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Law of Obligations

The Law of Obligations or vlaigus is an area of law that regulates both contractual and non-contractual obligations between two or more parties. A contractual obligation legally forces all bound parties to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations determined in a signed contract. A non-contractual obligation, on the other hand, does not involve a signed contract between the parties and regulates, among other similar claims, the unlawful causing of damage to ones property or belongings. A gift from one person to another is also seen by law as a non-contractual obligation. It is important to know that within this area of law, ones contractual or noncontractual rights and responsibilities are always referred to as obligations, and the area focuses mainly on the creation, effects and extinction of these obligations. There are 4 very important elements of obligation one should be familiar with while dealing with the Law of Obligations or vlaigus. These elements are: 1. the obligor - the person lawfully bound to fulfill the obligation; 2. the obligee - the person who is entitled to demand the fulfillment of the obligation; 3. the subject matter, the prestation - the performance to be tendered; 4. the vinculum juris or the legal bond - the cause that binds the obligants to the prestation. It is important for individuals to be familiar with the abovementioned terms because people participate in relationships concerning the Law of Obligations every day without even acknowledging it. For an example, citizens are bound with purchase agreements while shopping in the mall or passenger transport contracts while taking a casual bus ride home. The Law of Obligations can, however, sometimes be a lot trickier than it seems at the first glance. It is for that reason people involved in cases regarding vlaigus or Law of Obligations should ask a specialist of the particular legal area for help and advice in order to find the best solution for their specific claim. One should always keep in mind that working with legal specialists who are specifically dedicated to and have long-term work experience in the field of vlaigus are the ones who will be able to give the finest advice and ensure the best results.

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