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Clouds By Alicia

What are clouds?

Clouds are cotton looking things that float in the sky. They are made of many, many water droplets or ice crystals combined together to make a cloud.

How do clouds form?

Air has water , but near the ground it is usually in a form of invisible gas that is water vapor. Water vapor goes to the sky and sticks onto tiny particles of dust to form a water droplet.

What are the different types of clouds and what do they do? There are many different types of clouds and categories. These are the categories: low clouds, mid-level clouds and high clouds.

Low clouds
The low clouds are stratus and cumulus. They can sometimes bring precipitation.

Mid-level clouds
The mid-level clouds are alto clouds. These clouds usually bring storms.

High clouds
The high clouds are cirrus clouds. These clouds do not bring precipitation.

Who is affected? People, animals, houses, trees and plants can all get affected. They can get affected because of precipitation.

When do clouds turn gray? When the clouds get really thick of water or really high, then the light of the sun cannot get through. That is how they look gray.

What are some issues? One issue is storms. And another one is heating and cooling.

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