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Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights 16 Days Day 1 2 3 ! # $ 7 8 ) 1* 11 12 13 1!

1# 1$ Topic The National Judiciary 18-1 The National Judiciary 18-1 The Inferior ourts 18-2 The Supre"e ourt 18-3 The Supre"e ourt 18-3 The %naliena&le 'i(hts 1)-1 Due +rocess of ,a- 2*-1 Due +rocess of ,a- 2*-1 'i(hts of the .ccused 2*-3 'i(hts of the .ccused 2*-3 /0uality 1efore the ,a- 21-2 2ederal i3il 'i(hts ,a-s 21-2 ."erican iti4enship 21-! ."erican iti4enship 21-! %nit 'e3ie%nit Test 1.3, 2.7, 3.11, #.#, #.1* 3.11, #.#, #.1* 3.11, #.#, #.1* 3.11, #.#, #.1* 3.11, #.#, #.1* 3.11 3.11, #.12 !.1*, #.1, #.2 !.1*, #.1, #.2 State Standards 3.3, 3.7, 3.11 3.3, 3.7, 3.11 3.3, 3.7 3.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.18

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 1: The ational Judiciary 1!"1 #$%ectives: 1. +re-Test for 5no-led(e of the Judicial 1ranch and i3il 'i(hts 2. Descri&e the National Judiciary and its structure 3. /6plain different types of 7urisdictions !. Descri&e federal 7ud(es and outline their appoint"ent &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! +re-Test8 1* "inutes 2. lass Discussion8 The National Judiciary92*-2# "inutes

3. 'ormative &ssessment: /6it Slip :a3e students (et out a sheet of paper. onduct the follo-in( oral 0ui4 o3er the o&7ecti3es for today. ;et in as "any 0uestions as possi&le. :a3e students (rade their o-n 0ui4 then collect. .llo- a "inute or t-o to re3ie- notes prior to the 0ui48 1. 2. !. #. The national 7udiciary -as created &y -hich .rticle of the onstitution< Descri&e ori(inal 7urisdiction8 Descri&e .ppellate Jurisdiction8 Descri&e /6clusi3e Jurisdiction8

State Standards &ddressed: 3.3, 3.7, 3.11

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day (: The ational Judiciary 1!"1 #$%ectives: 1. Descri&e the National Judiciary and its structure 2. /6plain different types of 7urisdictions 3. Descri&e federal 7ud(es and outline their appoint"ent &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 2. o"plete %nit ! =oca&ulary. Due Day 3 1#-2* "inutes

o"plete lass Discussion8 The National Judiciary92*-2# "inutes

3. %nit ! Test +rep8 >?s 1-#8 Students are to -or5 indi3idually on this assi(n"ent. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. 1# "inutes

State Standards &ddressed: 3.3, 3.7, 3.11

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day ): The *n+erior Courts 1!"( #$%ectives: 1. Descri&e the structure and 7urisdiction of the federal district courts 2. Descri&e the structure and 7urisdiction of the federal courts of appeals &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! Test +rep >?s $-1*. @ay &e done in (roups or indi3idually. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. AThere ,ill $e a -ui. on Day / over Test 0re1 23s 1"14 1# "inutes 2. 3. !. ollect h 18 =oca& lass Discussion8 The Inferior ourts92*-2# "inutes 'ormative &ssessment: +ro3e it A;i3e students 3-# "inutes to re3ie- their notes AStudents should ta5e out a pa(e or B pa(e of paper A lose &oo5s C notes AStudents should -rite infor"ation they learned today a&out each of lesson?s o&7ecti3es ATurn into teacher -hen finished ADnce collected ta5e student 3olunteers to descri&e infor"ation a&out each o&7ecti3e. If you feel students do not understand the "aterial re-teach it on Day

#. If ti"e per"its you "ay use the National Judiciary =enn Dia(ra" acti3ity as re3ie-. 5Remind Students o+ Day / 6ui. over Test 0re1 1"14

State Standards &ddressed: 3.3, 3.7

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 4: The Su1reme Court 1!") #$%ectives: 1. /6plain the concept of Judicial 'e3ie2. Dutline the scope of the Supre"e ourt?s 7urisdiction 3. Descri&e ho- cases reach the Supre"e ourt !. /6plain ho- the Supre"e ourt operates &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 ESupre"e ourt @e"&ershipF Daily -ar"-up acti3ity >11). Students "ay use their &oo5 for this acti3ity. AReminder: There ,ill $e a -ui. on Day / over Test 0re1 23s 1"14 1* "inutes 2. lass Discussion8 The Supre"e ourt8 2#-3* "inutes

