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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


This lesson describes the different Radio resource mana ement as!ects" After com!letion of this lesson the student is able to# $escribe all the Radio resource mana ement functions#

This lesson is a!!licable to GSM%&00' GSM%1(00 and GSM%1&00" )hen the term *GSM+ is mentioned' it includes GSM%&00' GSM%1(00 or GSM ,1&00" -nless the. are referred to as se!arate s.stems e/!licitl."


Radio Resource mana ement is a rou! of functions concerned 0ith the mana ement of transmission resources on the radio !ath (-m interface)" 1t must co!e 0ith limited radio resources (and the corres!ondin terrestrial resources) and share them d.namicall. bet0een all demands" The role of the Radio Resources mana ement is to# 2stablish stable connections bet0een the mobile stations and the 3S4 (3ase Station 4ontroller) Maintain them des!ite user movement for the duration of a call" Release the connections bet0een the mobile stations and the 3S4"


The mobile station and the 3S4 mainl. !erform the functions of the Radio Resource mana ement" Radio resources Mana ement 5unctions The Radio Resource mana ement functions are# 6o0er 4ontrol 7andover $iscontinuous transmission 4all re%establishment 5re8uenc. ho!!in "

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


6o0er control enables the mobile station and<or the 3TS to increase or decrease the transmission !o0er on a !er%radio lin= basis" 6o0er 4ontrol is se!aratel. !erformed for the u!lin= and do0nlin=" 1n both cases the 3S4 is res!onsible for initiatin 6o0er 4ontrol> the mobile station and the 3TS ado!t transmit !o0er accordin to the 3S4 6o0er 4ontrol commands"

)hile a mobile station is active on a call' it has the res!onsibilit. of !rovidin measurement data about the !erformance of the air%interface to its servin 3TS so that the servin 3S4 can decide if a !o0er control should be !erformed" Also the servin 3TS measures the !erformance of the air%interface" )hereas the mobile station measures the !erformance of the do0nlin=' the 3TS measures the !erformance of the u!lin="


The mobile station measures and re!orts the follo0in measurements to the 3S4 re ardin the 6erformance of the do0nlin=" Stren th of the si nal bein receivin from its servin 3TS (in d3m) ?ualit. of the si nal bein received from its servin 3TS (in bit error rate)"


The 3TS measures and re!orts the follo0in measurements to the 3S4 re ardin !erformance of the u!lin=# Stren th of the si nal bein received from the mobile station" ?ualit. of the si nal bein received from the mobile station" the


The mobile station measures !eriodicall. the !erformance of the do0nlin=' and sends the Measurements in the SA447 (Slo0 Associated 4ontrol 4hannel) via the servin 3TS to the 3S4 ever. SA447 multi%frame" This corres!onds to the transmission of data ever. 10@ T$MA frames or @(0 ms" The base station measures the 8ualit. of the u!lin=" Also' it transfers the measurements in the SA447 to the 3S4 ever. @(0ms"


)hen the 3S4 notices that the si nal stren th of a !articular radio lin= measured on the u!lin= becomes belo0 the lo0er !re%defined threshold because the mobile station moves a0a. from the 3TS' it sends a 6o0er 4ontrol 4ommand to the mobile station to increase its transmits !o0er (MSATB6)R) b. a !re%defined ste! (t.!icall. : d3)" The transmit !o0er of the mobile station can be increased until a ma/imum defined level is reached" The 3S4 can also send a 6o0er 4ontrol command to the mobile station to reduce transmits !o0er 0hen it notices that the si nal stren th measured becomes above the u!!er !re%defined threshold" The do0nlin= 6o0er 4ontrol !rocess is similar to the u!lin= 6o0er 4ontrol !rocess"

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Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) The follo0in fi ure sho0s the u!lin= 6o0er 4ontrol !rocess"



1n the descri!tion of 6o0er 4ontrol iven u! to this !oint' the reason for 6o0er 4ontrol is that the u!lin=<do0nlin= si nal stren th measured is hi her or lo0er than thresholds s!ecified" Another reason for activatin 6o0er 4ontrol is an u!lin=< do0nlin= si nal 8ualit. measured 0hich is hi her or lo0er than thresholds s!ecified" 1n the *o!timum+ area' the area delimited b. the different !re%defined thresholds" Co 6o0er 4ontrol actions are ta=en" 1f si nal 8ualit. and< or stren th are beneath the s!ecified thresholds' 6o0er 4ontrol 0ill increase !o0er (indicated b. DEF)" 1f si nal 8ualit. and< or stren th are above the s!ecified thresholds' 6o0er 4ontrol 0ill reduce transmits !o0er (indicated b. D%F)

