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Dutch India is a term used to refer to the settlements and trading posts of the Dutch East India Company

on the Indian subcontinent. Dutch presence on the Indian subcontinent lasted from 1605 to 1825. erchants of the Dutch East India Company first established themsel!es in Dutch Coromandel" notably #ulicat" $hey %ere loo&ing for te'tiles to e'change %ith the spices they traded in the East Indies Dutch (uratte and Dutch )engal succeeded in 1616 and 162* respecti!ely. +fter the Dutch con,uered Ceylon from the #ortuguese in 1656" they too& the #ortuguese forts on the Ceylon from #ortuguese in!asion alabar coast fi!e years later as %ell" to secure

In the second half of the eighteenth century the Dutch lost their influence more and more. Dutch )engal %ere restored to Dutch rule by !itue of the +nglo-Dutch $reaty of 181." they returned to )ritish rule o%ing to the pro!isions of the +nglo-Dutch $reaty of 182.. In 1825" the Dutch had lost their last trading post in India.

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