!. 'ormative &ssessment: /6it Slip :a3e students (et out a sheet of paper. onduct the follo-in( oral 0ui4 o3er the o&7ecti3es for today. ;et in as "any 0uestions as possi&le. :a3e students (rade their o-n 0ui4 then collect. .llo- a "inute or t-o to re3ie- notes prior to the 0ui48 1. Ghat principle did the case Marbury v. Madison esta&lish< 2. :o- can the Supre"e ourt chec5 the po-er of the +resident< 3. Ghat types of 7urisdiction does the Supre"e ourt ha3e< !. Descri&e ho- a case reaches the Supre"e ourt &y Grit of ertiorari8 5Remind Students o+ Day / 6ui. over Test 0re1 1"14

State Standards &ddressed: 3.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.18

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day /: The Su1reme Court 1!") #$%ectives: 1. /6plain the concept of Judicial 'e3ie2. Dutline the scope of the Supre"e ourt?s 7urisdiction 3. Descri&e ho- cases reach the Supre"e ourt !. /6plain ho- the Supre"e ourt operates &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 'e3ie- Test +rep >?s 1-1*. .llo- a&out 3-! "inutes for students to study 0uietly and 3-! "inutes for students to study -H a partner if they choose. Durin( the study period E-or5 the roo"F helpin( students and as5 if they ha3e any 0uestions. 1* "inutes 2. Summative &ssessment: Iui49Test +rep 1-1*. A;rade in class and discuss ans-ers A1*-1# "inutes 3. o"plete lass Discussion8 The Supre"e ourt8 2* "inutes hapter 18 sections 2 C 3

!. Summative &ssessment: Dpen 1oo5 Iui48 ADue on Day #

#. 'eadin( o"prehension .cti3ity8 18-3 Jonly if ti"e per"itsK

State Standards &ddressed: 3.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.18

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 6: The Unaliena$le Rights 17"1 #$%ectives: 1. %nderstand that ri(hts (uaranteed &y a li"ited (o3ern"ent are not a&solute 2. /6plain ho- federalis" affects indi3idual ri(hts 3. Descri&e ho- the )th ."end"ent helps protect indi3idual ri(hts &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! Test +rep >?s 11-17-- @ay &e done in (roups or indi3idually. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. 1# "inutes 2. ollect Dpen 1oo5 Iui4 h 18 Sections 2 C 3. A;rade in lass ADiscuss ans-ers to re3ie- "aterial A1* "inutes lass Discussion8 hapter 1) section 18 %naliena&le 'i(hts 1#-2* "inutes


!. 'ormative &ssessment: +ro3e it A;i3e students 3-# "inutes to re3ie- their notes AStudents should ta5e out a pa(e or B pa(e of paper A lose &oo5s C notes AStudents should -rite infor"ation they learned today a&out each of lesson?s o&7ecti3es9:a3e students e6plain each of the 3 o&7ecti3es ATurn into teacher -hen finished ADnce collected ta5e student 3olunteers to descri&e infor"ation a&out each o&7ecti3e. If you feel students do not understand the "aterial re-teach it on Day 7

State Standards &ddressed: 1.3, 2.7, 3.11, #.1*, #.#

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 8: Due 0rocess o+ 9a, (4"1 #$%ectives: 1. /6plain the concept of Due +rocess of la- as set out in the #th C 1!th ."end"ents 2. Define police po-er and its relationship to ci3il ri(hts 3. Descri&e a persons ri(ht to pri3acy &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! Test +rep >?s 11-17-- @ay &e done in (roups or indi3idually. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. 1# "inutes ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day ! over Test 0re1 23s 11"(4 2. lass Discussion8 Due +rocess of ,a-8 h 2* section 18 2*-2# "inutes

3. Supre"e ourt ase 1rief8 Miranda v. Arizona 1)$$ ADiscuss the case -H. class A.llo- students ti"e to read the case &rief A:a3e students ans-er the discussion 0uestions >?s 1-# ADiscuss the ans-ers C case -ith the class A1#-2* "inutes ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day ! over Test 0re1 23s 11"(4

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11, #.1*, #.#

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day !: Due 0rocess o+ 9a, (4"1 #$%ectives: 1. /6plain the concept of Due +rocess of la- as set out in the #th C 1!th ."end"ents 2. Define police po-er and its relationship to ci3il ri(hts 3. Descri&e a persons ri(ht to pri3acy &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 'e3ie- Test +rep >?s 11-2!. .llo- a&out 3-! "inutes for students to study 0uietly and 3-! "inutes for students to study -H a partner if they choose. Durin( the study period E-or5 the roo"F helpin( students and as5 if they ha3e any 0uestions. 1* "inutes 2. Summative &ssessment: Iui4 Test +rep 11-2! A;rade in class A'e3ie- "aterial &y discussin( ans-ers -ith the class A1# "inutes 3. o"plete lass Discussion8 Due +rocess of ,a-8 h 2* section 18 1#-2* "inutes