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

The follo0in fi ure sho0s the o!timum area in the u!lin= 6o0er 4ontrol !rocess"



6o0er 4ontrol is a GSM feature that can be enabled or disabled on a !er cell basis" 1f !o0er 4ontrol is disabled for the mobile stations' the mobile stations 0ill al0a.s transmit at ma/imum !o0er level" The same is a!!licable for the 3TS# if 6o0er 4ontrol is disabled for the 3TS" 1t 0ill al0a.s transmit at ma/imum !o0er level"


One reason to enable 6o0er 4ontrol is to save mobile station batter. !o0er" 7o0ever' the main reason for 6o0er 4ontrol is im!rovin the carrier%to%interference ratio 0ithin the cellular net0or=' reducin !o0er on the 3TS or the mobile station' 0hile =ee!in similar si nal 8ualit. received' and decrease interference caused on the other calls in the surroundin area"

7andover is the !rocess of automaticall. s0itchin a call in !ro ress from one traffic channel to another to neutraliHe the adverse effects of user movements" The s0itch can be made either to a T47 0ithin the same cell or in another cell" -suall.' handovers ta=e !lace on the T47' 0hen the call is in the s!eech sta e" 7o0ever' in rare cases it ma. be necessar. to !erform a handover 0hen' for e/am!le' the call is still in build u! sta e" 1n that case the S$447 0ill be handed over to another fre8uenc. or time slot" This t.!e of handover is more li=el. to ta=e !lace durin transmission of short messa es b. the !oint%to%!oint Short Messa e Service (SMS) Cote that the handover !rocess 0ill normall. onl. be started if !o0er control is not hel!ful an.more" The follo0in fi ure sho0s the handover !rocess" 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; @

Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


To decide if a handover should be !erformed' the 3S4 receives measurements data about the !erformance of the air interface from its servin 3TSs and mobile stations" The 3S4 uses the same measurements are those used in the !o0er control !rocess"


?ualit. of the si nal bein received from its servin 3TS (in bit error rate) Si nal stren th of the I best nei hborin 3TS do0nlin= control channels (candidate list)"


The 3TS measures and re!orts the follo0in !erformance of the u!lin=# measurements to the 3S4 re ardin the

Stren th of the si nal bein receivin from the mobile station' ?ualit. of the si nal bein received from the mobile station" $istance bet0een the servin 3TS and the mobile station (in meters)

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

As a mobile station moves a0a. from its servin 3TS to0ards the covera e area of nei hborin 3TSs' the mobile station measurement re!orts 0ill sho0 a radual decrease in si nal stren th from its servin 3TS 0hile sho0in an increase in measured si nal stren th from one or more nei hborin 3TSs" 1t is the res!onsibilit. of the servin 3S4 to anal.He the measurement re!orts from the mobile station and to decide 0hen a handover should be !erformed" 1f it is determined that there is a better 3TS to serve the call' the servin 3S4 initiates the handover !rocedure"

The t.!es of handover !rocedure e/ecuted de!ends on 0hat level of s0itchin must be !erformed in order to move the call from the servin 3TS to the ne0 candidate 3TS" There are basicall. four t.!es of handovers# 1nternal or intra%3SS handover' 0hich can be# 1ntra ,cell handover 1nter%cell handover" 2/ternal or inter%3SS handover' 0hich can be# 1ntra%MS4 handover" 1nter%MS4 handover" 1f the servin and candidate 3TSs reside 0ithin the same 3SS' the 3S4 for the 3SS can !erform the handover 0ithout the involvement of the MS4 thus termed internal or intra 3SS handover" This t.!e of handover can also be sub%divided into intra%cell and inter%cell handovers" An intra%cell handover is an intra%3SS handover 0ithin the same 3TS" An inter% cell handover is a handover bet0een different 3TSs" 1f the servin and candidate 3TSs do not reside 0ithin the same 3SS' then an inter%3SS handover is !erformed' 0hich re8uires the MS4 to servin 3TS and the candidate 3TS" This t.!e of handover can also be divided into intra%MS4 and inter%MS4 handovers"


