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Orange Communications SA


OCH - Engineering RAN; E2E Services Team; Piotrowski Micha ; Change Management N!; A"# - Maeke ae Pau i; Ra$io O%timisation Team& OSS Con'iguration Team (CH)No%*Networkcon'ig+a cate - ucent*com,; NSA; Henri Chang

Originator: Approval: ETN 342 Date:

NSN - Petr Mach OCH - .incent /arin ETN 012 - 2irect Resource A ocation 'or HSPA 03th 4une 2355

Current 6 a 373 k8%s 2CH is a ocate$ $uring NRT PS RA9 esta8 ishment in CE"")2CH* Su8se:uent 6 ra$io 8earer gets recon'igure$ to HSPA when a ca%acit6 re:uest is receive$* "ikewise& RA9 esta8 ishment in CE"");ACH $oes not a ocate user % ane ra$io resources* 2irect Resource A ocation 'or HSPA <RAN5=>2? a ocates HSPA $uring RA9 esta8 ishment* The 'eature is a%% ica8 e to RA9 esta8 ishment in 8oth CE"")2CH an$7or CE"");ACH $e%en$ing on %arameteri@ation o' the 'eature* 2irect resource a ocation 'or HSPA is a%% ica8 e to PS NRT connections <interactive or 8ackgroun$ tra''ic c asses? which are serve$ as HSPA connections <not HS2PA or 2CH connections?* This 'eature re$uces connection esta8 ishment $e a6 an$ hence im%roves en$-user eA%erience 'or a%% ications which re:uire imme$iate $ata trans'er*

There is a risk o' increase$ PS Access 'ai ures $ue to #E a''ecting a so PS accessi8i it6*

ETN 012 - 2irect Resource A ocation 'or HSPA %age 572

Network C anges:
2irect Resource A ocation 'or HSPA is inc u$e$ as %art o' the 8asic R#23 so'tware an$ $oes not re:uire a icense* This 'eature is R#23 BOn To%C 'eature an$ there'ore RNC7!9TS has to 8e on corres%on$ing S! eve *
Abbreviated Name Usage of the direct resource allocation for PSNRT HSPA Abbreviated Name Object Old value New value RABDRAEnabled RNC Disabled(0 Enabled in Cell!"ACH and Cell!DCH (#

Trial Area:
The tria wi 8e con$ucte$ in RNC.2DDE5* Since the %arameter switch 'or this 'eature is RNC eve a ce s un$er this RNC wi have $irect resource a ocation 'or HSPA ena8 e$*

!c e"#ling:
Target im% ementation $ate 55th 4u 6*

$onitoring an" Eval#ation

The 'o owing PM counters wi 8e monitore$F o o o o RNC)5D00aF PS RA9 Access ;R $ue to #E RNC)G=>eF Packet Service Setu% Success Ratio <CSSR? RNC)5G=aF RA9 Setu% an$ Access Com% ete Ratio 'or NRT Service PS Tra''ic

2rive tests 8e'ore an$ a'ter nee$e$ to check that the network 8ehaves as eA%ecte$* Another reason 'or $rive tests is nee$ 'or an assessment o' PS ca s setu% time which is consi$ere$ as the main 8ene'it o' this 'eature* 2rive tests shou $ 8e %er'orme$ with HSPA ca%a8 e #E <HS2PA7E-2CH? making PS NRT RA9 esta8 ishments in either CE"")2CH or CE"");ACH $e%en$ing on whether RAN5=D=F Common Channe Setu% 'eature is ena8 e$ or not*

ETN 012 - 2irect Resource A ocation 'or HSPA %age 272

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