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17 May 2012

Dr. EDUARDO P. BANZON President and CEO


12th Floor, City State Building, 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasay City
ear r! Ban"on #

On $ehal% o% the e&art'ent o% (a$or and E'&loy'ent, we wish to e)&ress our heart%elt gratitude %or your a*tive &arti*i&ation that resulted in a highly su**ess%ul 2012 (a$or ay +o$ and (ivelihood Fair on 01 May 2012 at the Manila ,orld -rade Center, Pasay City! ,e are &leased to in%or' you that .,921 a&&li*ants registered during the day/ long a*tivity, o% whi*h 1,.07 have $een hired/on/the/s&ot 12O-S3, while 2,45. 'ore a&&li*ants have 6uali%ied %or the &osition7s they a&&lied %or and have $een s*heduled %or %urther interview 1FF83! For the %orth*o'ing 110th 8nde&enden*e ay Cele$ration, the 9ational Organi"ing Co''ittee 19OC3 has tas:ed O(E to *ondu*t a +o$ Fair on 12 +une 2012! 8n this *onne*tion, 'ay we again invite your agen*y to &arti*i&ate in this a*tivity $y sending &ersonnel who *an issue Postal 8 s and *an &rovide related advisory and do*u'entation servi*es to ;o$see:ers es&e*ially new graduates! uring the day long a*tivity, your agen*y re&resentatives will $e &rovided with ta$les, *hairs, internet *onne*tion and %ood 11 lun*h and 2 sna*:s3 %or %ive 143 sta%% all %ree o% *harge! For *on%ir'ation o% attendan*e and %urther in6uiries, :indly get in tou*h with either Boyet Miano 10927/445/<2723 or erri*: 8an -utay 10920/040<5.03 or you 'ay *onta*t the' at the %ollowing tele&hone nu'$ers, .0./4921 = .0./0.<0 1dire*t lines3 and 000/<0117.0.0.<0 1tele%a)3! >gain, than: you! ,e loo: %orward to your *ontinued su&&ort and *oo&eration in this endeavor!
?ery truly yours,

Atty. ALAN M. MACARAYA, CEO III @egional ire*tor


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