$ifferent t.!es of handover are e/!lained usin the e/am!les of a s.stem consistin of t0o MS4s and three 3SSs" Also de!icted is cell covera e Areas 0ith e/am!le 4ell Global 1dentification codes for each 3SS" Assume that the mobile and land stations are active in a cell' the call is bein controlled b. MS4 A' and the mobile station is currentl. in cell area :G@%01%100%J1"


5or this t.!e of handover' the mobile station is handed over to a different radio channel 0ithin the same cell area# :G@%01%100%J1" This is actuall. an unusual t.!e of handover' since it is not tri ered b. !oor si nal stren th (if it 0as' the candidate base station 0ould be different from the servin base station)" A !robabl. cause for this t.!e of handover 0ould be !oor si nal 8ualit. (not stren th)' !ossibl. due to co%channel interference" 5or this t.!e of handover' 3S4: 0ould allocate a ne0 radio channel and instruct the mobile station to retune"


The mobile station moves from area :G@%01%100%J1 to0ards area :G@%01%100%J:" At some !oint in time' 3S4 : 0ill determine from the si nal stren th measurement re!orts that the 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; I

Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) base station res!onsible for cell area :G@%01%100%J: can better serve the call" Since the candidate base station is also connected to 3S4%:' the handover can be coordinated b. 3S4 : 0ithout the involvement of MS4 A" in this situation' 3S4 : reserves an available radio channel from cell area :G@%01%100%J: and instructs the mobile station to retune to the ne0 radio channel' 3S4 : is also res!onsible for s0itchin the voice !ath bet0een MS4 A and the old radio channel to the ne0 radio channel" The follo0in fi ure sho0s four t.!es of handovers"



The mobile station moves from area :G@%01%100% J1 to0ards area :G@%01%100%JJ" At some !oint in time' 3S4 : 0ill determine from the si nal stren th measurement re!orts that the base station res!onsible for cell are :G@%01%100%JJ can better serve the call" 3S4 : 0ill then determine that there are no base states connected to it that serves area :G@%01%100%JJ and 0ill re8uest MS4 A to arran e the handover to the candidate base station" MS4 A 0ill determine that 3S4 G is res!onsible for cell area :G@%01%100%JJ and re8uest it to reserve a free radio 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; ;

Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) channel for a handover" MS4 A 0ill rela. the ne0 radio channel information bac= to 3S4:" 3S4 : 0ill then as= the mobile to retune to the ne0 channel" At the same time' MS4 A 0ill s0itch voice !aths bet0een the 6ublic S0itched Tele!hone Cet0or= (6STC) and the old 3S4 (3S4 :) to the ne0 3S4"


The mobile station moves from area :G@%01%100%J1 to0ards area :G@%01%0(&%:1" Similar to !revious scenario' 3S4 : 0ill as= MS4 A to coordinate the handover to :G@%01%0(&%:1" MS4 A 0ill determine that it has no base stations under its control res!onsible for the identified cell area" MS4 A then needs to determine 0hich nei hborin MS4 is res!onsible for the cell area' in this case MS4 3" and 0ill as= it to receive a handover"


5rom the mobile stationFs reference !oint' it is una0are of the @ level of handover" The mobile station has t0o handover related res!onsibilities !rovide !erformance measurements to its servin base station and to retune to a ne0 radio channel 0hen ordered to do so"


The GSM s!ecification does not describe the handover bet0een cells of different 6KMS"


The follo0in fi ure sho0s the lobal !hases in an intra%3SS' inter%cell handover"






The handover scenario consists of# Measurements 1" The MS is continuousl. listenin to the broadcast channel' measurin the stren th of SA447 the currentl. used radio channel and the nei hborin channels and re!ortin the result to the 3SS" 11" The 3S4 allocates a ne0 radio channel and instructs the MS to re%tune to it" 111" The MS tunes to the ne0 radio channel' and sends a 7andover 4om!lete to the 3SS" 1V" The 3SS informs MS4 about the ne0 location of the MS" 7andover the 4ommand follo0in fi ure The sho0s an intra%3SS' inter%cell handover 5A447

