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03 DUE DATE: 09 April, 2013 MARKS: 10 Scenario: You are Public Relations Manager of XYZ Company and are assigned the task to organize the Annual Dinner Party of the company this year. Actually this party is a traditional ceremony of the company in which all of the employees are invited by the CEO and have dinner with him. The dinner would be on 10th of next month and, as you are in-charge of the organizing committee, you have started working and are meeting with other people. You found that employees are too enthusiastic and want to perform skits/ parodies and sing songs along with other party-games in annual function. You also want to make the party a memorable event for all and are deciding a suitable venue along with planning other activities. The CEO also has given you the free hand to do whatever you want for the function. Being a knowledgeable person of Project Management, you consider the party as a project and are planning it in the same way. Question: Identify all of the activities for the Annual Dinner Party Project and develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for it. Instructions: This is a practical assignment in which you have to make a proper WBS. The purpose is to hand on you a practice of understanding a project, identifying its deliverables and specific activities, and developing its WBS. You have to identify major deliverables and break them down into supporting deliverables, work packages and specific activities. Use your observation, experience, creativity and intuition to identify various activities involved in this Dinner Party Project and then prepare an appropriate WBS.

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