AF-61 CV Form

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Attach Your Photo


(Please fill up the items as appropriate and submit together with your CV and Cover Letter. All information will be treated confidentially)

Position Applied for Preferred !ob Location

!ob "eference #$pected %alary "e&uired 'otice Period PERSONAL DETAILS

(ull 'ame (ather)s 'ame *other)s 'ame +ate ,f -irth 'ational .d 'o +riving License Present Address /elephone number #3mail address 'ationality PRESENT EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) ,rgani4ation !ob /itle %tart +ate +uration of current employment PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (IF APPLICABLE) Position ,rgani4ation +uration (*onths6Years) Address Current monthly gross salary and other benefits *a5or responsibilities 0or1 2ome Cell Phone

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (S a! "i h he highes #$ali%i&a i'n in&l$ding %'!(al and n'n)%'!(al a&ade(i& *!'g!a(s) 7ualification 8rade 68PA6%core Passing Year .nstitution

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