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Social Studies - Video Clip - Discussion 3 Mar 9, 2014 Here is a clip about the history of the Declaration of Independence

that is straightforward in it's explanation, without fanfare or distracting music; although, a little flute music from the times might have made it more authentic. The slideshow keeps changing so as not to bore students. I would show this video to 4th - 5th grade. query=Declaration+of+Independence+American+History+Porcello+Constitution&type =videos Manage Discussion Entry Here is a clip about the history of the Declaration of Independence that is straightforward in it's explanation, without fanfare or distracting music; although, a little flute music from the times might have made it more authentic. The slideshow keeps changing so as not to bore students. I would show this video to 4th - 5th grade. query=Declaration+of+Independence+American+History+Porcello+Constitution&type =videos Reply HTML Editor

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Janis Gomme Campbell Janis Gomme Campbell Mar 9, 2014 Pardon me! I got my videos mixed up- the one I selected does have background music, and can be viewed by clicking: video_id=16079 Manage Discussion Entry Pardon me! I got my videos mixed up- the one I selected does have background music, and can be viewed by clicking: Reply HTML Editor

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Karen Powell Karen Powell Mar 10, 2014 I like the video you chose. Sometimes it's nice to focus on the material and not have a lot of bells and whistles. I think 4th and 5th grade students will like this clip. Manage Discussion Entry I like the video you chose. Sometimes it's nice to focus on the material and not have a lot of bells and whistles. I think 4th and 5th grade students will like this clip. Reply

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