Si nal Stren th

7andover Access

7andover 4ommand

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7andover 6erformed

Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

MS .-05-6 78 296 BSS"

a" Re8uest to handover

MS Old 3SS


b" Allocate ne0 resources


MSC 4 The table belo0 lists the t0o sta es in an inter%3SS' intra%MS4 handover"


Ce0 3SS

D-./0 1+ 23


MS served by old BSS: the MS detects that there is a better 3SS candidate and re8uests the MS4 (via the old 3SS) to be connected to MS .-05-6 78 3-: BSS" this 3SS" The MS4 then allocates resources to the ne0 3SS" : MS served by new BSS: the MS tunes to the ne0 3SS and uses the ne0l. allocated resources" The resources to the old 3SS are released"
b" Release of old resources

The follo0in fi ure sho0s the !hases in an inter%3SS' intra%MS4 handover"

Old 3SS MS

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Ce0 3SS a" 7and over e/ecution

L Voice !ath L 4onnection


Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

1" The MS is continuousl. listenin to the broadcast channel' measurin the stren th of the currentl. used radio channel and the nei hborin channels 11" )hen the old 3SS' currentl. su!!ortin the MS' determines that the MS re8uires to be handed over it 0ill send a 7andover re8uired messa e to the MS4 0ith a list of cells to 0hich the MS can be handed over" 111" On receivin the 7andover re8uired messa e' the MS4 be ins the !rocess of handin over the MS to the ne0 3SS" The MS4 sends a 7andover Re8uest messa e to the selected 3SS (ne0 3SS)

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Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) 1V" The ne0 3SS ta=es the necessar. actions to allo0 the MS to access the ne0 radio resources and then sends the , ac=no0led ement (7andover Re8uest%A4M messa e to the MS4 containin the 7andover Reference Cumber (hrn)) V" The MS4 informs the old 3SS that the handover can ta=e !lace V1" The old 3SS sends a command to the MS to tune to the ne0 radio channel V11" The MS accesses the ne0 radio resource b. sendin the messa e 7andover Access containin the hrn" The hrn is chec=ed b. the ne0 3SS to ensure it is as e/!ected and the correct MS has been ca!tured" V111" 1f this is the correct MS the ne0 3SS sends a handover $etect messa e to the MS4 1B" )hen the MS is successfull. communicatin 0ith the ne0 3SS it sends to it a 7andover 4om!lete messa e" B" The ne0 3SS for0ards this messa e to the MS4" B1" The MS is no0 served b. a ne0 3SS' the trun= reserved for the communication bet0een the MS4 and the old 3SS can no0 be released" B11" 4onse8uentl. the radio traffic channel is released"

The inter%3SS' intra%MS4 handover scenario consists of# The follo0in fi ure sho0s an inter%3SS' intra%MS4 handover

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


The fi ure belo0 sho0s the !hases of an 1nter%3SS' 1nter%MS4 handover" MS served b. old 3SS' MS served b. ne0 3SS" MS .-05-6 78 296 BSS"

a" Re8uest to handover

MS Old 3SS b" Allocate ne0 resources

Ce0 3SS

MS .-05-6 78 3-: BSS"

b" Release of old resources

Old 3SS MS

Ce0 3SS a" 7and over e/ecution

L Voice !ath L 4onnection


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Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) T;- <2992: 3! +,79- 9 .+. +;- +:2 .+,!-. 3 ,3 3+-0)BSS* 3+-0)MSC ;,3625-0. S+,!1 : D-./0 1+ 23 MS served by old BSS: the MS detects that there is a better 3SS candidate and re8uests the MS4 (via the old 3SS) to be connected to this 3SS" The MS4 then allocates resources to the ne0 3SS" MS served b. ne0 3SS# the MS tunes to the ne0 3SS and uses the ne0l. allocated resources" The resources to the old 3SS are released"