!. 'ormative &ssessment: /6it Slip :a3e students (et out a sheet of paper. onduct the follo-in( oral 0ui4 o3er the o&7ecti3es for today. ;et in as "any 0uestions as possi&le. :a3e students (rade their o-n 0ui4 then collect. .llo- a "inute or t-o to re3ie- notes prior to the 0ui48 1. Ghich 2 ."end"ents are considered the EDue +rocessF clauses< 2. Descri&e pro&a&le cause and ho- its used8 3. Ghat is the .uthority of the State to act to protect health, safety, "orals and (eneral -elfare< !. Descri&e the case Roe v. Wade. :o- does that case relate to ri(ht to pri3acy<

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11, #.1*, #.#

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 7: Rights o+ the &ccused (4") #$%ectives: 1. Define8 Grit of :a&eas orpus, &ills of attainder, e6 post facto la-s 2. /6plain ho- the ri(ht to a (rand 7ury and the (uarantee a(ainst dou&le 7eopardy safe(uard the ri(hts of the accused. 3. Descri&e the (uarantees a(ainst self-incri"ination and to an ade0uate defense &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 Supre"e ourt ase 1rief8 ;ideon 3. Gain-ri(ht ADiscuss the case -H. class A.llo- students ti"e to read the case &rief A:a3e students ans-er the discussion 0uestions >?s 1-# ADiscuss the ans-ers C case -ith the class A1#-2* "inutes or AIf 2or"ati3e .ssess"ent fro" Day 8 -as unsatisfactory re-teach "aterial 2. lass Discussion8 'i(hts of the .ccused8 2*-2# "inutes

3. Supre"e ourt ases Study ;uide8 A+assout the Supre"e ourt ases Study ;uide ADiscuss directions -ith class A.ssi(n students to research and study cases 1-$. :a3e the" done &y Day 1* A.llo- re"ainder of ti"e to -or5 on researchin( C studyin( the cases ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1( over Su1reme Court Cases

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11, #.1*, #.#

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 14: Rights o+ the &ccused (4") #$%ectives: 1. Define8 Grit of :a&eas orpus, &ills of attainder, e6 post facto la-s 2. /6plain ho- the ri(ht to a (rand 7ury and the (uarantee a(ainst dou&le 7eopardy safe(uard the ri(hts of the accused. 3. Descri&e the (uarantees a(ainst self-incri"ination and to an ade0uate defense &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 Supre"e ourt ases Study ;uide A.llo- students a&out 2-3 "inutes to re3ie- cases 1-$ ADiscuss cases 1-$. .llo- students to ta5e notes and as5 0uestions A.ssi(n cases 7-12. .llo- a&out #-1* "inutes for students to research C study A1#-2* "inutes 2. o"plete lass Discussion8 'i(hts of the .ccused8 2*-2# "inutes

3. 'ormative &ssessment: +ro3e it A;i3e students 3-# "inutes to re3ie- their notes AStudents should ta5e out a pa(e or B pa(e of paper A lose &oo5s C notes AStudents should -rite infor"ation they learned today a&out each of lesson?s o&7ecti3es9:a3e students e6plain each of the 3 o&7ecti3es ATurn into teacher -hen finished ADnce collected ta5e student 3olunteers to descri&e infor"ation a&out each o&7ecti3e. If you feel students do not understand the "aterial re-teach it on Day 11. ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1( over Su1reme Court Cases

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11, #.1*, #.#

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 11: :-uality Be+ore the 9a, (1"( #$%ectives: 1. /6plain i"portance of the Ee0ual protection clause.F 2. Descri&e history of se(re(ation in ."erica 3. /6a"ine discri"ination and classifications &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 Supre"e ourt ases Study ;uide A.llo- students a&out 2-3 "inutes to re3ie- cases 7-12 ADiscuss cases 7-12. .llo- students to ta5e notes and as5 0uestions ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1( over the Su1reme Court Cases A1#-2* "inutes 2. lass Discussion8 /0uality 1efore the ,a-8 2*-2# "inutes

3. 'ormative &ssessment: Thu"&s upHThu"&s do-n A;i3e students 3-# "inutes to re3ie- their notes A o3er core infor"ation &y (i3in( true andHor false state"ents AIf students a(ree the state"ent is correct ha3e the" (i3e a Ethu"&s-upF AIf students &elie3e the state"ent is false ha3e the" (i3e a Ethu"&s-do-nF ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1( over Su1reme Court Cases

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 1(: 'ederal Civil Rights 9a,s (1") #$%ectives: 1. Dutline history of ci3il ri(hts la-s fro" 'econstruction-present 2. /6plore issues of -o"en?s ri(hts and affir"ati3e action &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 'e3ie- Supre"e ourt ase Study ;uide. .llo- a&out 3-! "inutes for students to study 0uietly and 3-! "inutes for students to study -H a partner if they choose. Durin( the study period E-or5 the roo"F helpin( students and as5 if they ha3e any 0uestions. 1* "inutes 2. Summative &ssessment: Iui49Supre"e ourt ases. A;rade in class and discuss ans-ers A1*-1# "inutes 2. lass Discussion8 2ederal i3il 'i(hts ,a-s8 2*-2# "inutes

