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PAYMENT PLAN FOR KIDS CAMP 2014 July 7-11 You can pay in full at any time or follow

our payment plan. Cost of camp is $210 and spending money.

$50.00 Deposit & Application due by on April 2! $50.00 due by on "ay 1# $55.00 due by on $%&' 15 $55.00 plus monies for pre(purc)ased "oney card and or optional camp D*D or All Camp +)oto due by on $une 2, Your childs trip must be paid in full by July 7.
Please remember that even if you choose to pay by the payment plan, Life church pays the Potomac District in full for your child to attend camp, in good faith that you intend to fulfill your commitment to this payment plan. Cancelations can be made up till June !, but they "ill be sub#ect to a $%& non'refundable processing fee. (ny cancellations after June )& "ill only be refunded the monies paid for camp souvenirs and money cards.

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