The inter%3SS' inter%MS4 handover scenario consists of# 1" The MS is continuousl. listenin to the broadcast channel' measurin the stren th of the current used radio channel and the nei hborin channels" 11" )hen the old 3SS' (3SS%A)' currentl. su!!ortin the MS' determines that the MS re8uires to be handed over it 0ill send a 7andover re8uired messa e 0ith a list of cells to 0hich the MS can be handed over" 111" -!on recei!t of this messa e from the old 3SS' MS4%A sends a messa e to the MS4% 3 to !erform the handover" This messa e 0ill contain all information needed b. this MS4 to allocate a radio channel and also the identit. of the cell to 0hich the call is to be handed over 1V" MS4%3 as=s its VKR to allocate a 7andover Reference Cumber (hrn) V" MS4%3 retrieves the hrn 0hich 0ill be used for routin the connection of the call to MS4%A V1" 1f no traffic channel is available in MS4%3' it as=s the 3SS%3 to allocate one V11" 3SS%3 returns the allocated traffic channel (TC) V111" An Ac=no0led ement messa e containin the ne0 radio resources definition is sent b. MS4%3 to MS4%A 1B" MS4%A as=s MS4%3 to establish a communication circuit B" MS4%3 establishes a circuit 0ith MS4%A usin the si nalin !rocedures su!!orted b. the net0or=" B1" The MS4%A informs the old 3SS%A that the handover can ta=e !lace B11" The 3SS%A sends a command to the MS to tune to the ne0 radio channel B111" The MS accesses the ne0 radio resource b. sendin the messa e 7andover Access containin the hrn" The hrn is chec=ed b. 3SS%3 to ensure it is as e/!ected and the correct MS has been ca!tured

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Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) B1V" 1f this is the correct MS 3SS%3 sends a 7andover $etect messa e to the MS4%3 BV" )hen the MS is successfull. communicatin 0ith the 3SS%3 it sends to it a handover 4om!lete messa e BV1" The 3SS%3 for0ards this messa e to the MS4%3 BV11" 3. com!letion of the handover' MS4%3 informs MS4%A that the connection can be ended BV111" MS4%A ac=no0led e the recei!t of this messa e B1B" The radio traffic channel used earlier b. the MS can be released BB" The 3SS%A ac=no0led ed this messa e to the MS4%A BB1" The trun= used for the communication bet0een MS4%A and the 3SS to serve the MS is no lon er needed and can be released" MS4%A informs MS4%3 that the old resources used b. the MS are released" BB11" The net0or= connection bet0een MS4%A and MS4%3 is released BB111" The hrn that 0as used for the routin of the connection bet0een MS4%A and MS4%3 is no more needed and can be de%allocated"

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

The follo0in fi ure sho0s the 1nter%3SS' 1nter%MS4 7andover Scenario (1)"





1ncomin 4all (MS1S$C)

6a e

Get Route (MS1S$C)

Get Route (1MS1)

Routin info (MSRC) Routin info (MSRC)

1ncomin 4all (MS1S$C)

Relea se

6a in Authentication 4i!herin 28ui!ment validation 4all setu! 7andover (s) 4all release

F ! " 1'

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)

The follo0in fi ure sho0s the 1nter%3SS' 1nter%MS4 7andover Scenario (:)"

F ! " 11

Cote that the home MS4 is also called the anchor MS4> an. other MS4 is called the relay MS4"


7andover obNectives )hen a mobile station is active on a call' the servin 3S4 has the res!onsibilit. of decidin 0hen a handover should be !erformed" The decision of the 3S4 is based on the !erformance measurement data received from the mobile station and the servin 3TS" $urin the !erformance evaluation' the 3S4 ta=es the follo0in obNectives for o!timiHin the handover !erformance into account# Maintain a ood s!eech 8ualit. MinimiHe the number of calls dro!!ed Ma/imiHe the amount of time the mobile station is in the *best+ cell MinimiHe the number of handovers"

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Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


1n order to meet these obNectives' the 3S4 is able to react on different stimuli that cause a handover" The 3S4 0ill !erform a handover due to# $istance (or !ro!a ation dela.) bet0een the mobile station and the 3TS becomes too bi Received si nal level (or si nal stren th) on the do0nlin= or u!lin= becomes too bad Received si nal 8ualit. on the do0nlin= or u!lin= becomes too bad 6ath loss situation for the mobile station to another cell is better $uration that the mobile station sta.s in a cell 2ach handover cause corres!onds to a !articular t.!e of handover" Cote that the different t.!es of handovers are GSM features that can be enabled or disabled on a !er cell basis"


