accounting document? dou#le click on the document num#er3 ?Note9 In the a#o1e ta#le? column J$*OKH $ I $e<uired? O I O%tionalB


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management


8earner 1<ercises

),:,0 Perform Goods Issue to a Cost Center, ),:,) Pic&ing 8ist, ),:,7 Displa" Material Document,


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Goods Issue Process Materials Management

6inal Course Re ie/

7,0 Re ie/ of 8earning #utcomes

Ca1ing com%leted this course? you should #e a#le to9 Per.orm Goods Issue to a Cost Center Per.orm Issue to !cra% Process 'is%lay Material 'ocument 4ist


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