3. 'ormative &ssessment: Thu"&s upHThu"&s do-n A;i3e students 3-# "inutes to re3ie- their notes A o3er core infor"ation &y (i3in( true andHor false state"ents AIf students a(ree the state"ent is correct ha3e the" (i3e a Ethu"&s-upF AIf students &elie3e the state"ent is false ha3e the" (i3e a Ethu"&s-do-nF #R AIf "ore ti"e is a3aila&le you "ay do an Ee6it-slipF or Epro3e-itF

State Standards &ddressed: 3.11, #.12

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 1): &merican Citi.enshi1 (1"4 #$%ectives: 1. Descri&e ho- people &eco"e ."erican citi4ens &y &irth C naturali4ation 2. /6plain ho- an ."erican "ay lose citi4enship 3. Descri&e history of i""i(ration in the %.S. &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! Test +rep >?s 2#-328 @ay &e done in (roups or indi3idually. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. 1# "inutes ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1/ over Test 0re1 23s (/"44 2. lass Discussion8 ."erican iti4enship8 2*-2# "inutes

3. 'eadin( o"prehension .cti3ity8 21-!8 1*-1# "inutes

State Standards &ddressed: !.1*, #.1, #.2

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 14: &merican Citi.enshi1 (1"4 #$%ectives: 1. Descri&e ho- people &eco"e ."erican citi4ens &y &irth C naturali4ation 2. /6plain ho- an ."erican "ay lose citi4enship 3. Descri&e history of i""i(ration in the %.S. &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 %nit ! Test +rep >?s 33-!*8 @ay &e done in (roups or indi3idually. .fter students ans-er 0uestions discuss the core concepts pre3iously co3ered in class and on the test prep acti3ity. 1# "inutes ARemind Students there ,ill $e a -ui. on Day 1/ over Test 0re1 23s (/"44 2. o"plete lass Discussion8 ."erican iti4enship8 If necessary91# "ins

3. 'eadin( o"prehension .cti3ity8 21-!8 collect or discuss !. iti4enship Test e6a"ple8 if ti"e per"its

#. 'ormative &ssessment: /6it Slip :a3e students (et out a sheet of paper. onduct the follo-in( oral 0ui4 o3er the o&7ecti3es for today. ;et in as "any 0uestions as possi&le. :a3e students (rade their o-n 0ui4 then collect. .llo- a "inute or t-o to re3ie- notes prior to the 0ui48 1. . person -ho co"es to the %.S. fro" another country and is le(ally ad"itted is called a8 2. The le(al process throu(h -hich a person &eco"es a citi4en is called8 3. Descri&e the "ost co""on -ay ."ericans &eco"e citi4ens !. If a child has one parent -ho is an ."erican citi4en and that parent C child "eet residency re0uire"ents is the child an ."erican citi4en<

State Standards &ddressed: !.1*, #.1, #.2

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 1/: Unit 4 Revie, #$%ectives: 1. 'e3ie- learned "aterial to prepare for the %nit ! Test &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 'e3ie- Test +rep >?s 2#-!*. .llo- a&out 3-! "inutes for students to study 0uietly and 3-! "inutes for students to study -H a partner if they choose. Durin( the study period E-or5 the roo"F helpin( students and as5 if they ha3e any 0uestions. 1* "inutes 2. Summative &ssessment: Iui4 Test +rep 2#-!* A;rade in class A'e3ie- "aterial &y discussin( ans-ers -ith the class A1# "inutes 3. Test 'e3ieA:a3e students 0uietly study Test +rep >?s 1-2! ADurin( this ti"e -al5 around, ta5e 0uestions, "a5e sure test preps are co"pleted. A1* "inutes !. Discuss test prep ite"s that you consider difficult or that you ha3e seen students stru((lin( -ith. #. ;roup Dral Iui48 use the Test prep ans-er sheet to create on the spot 0uestions. /ach (roup -ill ans-er 0uestions. ;i3e pri4es to -inners.

United States Government Unit 4: The Judicial Branch and Civil Rights Day 16: Unit 4 Test

#$%ectives: 1. 'e3ie- "aterial fro" the past unit 2. Ta5e the %nit ! Test &genda: 1. 1ell-or58 A'e3ie- Test +rep 1-!* 1y yourself, -ith a partner. 1e sure to (o around to students to see if they ha3e 0uestions or need e6planations. 1* "inutes 2. Summative &ssessment: %nit ! Test 3. %nit # =oca&

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