The 3S4 uses a sli htl. different handover al orithm for a net0or= consistin of a sin le cell (non%hierarchical cell structure net0or=) as for a net0or= consistin of a multi!le cell (hierarchical cell structure net0or=' consistin of micro%cells and umbrella cells)" 1n a multi!le cell net0or= the !olic. in mind is# a slo0 movin mobile station should be connected to one of the lo0er cells 0hile a fast movin mobile station 0ill cause less handovers in a lar e cell of the u!!er" Cote that the handover cause *$uration that the mobile station sta.s in a cell+ is onl. a!!licable to a multi!le cell net0or="


A !o0er bud et handover ta=es !lace as soon as a better cell 0ith res!ect to the !o0er bud et is available to handle the call" A !o0er bud et handover is based on the !ath loss" The !ath loss is the difference bet0een the actual transmits !o0er of the 3TS and the si nal level received b. the mobile station" Generall.' the mobile station 0ill s0itch to the 3TS 0ith the lo0est !ath loss" 3. s0itchin to another cell' the necessar. !o0er transmitted b. both the mobile station and the base station is reduced and the level of interference is decreased"


$istance bet0een the mobile station and the base station can also be a reason for handover" 1f the timin advance for the mobile station becomes too bi ' because it is too far a0a. from the base station' handover has to ta=e !lace to a cell that is closer to the mobile station"


Other reasons for handover are the si nal level for (or si nal stren th) and the si nal 8ualit. on either the u!lin= or the do0nlin= received from the mobile station and the base station" 1f the 3S4 determines that either the si nals have too lo0 8ualit. or too less stren th' it can decide to start the handover !rocedure"


P0279-= 6-< 3 + 23 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; 1(

Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) A !roblem could arise 0hen the mobile station in a iven !osition is !erformin a handover' but is receivin t0o cells usin the same 3447 fre8uenc." This can ha!!en 0hen the mobile station is movin alon the national borders' 0here on each side of the border the different 6KMC o!erators have some fre8uencies in common" 1n order to discriminate bet0een cells transmittin the 3447 channels at the same fre8uenc.' the mobile station uses the 3ase Station 1dentif. 4ode (3S14)" The 3S14 is broadcast on the S47 (S.nchroniHation 4hannel) of each cell"


The 3S14 is a local color code that allo0s a mobile station to distin uish bet0een different nei hborin base stations% 7o0ever> it is not an ambi uous identification of a base station" Man. cells bear the same 3S14" The scheme of 3S14 values to be used is normall. laid do0n in a bilateral a reement bet0een the concerned 6KMC o!erators to !revent that the same 3S14 is used in adNacent 6KMCs"


D-< 3 + 23 $iscontinuous Transmission ($TB) is a mechanism that allo0s the radio transmitter to be s0itched off most of the time durin s!eech !auses" $TB ma. be a!!lied inde!endentl. to each direction' so that the control of $TB must ta=e into account t0o com!onents# The u!lin= mode The do0nlin= mode

$TB can be enabled or disabled for the u!lin= and<or do0nlin= mode on a !er%cell basis" The follo0in fi ure sho0s $iscontinuous Transmission ($TB)"

F ! " 12


$TB inhibits the transmission of the radio si nal 0hen not re8uired from an information !oint of vie0" 1n the $TB mode' s!eech is encoded at 1G=bit<s 0hen the user is effectivel. s!ea=in ' but in a s!eech !ause information is transmitted at a bit rate around J00 bit<s" this 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; 1&

Version 1 Revision 0 O & M of GSM (Alcatel) lo0 rate flo0 is sufficient to encode the bac= round noise' 0hich is re% enerated to ensure that the listener does not thin= that the connection is bro=en (comfort noise)" At the transmission side' the voice activit. detection function detects 0hether s!eech 0ill be transmitted on a !articular radio lin= or not" )hen it detects that no s!eech has to be transmitted' transmission 0ill cease after a defined !eriod of time after s!eech activit. has sto!!ed" The transmitter 0ill !eriodicall. send a si nal called a Silence 1ndicator 3loc= ever. certain !eriod of time" The Silence 1ndicator 3loc= !rovides the comfort noise level information to the mobile station or 3TS"


