Government Question Presentation Huba

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Government Questions

by: Huba

Why do governments form ?

People form governments to keep everyone in order. If theres no government everybody in the country would do whatever he or she wants and there would be Anarchy.

What is the function of the government ?

The governments function is to protect their country, serve their people, solve problems and adapt to the wishes of their citizens.

Why do government systems change ? Government systems change because the people in their country and/or the government decides what kind of government system is the best for the country.

How do citizens influence their government and vice versa?

The citizens can vote or protest to rule their government and in vice versa the government can treat the citizens badly or they make laws that citizens must follow.

What are the types of government? Still by:Huba

Monarchy is a government ruled by a royal family. That means by a king and a queen.

Democracy is a type of government where the majority rules. That means the people in the government and the citizens make the laws.

Anarchy is a no rule system. You can do everything you want. Basically everybody is crazy.

A Dictatorship is basically ruled by one person. Dictators use fear and propaganda to control people.

What is fascism? (my question)

Its a dictatorship but its nationalistic. Putting the needs of the country ahead of the needs of the people. Also a belief that their people are better than people of other countries, for example: Hitler.


Communism is when everybody needs to be the same. For example everybody is equal.

Socialism is when nothing belongs to you,it belongs to the government.

A money-based system where trades and factories are controlled by private owners.

I learned these things on my government unit.

Thank you for watching! :)

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