)hen $TB is a!!lied' actual transmission on the radio !ath is reduced" This 0ill cause a decrease of the interference level in co%channel cells (usin the same fre8uenc.)" Another advanta e 0ill a!!ear 0hen usin $TB in the u!lin= mode# it saves batter. !o0er for the mobile station" 7o0ever' a disadvanta e of the $TB mode is that it sli htl. deteriorates the 8ualit. of transmission" Cote that transmittin in $TB mode does not save timeslots on the air%interface"


D-< 3 + 23 4all re%establishment enables the mobile station to resume the contact 0ith the cellular net0or= 0hen the connection to a !articular V3TS is suddenl. bro=en" This ma. ha!!en because of a brutal !ro!a ation loss' due to obstacles such as brid es and tunnels" 4all re%establishment is a GSM feature that can be enabled or disabled on a !er cell basis"


After the communication has been lost' the mobile station selects the cell 0ith the hi hest si nal stren th from the nei hbor cell list" The nei hbor cell list contains the cell identifiers to 0hich a handover is allo0ed" 1t is =e!t in the 3S4 of a !articular cell" The list is transferred to the mobile station in the 3447 durin the re istration !hase of a 0ireless call" The mobile station uses the nei hbor cell list b. onl. measurin the si nals from the 3TSs located in the cells that are on the list" The selected cell identifier is used to re%establish the connection to that !articular cell b. follo0in the normal access !rocedures" Actuall.' it sends an access re8uest on the RA47 (Random Access 4hannel) of the !articular fre8uenc. channel" At the moment of time the communication is lost' a timer is initiated in the servin MS4" )hen the timer e/!ires' it is not !ossible an.more for the mobile station to re%establish the call" A t.!ical value for the timer is @ seconds"


D-< 3 + 23 The 5re8uenc. 7o!!in function !ermits the d.namic s0itchin of radio lin=s from one carrier fre8uenc. to another" 5re8uenc. ho!!in chan es the fre8uenc. used b. a radio lin= ever. ne0 TM$A frame in a re ular !attern" 5re8uenc. 7o!!in is a GSM feature 0hich can be enabled or disabled on a !er cell basis"

3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00;


Version 1 Revision 0

O & M of GSM (Alcatel)


The reasons of usin 5re8uenc. 7o!!in are# $ecreasin the !robabilit. of interference 5re8uenc. 7o!!in 0ill s!read the anno.ance of interference over different mobile stations in a !articular cell" Su!!ressin the effect of Ra.lei h fadin

Ra.lei h fadin (or multi!ath fadin ) is caused b.%different !aths follo0ed b. the radio si nal" Ra.lei h fadin can cause covera e holes" Ra.lei h fadin is location and fre8uenc. de!endent" )hen the mobile station is stationar. or moves at a slo0 s!eed" 5re8uenc. 7o!!in 0ill si nificantl. im!rove the level of the air% interface !erformance" 7o0ever' 0hen the mobile station moves at a hi h s!eed" 5re8uenc. 7o!!in does not harm' but does not hel! much either" The more fre8uencies are used in a !articular cell' the more 5re8uenc. 7o!!in can ain in su!!ressin the effect of Ra.lei h fadin "


The re ular !attern' b. 0hich a radio lin= chan es carrier fre8uenc.' is described b. the ho!!in se8uence" The ho!!in se8uence can have a c.clic !attern or a !seudo%random !attern" 5ollo0in fi ure sho0s the 4.clical 5re8uenc. 7o!!in Scheme

F ! " 13

1n order to calculate the ho!!in se8uence' a function issued 0hich ma!s a !articular T$MA frame to a radio fre8uenc. 0ithin the set of fre8uencies' usin !arameters such as T$MA frame number and number of fre8uencies in the set of fre8uencies" 3oth the u!lin= and the do0nlin= use the same ho!!in se8uence" 5or this !ur!ose the !arameters used to calculate the ho!!in se8uences are also transferred from the 3TS to the mobile station" There is an e/ce!tion for the fre8uenc. ho!!in se8uence" This e/ce!tion is a!!licable to timeslots bearin the common channels (3447' 5447' S47' 6AG47 and RA47) in timeslot number 0 of the lo0est radio fre8uenc." To reduce com!le/it. of the GSM s.stem' the common channels do not ho! (the. are fi/ed)" 3R3RA1TT' 9abal!ur' 1ssued in 9une%:00; :1

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